Hashir's moods

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2nd March 2014
Guys, can you at least forgive Nick? He didn't purposely shoot Bob, get over with it. I don't know why he was shooting though.
27th February 2014
OldCP's population is down all of a sudden
26th February 2014
Hmm.. should I create a team?
26th February 2014
School stands for... S = Seven C = Crap H = Hours O = Of O = Our L = Lives
21st February 2014
Just to tell you I am Hashir on Flippr, not anything else because of a poser -_-.
21st February 2014
Sorry, I had to do studies for a few days.
15th February 2014
Damen, are the /jr rooms full?
15th February 2014
I broke my record of waking up early on weekends!
13th February 2014
I have two things to say. 1. Why are pookies not allowed? I know its unoffical, but everyone HAS the right to be anyone/anything they want. Preventing it just makes this sad. 2. Why is disobeying mods a rule? If mods get a silly rule like that, shouldn't members too? This is just my opinion, #Unfair.
11th February 2014
Why is everyone asking for rooms now? Like we don't have enough rooms..
11th February 2014
Damen, thank you for making that coffee shop thing. I have a feeling its the starting to the next mystery. I can't wait/ :D
8th February 2014
Yay for weekend
6th February 2014
Tuesday: We had our basketball tournament. We started off with a white shirt team, and we won 38 to something around 8. Our second team we versed were green. They played 'zone' which made it a little harder but we still beat them 40-5. We then proceeded to semis, where we versed the same team and won. Can't wait for finals! :D
31st January 2014
'Penguin Not Found' when I try to login on Blizzard.
31st January 2014
I can go up to the Server 'Blizzard' part, but it won't connect after that.
31st January 2014
What did I do to get myself demoted and my account deleted?
31st January 2014
Congrats Key and Dice.
30th January 2014
We need mods >> http://prntscr.com/2nxp32 ( i blocked inapp words)
27th January 2014
http://forums.damenspike.com/view/?id=9902 Damen, can you check my app?