Zack TV's moods

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Zack TV
4th May 2019
and i was iron man. -Tony stark
Zack TV
3rd May 2019
What if there was a icecream made out of happiness, would it taste bad or good?
Zack TV
2nd May 2019
Well my dog died today.
Zack TV
26th April 2019

People who read marvel comic: you're not a ReaL fan if YOU diDn'T read the boOks.
Zack TV
25th April 2019
I like to get down...

On my knees to pray, amen!
Zack TV
16th April 2019
Updated my me being fired post. So yknow thats cool.
Zack TV
13th April 2019
My profile picture makes me feel c o o l.
Zack TV
2nd April 2019
@Damen Can you fix the /spf command for ioldcp?
Zack TV
1st April 2019
@Damen Attend the Joke or jest event at 5:00 plz we'd love to have you
Zack TV
1st April 2019
Forming drakes on ioldcp yah
Zack TV
31st March 2019
@Damen can u plz check mail
Zack TV
31st March 2019
@damen Deeply sorry for that.. please come back.
Zack TV
30th March 2019
Malorie: i wanna be mod
me: k
Malorie: oh wait i just wanted the powers not the actual job-
Zack TV
30th March 2019
@damen I accidentally demoted myself on ioldcp... repromote edmund?
Zack TV
27th March 2019
@damen I hate to beg but can you fix these two commands on IOLDCP?
/spf and /unkill
Zack TV
19th March 2019
Damenmanor member badge
(Made by: me)
Zack TV
18th March 2019
@romeo i found a difference... i don't need daddys help to be a good person now do i?
oh man... sriram...
your iq is so low, you'd need a new form of negative to count it.