Pots's moods

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20th July 2014
I'm so angry, someone tells me to keep a secret about them doing the wrong thing and I have the urge to tell everyone because what they're doing is wrong >.< I hate being way too generous to people who don't deserve anything for what they did >.> God, I hate myself...
20th July 2014
Some things were meant to be connected, I think I knew something without knowing... Secrets are just too much ;_;
19th July 2014
Can't make it through the scary maze without thinking about that scary woman at the end, she's so pretty...
19th July 2014
People are making so much posts of copying.
19th July 2014
Sunwolf's application for mod has been copied by a guy named xderpx, we need to do something about him. For more info: http://forums.damenspike.com/view/21699-Copying!/
19th July 2014
Boy: *eats hamburger* Girl: Yuck! Do you even care about animals? Boy: Yeah, why ask? Girl: If you love animals so much, you wouldn't eat their insides. Just eat veggies and natural stuff. Boy: If you love animals so much then stop eating their food >.> Animals don't get enough food for winter because you're hogging it. (I was bored...)
19th July 2014
Hey, guess what? Today is a Saturday. Why tell? Saturday is when people are the happiest, be happy!
18th July 2014
Day 2 of torture: Oldcp on my computer gets blocked at 8:30, accidentally swallowing a clump of dust, a roach is in my room and was crawling on my leg earlier, I'm calling him Georgino the piece of crap that crawls on people's legs.
18th July 2014
A hawk before, a realhawk after. XD
18th July 2014
http://oi58.tinypic.com/2yxhcba.jpg Let me get some facts straight, you don't ditch teams! You stay faithful to them! These two channels have the same girl, but I don't blame them! This is wrong!
18th July 2014
It's just the everyday chat, I only took a picture because I was bored... http://oi57.tinypic.com/2f05e3c.jpg
17th July 2014
Day 1 of torture: No Nutella, Oldcp is down, someone calls me a thug, "The World" document is deleted. Things aren't going well XD
17th July 2014
I remember when Newcp was Old, an army of penguins with nothing on and was painted black was hacking people in the town. Lots of people were running and screaming as they were hacked by them. After that day, they came back, but with masks and wings. They hacked even more people (including me) I lost my account after the attack. I wish I would never see the same thing EVER happening on Oldcp.
17th July 2014
Once a loser, never again :3
17th July 2014
Before, it just said You have lost connection, now it says "Error in database.2003"
16th July 2014
Odd, some disliked one of my pictures... But I don't see any of them disliked, their rep stays 0.... For now BWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
16th July 2014
Ladies and gentlepenguins! I present to you a horror story and a detective's test at the same time! Story 2 will be coming soon! http://forums.damenspike.com/view/21383-Three Mark Warning/
16th July 2014
The C4 between the chairs might be gone, but there's one under the table! http://oi59.tinypic.com/15ezhx4.jpg
15th July 2014
*Nutella jar empty* ...Whaaaaaaaa...