hot eyebrows
1,101 posts
Posted in how to moderate the forums properly • 23rd February 2021, 06:06 PM

y'all not rockin with tommo rights?!

also you'll fit right in with the forums staff bc they already ban/warn tom for fun!

hot eyebrows
1,101 posts
Posted in Lil Khal Konfession • 11th February 2021, 05:34 PM

You're always going to be a guy chase, and I'm so proud that you came out because it must have taken so much strength. You have a lot of courage, and I'm so happy you are finding your way to your true identity.

I swear if anyone says anything negative I will personally make a doc revealing their secrets.

love u bff <3

hot eyebrows
1,101 posts
Posted in an unfortunate divide • 10th February 2021, 11:26 AM

yeah!!! also if everyone is contributing to a normal discussion about a problem in the community why is it flagged as dramatic, or disrespectful?

it’s like talking about the problem is considered MORE disrespectful than the actual problem itself, why is that?

users should have the right to express their opinion and get angry without getting censored by staff, after all the game is FOR the users.

oh and dont even get me started on the “you can’t know who banned you or why you were banned, and we wont let you talk about your ban even though we made a mistake. and we wont apologize for it!”

hot eyebrows
1,101 posts
Posted in Forums Ban Appeal • 7th February 2021, 03:52 PM

Loki wrote on 7th February 2021, 03:43 PM:
Hi Tom.
You were banned for spam disliking. The rules are vague about what spam disliking is, so it does not necessarily have to be disliking more than three posts within 24 hours. My interpretation of spam disliking is if someone shows a strong pattern in their disliking behavior. Ex: Disliking pretty much every new post a person makes, particularly when the post is not harmful or disagreeable.
You received one warning for you spam disliking towards Little, and then you continued to do it throughout the length of a week. The forums staff did not receive the evidence of your spam disliking sooner as Little was banned for a few days and could not access her account notifications or make any new posts.
You were not banned due to any staff member holding a "personal grudge" against you.
Hope this clears things up.

When I asked for proof, no one gave me the proof to give to Tom. Disliking TWO posts in the span of a week (Feb 2nd-Feb 7th) is not spam disliking. This was an unfair ban on Toms part.

When I was a forums mod, spam disliking meant disliking peoples post 3+ times in a row and that’s what the rule has been clearly understood by people and users of the community. It’s unfair to Tom that you are banning him and then saying “well the rules are vague.” Okay? And? That doesn’t change the fact that you’re supposed to warn 3 times (i.e giving DETAILED mails of why a person is warned and explaining the rule) and then ban, minus serious things like swearing. No one on the staff team has done this and instead banned tom. What I find even more weird is that Eiven had to do most of the heavy work for you, and deal with my complaints because you wouldn’t.

All of a sudden it’s fair to ban someone, give them no clarity.. and then give them the same ban length you would to someone who committed inapp actions?


hot eyebrows
1,101 posts
Posted in Forums Ban Appeal • 7th February 2021, 01:15 PM

You can’t ban people for disliking one post every few days. If you accumulate the amount of times people disliked each others post.. the whole community would be banned for it. It’s not fair that tom is being wrongly banned for something he didn’t do.

Alatar and Frogs used to get warned 3 times for spam disliking (literal spam disliking) and then banned. What happened to the 3 warn = ban rule? Why did tom get banned so quickly for disliking ONE post.

There’s a difference between banning someone because you were mad they disliked your post vs spam disliking (disliking 3+ posts in a whole day). If tom disliked 3+ posts IN A DAY after being warned, that’s a different story. However, forums staff do not have evidence of this.
Tom disliked a post made by Little on 2nd February at 10:41AM, on the 6th February

hot eyebrows
1,101 posts
Posted in HAPPY MAJOR DAY • 5th February 2021, 12:47 AM


happy birthday major, i hope you have a great day. hoping that everyone celebrates major day safely and covid friendly!

whats ur favourite major moment?

hot eyebrows
1,101 posts
Posted in Shapiro • 30th January 2021, 07:56 PM

Orbay wrote on 30th January 2021, 07:17 PM:
The argument started because you lot kept telling people to shut up mid-trial so Tom could speak, then proceeded to start yelling "GAY RIGHTS" out of nowhere, again, mid-trial.
And when I told you lot to simmer down, you all started yelling "ORBAY HAS A PROBLEM WITH GAY RIGHTS?". So spare me the dramatic crap.
"I did not harass him"
You called me a groomer out of absolutely nowhere mid-trial and then got offended when I called you out for saying it.
Then you proceeded to spam "groomer" while tagging me in the CO Discord server.
And then you tried to provide "evidence", it was a screenshot of something Charles said, which is just incorrect and a blatant lie.
And not only did you do all of that, you felt the need to bring this up on a post that had nothing to do with the subject at all, knowing damn well that you're in the wrong.
What you did that day and today is the textbook definition of "toxic", and you trying to save face by writing this post is pathetic.

I didn’t tell anyone to shut up mid way into the trial. Please provide direct proof of me telling people to shut up mid trial. I would like to see it. I already said why I mentioned GAY RIGHTS//TOM RIGHTS.. it was only to tom.. I also NEVER SAID “orbay has a problem with gay rights” so please provide proof of that as well.

I wasn’t the first one to call you a groomer, SOMEONE ELSE brought it up and i just shared my opinion. To which you said “You are living in the shadow of what you once were” what does that even mean???

Me accusing you of being a predator on a kids game is a serious one that I refuse to back down on. Please don’t forget that you cut off and blocked two people because they associated with me. Talk about toxic. Not only that but you harassed some of them and kept asking for “what proof” I had of you being a predator.. to the point where one of them had to block you.

Please if you really want to talk about that you can unblock me and we can have a discussion. If not, then fine. For your sake, I didn’t want to bring up the predator accusations onto forums.

I mentioned the argument with you on this post because every time I said something in the CO-chat arguing with you.. you called me a triggered, SJW shapiro member. You and others kept mentioning the fact that because I was in shapiro, I acted like this. That is why I brought it up in this post because Shapiro had nothing to do with it.

hot eyebrows
1,101 posts
Posted in Shapiro • 30th January 2021, 06:34 PM

I got into a fight with Orbay once. I logged on oldcp ONCE to support tom at his trial and to look for jesse because I haven’t seen him in awhile. During the trial, me and a few others yelled GAY RIGHTS but only to make TOM laugh (and ONLY TOM). It wasn’t directed to anyone else because we literally just wanted to cheer him up.

I don’t know how the argument started with orbay but I did not harass him. I just rlly don’t feel comfortable anymore around him as i used to and i made it very clear why. Arguments happen and people disagree with each other.. it doesn’t make a person toxic if they don’t like someone lol.

Little has like over 1k rep im sure 3-4 dislikes doesn’t leave a dent in her rep at all. the fact that disliking a post is now considered toxic, when everyone used to mass dislike srirams post because his raps were weird.. but he was just spreading content he liked. The double standards are real, especially when it comes to a person thats widely disliked in the community vs someone who is widely loved in the community.

a question arises of whether or not a person deserves to be widely loved in the community or widely hated in the community. that’s honestly rlly up to your own opinions and how you see people. but what if there are people who are getting hate that don’t deserve it? and what if there are ppl getting praised who don’t deserve it.

It’s weird that there’s an automatic assumption that everyone in shapiro is toxic, when a few of us just played roblox for a few hours and shared light hearted jokes. Also, ever since i made that post about sled and dice not handling my ban properly, people in this community obviously have a different opinion of me now. It’s like the minute you disagree or dislike a person that is really loved in this community.. you’re toxic all of a sudden, because how can you hate a person that everyone loves?

Anyways, I admit i get into arguments with a few people i morally can’t respect. Please understand that this is something normal.. and not toxic. Everyone in shapiro, as val said.. literally talks about games, music, or school. no one is plotting against oldcp lol.

hot eyebrows
1,101 posts
Posted in Trials should be Private • 21st January 2021, 10:57 PM


hot eyebrows
1,101 posts
Posted in Sled • 3rd January 2021, 12:24 AM


I know this will not go anywhere because of the deep rooted nepotism in the community, but I would just like to properly rant and make a report on sled and other staff members after today.

When I was a forums/oldcp staff member, I tried my best to make sure everything was transparent between users and staff. I didn’t want any user to feel like they were being accused or punished for something they didn’t do without directly talking to them about it and trying to solve it with evidence and proof.

If a user asked an administrator or another moderator if they could talk to the moderator that banned them to clear things up, the correct thing to do is give them the moderators contact info so they could resolve things in private. This leaves the users voice heard and the moderator being able to directly assist them.

Basically what happened was that I joined the CO chat after someone unbanned me because I was banned for no reason. I tried to ask multiple staff members if they could assist me and tell me who it is so I didn’t have to bother them in a public chat. I wasn’t trying to cause any drama.

Sled turned me down very quickly, and told me it was not necessary for me to know who banned me.. even though I didn’t even know why I was banned. I kept asking her why I couldn’t know who banned me and she never gave me a direct answer.

I got fed up because I was really upset that Sled and Dice weren’t giving me any proper information OR transparency about my ban.. after I asked multiple times. I wasn’t trying to cause drama, but I got really mad when they wouldn’t cooperate with me and let me talk to the moderator myself. I wasn’t comfortable with Dice or Sled handling my problem, I wanted to do it privately with the moderator that banned me and not in the CO chat, since dice and sled were practically ganging up on me near the end and invalidating my report.

Through all of this, I was not notified by any staff member that I was AOS. No one asked me questions about what had happened yesterday and assumed things that were not true. None of the staff directly spoke to me however about the issue at all.

I think it is a serious problem that users are rarely ever involved when it comes to reports on them, they don’t even get a chance to clear their name because a forums mod will end up deleting their post or shut them down when they try to. That’s not fair at all, and it’s very bias. Just because you have a perspective or belief of someone and who they are, doesn’t mean that perspective is accurate. If you are making decisions based on a bias and hate/negativity, you are just as bad as the people you are trying to keep out of the community. The only difference is that YOU have power and I don’t.

Anyways after I kept telling Sled and Dice that my problem was not resolved and I was not happy with what happened, they banned me. They would rather protect a staff member that didn’t properly do their job instead of helping a user that was genuinely confused about the ban and wanting to know who banned. They banned me because they didn’t want to hear my concerns. So that is why I am making a public report about this.

In no way shape or form was I trying to cause drama when I was asking MULTIPLE TIMES for info on who banned me so I could deal with it myself, since I was banned for no reason. I have done this many times before, the way sled and others dealt with this issue made me very upset.

Sled, when you said you moved onto bigger and better things.. is this what you meant?

and yes I will repost this again if you delete it. thanks.

If you want to see the rest of the proof and what I said, check CO chat.