Otaku Goldy's moods
Otaku Goldy
29th March 2015
Great job for people who went to the knight academy! They all did very well
Otaku Goldy
28th March 2015
http://www.quizyourfriends.com/take-quiz1.php?id=1503281554537150& If you get a 100, you get 100 gold. No joke
Otaku Goldy
26th March 2015
Yay! I'm on the stats board. http://oi61.tinypic.com/2celpq0.jpg kewl
Otaku Goldy
21st February 2015
If you wanna have a chat party,click the link. http://aurenjs.com/goldybox
Otaku Goldy
21st February 2015
Can people invite people to their auren.js box on their moods? Or you need to ask permission?
Otaku Goldy
20th February 2015
Is the boogie button still here or something? Some people are getting the badge and they haven't had it before