Cheep's moods
4th August 2015
oh btw if you guys ever need a application header or discussion header pls pm me, i can make you one for free . (to see what i mean click here:
1st August 2015
Don't think spamming discussions for XP will help towards your spot as the WCI , it'll only result in a warning for you.
30th July 2015
when you open up gramma's christmas present and she asks "What do you think?":
26th July 2015
If a mood contains dramatic content I'm going to delete it. How's your night going guys
23rd July 2015
I'll be inactive until tomorrow night, not that it really matters since my account on OldCP is dead ;p. See you soon!!
18th July 2015
If you're wondering if OldCP is still down, it's not. You can log in again without it connecting you to a room for an infinite amount of time
15th July 2015
If you're a banker and will be online tomorrow around 4:20 PM EST - 4:30 PM EST for the opening. Thanks !