Posted in
Ello nice to meet you
19th June 2015, 08:57 PM
Nice to meet you too! Hope you find it cool here on the DSGHQ!
Your pal,
~Pink P
Your pal,
~Pink P
Posted in
The Shadow ~Jilly
19th June 2015, 08:55 PM
Good Find indeed jilly. This could be and important find!
Posted in
unfair freakin treatment
9th June 2015, 08:21 PM
I Totally Agree. I have been one of those "people" forever. I'm not rated bad, but i'm "invisible".
Posted in
Question Of The Day [NEW]
23rd April 2015, 05:06 PM
Hmm, Tough one. But I Think would be a Lion Named Lionel. I like the expressions, " He/She has the heart of the lion" or "you will hear me Roar!!!"
That's the Animal I would Be.
That's the Animal I would Be.
Posted in
Art off gold comp!
23rd April 2015, 04:58 PM
Here's the picture:
You can use it for anything!
You can use it for anything!
Posted in
Club Penguin Closing?
19th April 2015, 09:05 PM
Yoyo The Royal Cat wrote on 19th April 2015 08:04 PM:
Pink Pigeun said on 19th April 2015 07:52 PM:
I have an everlasting membership..
How is that possible? I would like to have one myself
I have an everlasting membership..
How is that possible? I would like to have one myself
I Guess you pay for it every Year.
Thats when my membership expires
Posted in
A Entertaining and Funny Video
15th April 2015, 08:34 PM
I think its a glitch, i could do it either.
Posted in
Test Taking Strategies
14th April 2015, 06:57 PM
Curse the G-milsone!! But the Tips will help greatly..
Posted in
What Is He Sherlock120
14th April 2015, 06:42 PM
Sherlock is like the penguin killer.. He killed penguins and now he's what everyone talks about ;-;