472 posts
Posted in Good Morning OldCP! #5 • 9th March 2015, 06:18 PM

Archie wrote on 9th March 2015 06:13 PM:
Wow this is fantastic, keep it up!!
Mckinlee wrote on 9th March 2015 06:17 PM:
Omg I really enjoy the word search! As Archie said, Keep it up

Thank you guys! I am really glad you enjoy my news.

472 posts
Posted in Good Morning OldCP! #5 • 9th March 2015, 06:06 PM

Good Morning OldCP! It is Tommy0724 and I am excited to share this news report! I am sorry for the wait but it is finally here! Be sure to 1+ if you think I did good and 1- if you think I didn't thank you.

Admins: Damen has made a post that he will NOT demoted Tennis or any other because they demoted you. See the post here

New Levels And Level Badges!: Now there is a new way to earn gold and positive reputation, the way is levels. You earn levels by the number of post and reputation combined, you can also earn badges this way. See the post about the badges here ( See the levels post here (

Improvements On The Snowball Server!: Damen has made a few adjustments to the Snowball Server White Out, the improvements include,
~ Lives no longer show on names
~ Everyone has the same amount of lives
~ Easier to kill and harder to survive
~ Snowballs are now thrown 7x faster than ordinary speed
~ Team (Squad) Titles are green if they are on your team and red if they are your enemy
~ You no longer have 2 grenades per round, you earn them by kills
~ Stats have improved
To see the original post by Damen, click the link ( To view Damen profile click on this link ( To view his wiki click here (

Offical OldCP Titles: Damen has made the offical list of titles, to view the list click on the wiki link here (

Imperial Bank Updates: The Administrator Tennis, new Lord Of The Bank due to Cheep's resignation has taken over made changes to the DSGHQ bank to get it back into shape, including new rules
and slots to become a banker. I will discuss more about how to become a banker after I discuss the new rules.

~New Rules~
~ New maximum amount to borrow from the bank, Ordinary users can borrow 300, Knights can borrow 400, and Moderators can borrow 500.
~ Only users with jobs can borrow gold.
~ Bankers may not loan gold unless the user promises to pay it back within a month.
~ All loans not paid back to the bank will result in punishment, possibly by Damen himself.
~ Stealing from the bank will result in severe punishment.

~Requirements for Banker~
~ Clean history on the DSGHQ
~ Average Grammar
~ Good Behavior
~ At least a member on forums
~ Must have been in the community for at least 4 months
~ Bankers must be willing to work or you will be demoted

There is no deadline or the exact number of bankers they will hire, so you can still make applications either on Tennis's post or in the Application section.
To see the Imperial Bank Updates post by Tennis, click the link ( To view Tennis's profile, click on the link ( To view Tennis's wiki, click on the link (

Interview with May23:: The moderator that loves to do her job, enjoys singing, dancing, acting, and swimming, the one and only May23! Let's begin, remember the key is Q= Question A= Answer

Q1: How many ranks have you ever got?
A1: I have gotten 3. Master, Moderator, and Moth Priest. I don't count member.

Q2: How did you react when you got Moderator back?
A2: I was very happy. Too happy for words. The exact antonym of melancholy! I truly love to Moderate. It sounds cheesy, but I consider it almost a hobby to help out the community. I can help even
if I am not Moderator, but to be able to help to my full capability is what I love most.

Q3: How long have you been on OldCP?
A3: I joined OldCP late September 2013. So about a year and a half.

Q4: If you can have any rank in the game for a 24 hour period, would you stay moderator or be a different rank?
A4: I am perfectly satisfied with my rank, Moderator. I am working towards Administrator possibly in the future, but I am not near ready for a big task such as that.

Q5: Besides Moderator, was there a rank you had that you enjoyed?
A5: No, to be honest. Ever since I joined, I had an interest in Moderating. The first time I earned Moderator, was before the Empire Business- there were no knights. When I came back from my leave
I didn't really have any other interests in other ranks either.

Q6: In the next few years, how do you think you will end up rank wise?
A6: I am not sure on this one. I believe in the next few years, things may be much different. I know I will be much more mature. Who knows, maybe I will reach more of my future goals.
Thank you for your time May! To see her profile click on this link (

Word Search!: This is my new segment! Every news paper has a Word Search so why not have one, this is a Moderator word search so try to find as many moderators as possible, the answers will be in
the next Report. Here are the Moderators to look for, Angi, ScreenHog, DSC, May23, Bailey, CpManic, and Hashir. Enjoy the Hunt!


Quote of the day: Laughter is an instant vacation ~ Milton Berle

Shout-Out Box: I got a few shout outs, my first one goes to HeyIt'sRae for being a wonderful friend, go look at her profile here (
My second shout-out goes to YOU guys for reading, thank you all very much. Also a shout-out to everyone in my friend list in my bio,
that you can see here (

Conclusion: This is the conclusion to my 5TH report that I finally did! Thank you all for reading. Be sure to leave a 1+ if I did a good
job. Have a wonderful morning everyone, Good Morning OldCP!

472 posts
Posted in DCP Gone!!!! • 8th March 2015, 05:16 PM

Good, *eats bag of doritos*

472 posts
Posted in The Return Of G.M.O. • 8th March 2015, 01:54 PM

Hey guys, my news series Good Morning OldCP should be back really soon. Due to the wait, I have added many new features I am excited for you guys to see. I also have a sneak peek for who I am going to interview next that will be released when the show returns. Thank you for your patience.

472 posts
Posted in Mod application • 8th March 2015, 12:08 PM

You just copied an application to make yours look good, not cool Bunnies.

472 posts
Posted in The Real Doritos • 8th March 2015, 12:04 PM

We just need to be done with Armies, all they do is talk trash.

472 posts
Posted in To DCP Leaders • 8th March 2015, 10:28 AM

How rude of them, exactly why I don't join armies not only are they boring but it is so much drama.

472 posts
Posted in Mod application • 7th March 2015, 05:43 PM

iBunnies102 wrote on 7th March 2015 05:09 PM:
Thx everyone for your help
I will make more posts and maybe in about 3 months I will apply for member
And for now I will enjoy being a normal player until the time comes for me being a member than
master and finally MOD!
Thx for your help


You don't apply for member.

472 posts
Posted in DSGHQ is Illuminati CONFIRMED! • 5th March 2015, 09:09 PM

You put lots of thought into this, lol 1+.

472 posts
Posted in Knight application • 5th March 2015, 08:22 AM

You are making too many applications, wait a little bit. You made forums just to achieve ranks and that is not the purpose. To achieve ranks it takes hard work and dedication, I don't see dedication due to the fact to make applications day by day. Improve your grammar and I suggest adding color, you are trying to get ranks way too fast. You don't need to have a rank to help the DSGHQ, you can report bad users and help new users. Try to improve your grammar and get more positive reputation. Don't look at my post as I am being mean, look at it as a source for making better applications in the future. I hope one day you get a rank that you like,
if you have any questions do not hesitate to ask.

472 posts
Posted in How do you add colors? • 4th March 2015, 08:42 PM

May52 wrote on 4th March 2015 08:40 PM:
Tommy0724 said on 4th March 2015 08:37 PM:
May52 said on 4th March 2015 08:35 PM:
Rasberry said on 4th March 2015 11:00 AM:
If you're talking about this then do:

[color= blue Thank you raspberry!!/color]
No parenthese.s around blue or thank you Rasberry

Wait it didn't work I don't think I did it right

Oh okay

Try it out, it should look like Thank you Rasberry!!!

472 posts
Posted in How do you add colors? • 4th March 2015, 08:37 PM

May52 wrote on 4th March 2015 08:35 PM:
Rasberry said on 4th March 2015 11:00 AM:
If you're talking about this then do:

[color=(blue)](Thank you raspberry!!)[/color]

Wait it didn't work I don't think I did it right

No parentheses around blue and thank you Rasberry.

472 posts
Posted in Other ways to get Levels • 4th March 2015, 08:07 PM

The buying levels is a good idea, considering people are desperate to get higher levels.

472 posts
Posted in How do you add colors? • 4th March 2015, 07:43 PM

Christina wrote on 4th March 2015 07:27 PM:
I don't get it.
You will click the color button then you will have this [color=][/color] Your cruiser would move right after the equal sign. Then you put the color you want like yellow for example [ col or= YELLOW] Text will go right here [/ col or ] Now my text is yellow I spaced it so you can see. It is not really spaced and you just put the color.

472 posts
Posted in i investegated her house • 4th March 2015, 04:35 PM

This makes no sense Sherlock.