790 posts
Posted in LIVE INTERVIEW SHOW - CZ Edition • 19th October 2022, 11:09 AM

For your question BasedBag

790 posts
Posted in LIVE INTERVIEW SHOW - CZ Edition • 19th October 2022, 11:09 AM

Question for Amir:
Will you open a blog post for evil people?

790 posts
Posted in Penguin3D Movie Episode 9 Voice Actors • 15th October 2022, 12:18 PM

Damen wrote on 2nd October 2022, 05:20 AM:
Hey guys if you want to voice act please write below and also what kind of voices you are good at. If you are brave you can also post a 'sample' of your voice acting hehe.
I am writing the first scripts today for the movie, so your part can be decided soon
ok sure will do

790 posts
Posted in winter is coming • 14th October 2022, 12:52 PM

You need not remind me.

790 posts
Posted in Edge of Night: Episode 26 • 12th October 2022, 11:14 AM

Loki wrote on 12th October 2022, 11:12 AM:
fable wrote on 12th October 2022, 10:52 AM:
After reading this one, some thing have come to my attention.
Excuse me, I do not like the fact you turned Eonwe, a character who is a heroic figure in the history of this game's lore, and turned him into a submissive, weak, and pitiful homosexual. It completely ruins the character in all aspects. J. R. R. Tolkien, by which your work is based on, is rolling in his grave currently. Many of his works were based on Anglo-Saxon myths, such as Beowulf. However, Tolkien was not a misogynist, many characters he made were of heroine nature. Such examples were, Éowyn of Rohan, Melian the Maia, Luthien, and Lady Galadriel. Since his introduction in Episode 9 of your series, his sole purpose was to be a suitor for Varai. It would be foolish of Manwe to set Eonwe up with his daughter, as their age gap is too far. The comparison would be a teenager falling in love with a thousand year old. In his true introduction in Episode 11, Eonwe claims that he cannot marry Illmare, since she is too tied to her work. I don't see how she could have no time to marry Eonwe if they are practicing combat and sparring. Then, Manwe orders Eonwe to wear emo clothing. I do not know why Manwe, someone who is the definition of purity and good, would order someone to wear dark clothing and look evil. It does not fit his character whatsoever. I do think for Episode 12, he is well written. Eonwe is a strong, content, and reasonable man. The next episode, he somehow brought pizza. I don't know why Eonwe is eating pizza, but writer liberty I suppose. You also have Eonwe deliver pineapple pizzas, which is a creation of Melkor's design. His makeup makes him cry. Now I am not sure why a spirit would wear makeup since they can change forms at will. Regardless, Eonwe would not cry in this circumstance. After seeing a picture of Mairon Annatar, Eonwe becomes infatuated and lovestruck towards him. Firstly, Eonwe and Pythas can both change forms at will, there is no reason for him to be lovestruck at a form that Eonwe should know is evil and will corrupt him. You also make Eonwe say, "Women are bad! Down with women!" This would have him sent out of Manwe's courts with no power. He was loyal to Manwe and Varda for very long. Before, Eonwe was a polite gentlemen, but now you have turned him into a misogynistic radical. It does not matter if the makeup is cursed, would Manwe not know the makeup he gave Eonwe was cursed? Are you aware of the true powers of the Valar? Also, you are claiming that being attracted to men is a curse, that is quite politically incorrect! They also have a cure for Eonwe's curse, are you claiming the attraction to men has to be cured? This is bigoted, it makes me quite mad I say! So after reading all of your Edge of Night Episodes, I firmly say that this is a misogynistic, homophobic work.
That is all.
Lol? The makeup was cursed and supposed to be used by Little to make her fall in love with Pythas again. Manwe had Eonwe dress emo because he thinks his daughter is attracted to emos. Also it’s a soap opera, it doesn’t gotta make sense! Still probably follows the lore better than Ring of Power tho.
Your last point is a fair statement.

790 posts
Posted in Edge of Night: Episode 26 • 12th October 2022, 10:52 AM

After reading this one, some thing have come to my attention.
Excuse me, I do not like the fact you turned Eonwe, a character who is a heroic figure in the history of this game's lore, and turned him into a submissive, weak, and pitiful homosexual. It completely ruins the character in all aspects. J. R. R. Tolkien, by which your work is based on, is rolling in his grave currently. Many of his works were based on Anglo-Saxon myths, such as Beowulf. However, Tolkien was not a misogynist, many characters he made were of heroine nature. Such examples were, Éowyn of Rohan, Melian the Maia, Luthien, and Lady Galadriel. Since his introduction in Episode 9 of your series, his sole purpose was to be a suitor for Varai. It would be foolish of Manwe to set Eonwe up with his daughter, as their age gap is too far. The comparison would be a teenager falling in love with a thousand year old. In his true introduction in Episode 11, Eonwe claims that he cannot marry Illmare, since she is too tied to her work. I don't see how she could have no time to marry Eonwe if they are practicing combat and sparring. Then, Manwe orders Eonwe to wear emo clothing. I do not know why Manwe, someone who is the definition of purity and good, would order someone to wear dark clothing and look evil. It does not fit his character whatsoever. I do think for Episode 12, he is well written. Eonwe is a strong, content, and reasonable man. The next episode, he somehow brought pizza. I don't know why Eonwe is eating pizza, but writer liberty I suppose. You also have Eonwe deliver pineapple pizzas, which is a creation of Melkor's design. His makeup makes him cry. Now I am not sure why a spirit would wear makeup since they can change forms at will. Regardless, Eonwe would not cry in this circumstance. After seeing a picture of Mairon Annatar, Eonwe becomes infatuated and lovestruck towards him. Firstly, Eonwe and Pythas can both change forms at will, there is no reason for him to be lovestruck at a form that Eonwe should know is evil and will corrupt him. You also make Eonwe say, "Women are bad! Down with women!" This would have him sent out of Manwe's courts with no power. He was loyal to Manwe and Varda for very long. Before, Eonwe was a polite gentlemen, but now you have turned him into a misogynistic radical. It does not matter if the makeup is cursed, would Manwe not know the makeup he gave Eonwe was cursed? Are you aware of the true powers of the Valar? Also, you are claiming that being attracted to men is a curse, that is quite politically incorrect! They also have a cure for Eonwe's curse, are you claiming the attraction to men has to be cured? This is bigoted, it makes me quite mad I say! So after reading all of your Edge of Night Episodes, I firmly say that this is a misogynistic, homophobic work.
That is all.

790 posts
Posted in ancient bagwisdom 1/? • 10th October 2022, 10:29 AM

"always read the manga"
- jacobg definitely

790 posts
Posted in UNDO THE KILLING = BAN LAW • 9th October 2022, 10:10 PM

basedbag wrote on 9th October 2022, 06:59 PM:
no1 should be banned cuz they were evil
arrested of course! but not banned!
Simply grow stronger.
I rest my case.
ty majin buu

790 posts
Posted in The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings Of Power • 16th September 2022, 01:49 PM

havent seen ep. 3, ill watch it sometime
- LOTR fan

790 posts
Posted in Wiki Suggestion • 7th September 2022, 01:15 PM

Great idea, I thought of this previously and agree 100%

790 posts
Posted in If you could choose one spell from harry potter • 3rd September 2022, 01:20 PM

harry15514 wrote on 2nd September 2022, 08:42 AM:
crucio LMAO

790 posts
Posted in New Health/Force Formula • 28th June 2022, 07:33 PM

Damen wrote on 25th June 2022, 02:57 PM:
I'm testing out a new formula for calculating health and force
The idea is that instead of health/strength increasing linearly (in a straight line), it increases in a curve like this
Health and force will increase less as strength increases
The formula if interested:
SHC = 2000
health = easeOutQuart(strength / SHC, 0, strength / SHC, (strength / SHC) ^ 1.8 )
I also want everyone to be less OP because there's not a whole lot that can be done against 50k+ strength players
Please give feedback, maybe its too much or too little?
Oh wow this is cool, the calculation before which was
This is much cooler, I might make another formula for this.
Note: SINC is what I called SHC and it means Strength Increment. It's actually the same number which is amazing how my original calculator was so accurate.
Update: Ok formula is kinda working idk how EOC is calculated

790 posts
Posted in My new Title • 16th May 2022, 03:54 PM

Very well forums "Diogenes", tell me what you think of the fabricated personas the people (such as yourself) of this forums create, and what gain does it give them? What do people gain acting fake? Do they receive recognition, power, wealth? It confuses me.

790 posts
Posted in CZ May 13-15: A Baby is Born • 16th May 2022, 02:44 PM