dounia's moods
10th September 2014
Damen, May team Skippingropes be a house? I have people that are willing to join. I have a channel and a post about it.
9th September 2014
I recommend LiveToDance or IndigoPalace for the spot of emperor helper.
9th September 2014
Help! I want minecraft and my parents won't let me! Help me find a way to beg them!
7th September 2014
Everyone wants a rank. You can have fun without a rank! I know you still want it but it takes time.
7th September 2014
Anyone know what I can watch Dance moms on? If you tell me and it works you get 5 gold.
6th September 2014
Stop bomb disliking Sherlocks posts! It's like you guys don't read the post and then just dislike. It's just rude.