HaruhiFujioka's moods
29th November 2014
requests for radio Viva La Vida: Coldplay Clocks: Coldplay Yellow: Coldplay. Sorry Im a big fan of Coldplay
28th November 2014
Longest post in existence! PM me for the whole thing! http://prntscr.com/5b9jnv
25th November 2014
Guys, stop bothering Seth. Yes, he is quite annoying to some of you, and yes, he is starting to get on your nerves but, let him be. I am tired with all the drama.
25th November 2014
Can't stop listing to dis song! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXrtZtsrYTQ
17th November 2014
Hey guys! Well, I'm back! I am really sorry for the bad things I have done. I truly apologise. I have missed you very much!