Mink's moods
26th September 2015
New Broadcast on snailschat at 5:30 (sorry about the delays, I was very busy cleaning my room and going out to lunch and all that, but I'm here now.)
26th September 2015
New broadcast on snailschat at 10:00 or 10:30. Today I start the magic of imovie editing.
25th September 2015
New broadcast on snailschat at 4:30 or 5:00. And why not look at my Snailschat mod app? It's pretty cool. +1 or -1 http://forums.damenspike.com/view/50268/
24th September 2015
Why not look at my Snailschat mod app? http://forums.damenspike.com/view/50268/
23rd September 2015
New snailschat video starts at 2:00 and maybe a new one at 4:00 Be there around those times.
22nd September 2015
Snailschat new video coming out. If you want to join in on the fun. Please go on snailschat. The video will be presented when finished.
21st September 2015
I've completed a special trailer for a special event. It'll be coming shortly.
20th September 2015
I wish we could live in a world where chickens can cross the road without their motives being questioned.
4th September 2015
I'm not gonna be all that active nowadays. And here's why. 1. I feel depressed and stupid about the things I've done on here. It made me really think about things. Going from Fun Mikey to Serious Mikey is very hard for me to do. I'm sure I'll get over this depression. 2. I am getting lots of homework now. It's gonna take me a while to get all of it done. I have lots of things to worry about in terms of school.