Kris's moods
25th March 2015
I was at the wedding, and I crashed.. I was in the middle of a recording..
25th March 2015
Woo! There is a wedding feast right now at the Thrones! I can't wait, just 30 more minutes until the marriage!
22nd March 2015
Have you guys ever turned your friend in to a staff member and get them punished? I'm doing it right now
20th March 2015
Congratulations to Tennis for becoming Prince, but goodbye to SirAlice.. alas she was defeated by Zuke, and Zuke was defeated by Gamer..
17th March 2015
A very known player of DSGHQ has just committed treason, we will remember you, Kara.
15th March 2015
I wouldn't have gotten this far in DSGHQ without a friend that has been close to me ever since, Jesse, thank you very much for everything..
12th March 2015
Congratulations to SirEuan for earning knight! I wish you the best of luck in the future!
10th March 2015
Ignore all of those bullies saying terrible stuff, they're just jealous of how awesome you are
9th March 2015
Do you ever get that impatient moment when you're waiting for someone to reply to a message quickly?