BelIa's moods
24th September 2014
Comment what you want me to talk about or explain today! If I pick your topic/question you will receive 5 gold!
24th September 2014
Comment what you want me to talk about or explain today! If I pick your topic/question you will receive 5 gold!
23rd September 2014
So, I am going to start this thing, where I ask you guys for a subject you want to be explained to a better extent, (I will only do subjects that I know about), and the person who suggested a topic, and I use that topic, will get 5 gold. So please comment below!
23rd September 2014
So, I am going to start this thing, where I ask you guys for a subject you want to be explained to a better extent, (I will only do subjects that I know about), and the person who suggested a topic, and I use that topic, will get 5 gold. So please comment below!