Amandapink30's moods

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31st July 2015
Set up a Slip-'n-slide in our backyard. It was fun. My friends kept pulling me down so people ran into me. #wet
30th July 2015
Finally accomplished something. Click here to find out what it is!
29th July 2015
Today has been a fun day, and there's more to it! I went to the zoo, and later I'm going swimming with friends. :) First one to comment gets to come with me.
28th July 2015
Concord is not entirely impossible to beat in Find 4. I beat him once. *does happy dance* It shall be legendary.
27th July 2015
I'm trapped. Wait, I fixed it, nevermind. Why am I still talking? *eats cotton candy*
27th July 2015
When Damen posts something on your discussion and you're like hallelujah:
22nd July 2015
I went to an amusement park today and got stuck on a roller coaster.
15th July 2015
What is this Punch City?
14th July 2015
Congratulations, Cheep! I'm so happy! :D
13th July 2015
I saw Insidious Chapter 3... it was intense. But I liked it.
6th July 2015
Join #TeamTopaz! We only need about 3 more members! :)
5th July 2015
What Does the Fox Say: Dog goes meow, cat goes woof, bird goes squeak and mouse goes tweet. Cow goes pickle, frog goes moo, and the elephant goes nuts. Ducks say taco, and fish go cock-a-doodle-do, and the seal goes roar, roar, roar. But there's one sound that no one knows... WHAT DOES THE AMANDA SAY?! Pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink...
4th July 2015
Comment on this mood if you did the Guess the Users game that I posted.
4th July 2015
Happy Fourth of July! :)
1st July 2015
Happy Canada Day! :)
1st July 2015
I'm going to be gone about half the month. Why? I'm going to Memphis for a couple weeks, then Nashville for a day or two, and then to Kentucky. I'm visiting family. But they have terrible internet connection. So I won't be on for awhile. So, I'll see you soon!