Posted in
What a joke.
6th April 2015, 09:24 PM
Mattzvan wrote on 6th April 2015 09:16 PM:
JohnCenaBro said on 6th April 2015 09:14 PM:
Ok Chickens Will Stay Banned Because He Disrespected The Mods He Said To Terry Shut The Bleep Up So I Think Hes Gonna Stay Banned
You should shut the bleep up. I'm trying to get myself unbanned so I can play the game. The reason EVERYONE is here.
Ok Chickens Will Stay Banned Because He Disrespected The Mods He Said To Terry Shut The Bleep Up So I Think Hes Gonna Stay Banned
You should shut the bleep up. I'm trying to get myself unbanned so I can play the game. The reason EVERYONE is here.
Mattzvan,please don't be rude.
Posted in
Wisdom of thy day
6th April 2015, 08:31 PM
This post is amazingly wise Cheep!
This post just made me 5% more wise.
Thank you for making this post,it is wise and true.
This post just made me 5% more wise.
Thank you for making this post,it is wise and true.
Posted in
6th April 2015, 08:27 PM
Great idea!
I think it should be added in.It would be alot more easier if it was added in. +1
I think it should be added in.It would be alot more easier if it was added in. +1
Posted in
reports reminders and news
6th April 2015, 08:25 PM
Nice News Report!
But next time try to spread it out a bit if you want to become a News reporter. +1
But next time try to spread it out a bit if you want to become a News reporter. +1
Posted in
Happy Birthday Terry!
6th April 2015, 08:23 PM
Happy birthday Terry.You are a great mod!
Posted in
The Lloyd News #53
6th April 2015, 08:21 PM
Such a wonderful news report.Keep up the great work! +1
Posted in
New News Now #9
6th April 2015, 08:06 PM
That is outstanding Allie!
I can't even make a News Report a great as this.
Great job Allie.The 3 hours of work was totally worth it.
I can't even make a News Report a great as this.
Great job Allie.The 3 hours of work was totally worth it.
Posted in
My Feelings- Freddy
6th April 2015, 08:02 PM
Even though I don't know you well,With or without a rank I will still like you as a friend Freddy.
Posted in
OldCP Knight Application
6th April 2015, 07:56 PM
Amazing application Charmer! I hope you become a knight. +1
Posted in
News ~ Amandapink30
6th April 2015, 06:43 PM
Nice news post Amanda! You'd be a great News Reporter.
Posted in
Museum of Snaildom memories
6th April 2015, 06:38 PM
Nice post daisy.May you rest in peace Snaildom.