Perla Gunnulfsen's moods
Perla Gunnulfsen
16th July 2015
That moment when people join House Stag just for the party, but after the party they switch back.
Perla Gunnulfsen
16th July 2015
Steve: If a woman charged you to make her wash the dishes, what amount would you say THATS TOO MUCH? Contestant: 5k Steve: 1 DOLLAR!!! was the number one answer. II Steve: Name another way people say 'dam botty' Contestant: 187! *people laugh* Contestant: HEY WHERE IM FROM ITS WHAT THEY SAY!!! lol i love family feud
Perla Gunnulfsen
6th July 2015
I just noticed something.. One more wiki:characters wiki and there'll be 100! LOLOL