LemmyLime's Posts

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492 posts
Posted in Frame 2018 ShoutOuts and More • 28th December 2018, 11:28 AM

AW thank u frane!!! can't believe I am first that is swaggy. I feel very special B)

Also how do I delete this acc v.v

492 posts
Posted in Art Comp! • 13th March 2016, 05:00 PM

Are you going to announce the winners?

492 posts
Posted in Donald Trump Rules • 13th March 2016, 01:30 PM

ouchie wrote on 9th March 2016 08:16 PM:
Donald Trump is the best candidate ever. He will truly make America great. He is not racist, and he will not start world war III. In this time of stagnant economy and international turmoil, america needs a strong executive with superior business skills and a tough demeanor. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
I don't think Donald Trump is smart...

492 posts
Posted in Mod App(Experienced) • 12th March 2016, 10:07 PM

LForLeeX wrote on 12th March 2016 09:39 PM:
Mod Application

. As always stay strong and positive!
From, LForLeeX
(P.S Thank you for taking your time reading my application (For the third time saying THANK YOU). Hope you have a good day/night! Until next time, L For Lee X!
Hi there, Welcome to DSGHQ, i see you're new here, But if you want the rank of mod you need a bit more experience with the community! But i can see you as a future mod for sure!

492 posts
Posted in Fox Shop~ Lem • 12th March 2016, 09:43 PM

It can also be 2 gold if its an easy one to do.

492 posts
Posted in Fox Shop~ Lem • 12th March 2016, 09:22 PM

Lemmy's Fox Shop!
Hello frendz, today im opening a fox shop. the Fox costs 5 gold. Here is an example,

You will need to tell me accessories you would like and i will try my best to do it!
So Pm me if you would like a fox or just reply on this post
~LemmyLime <3
P.s i can do both genders.

492 posts
Posted in For Queenblue • 12th March 2016, 11:54 AM

Roy wrote on 12th March 2016 11:15 AM:
Milkshake said on 12th March 2016 10:38 AM:
Grrr. Queenblue is MY bby. But I guess I'll share her with you.

Jk. This is an amazing picture. I am sure she will love it.

(She's still mine )

Okay 1. Queen's mine. Lol I married her.
PLS, i maried her before u even knew her!
(jk jk jk)

492 posts
Posted in Custom Reputation Shop • 11th March 2016, 10:02 AM

Palace wrote on 10th March 2016 08:46 PM:
DreamBurst said on 10th March 2016 08:38 PM:
these look so fake. you can just use inspect element.

finally someone understands, on my screen I have something like 5784794376967 rep
u have 9 rep not 5784794376967 rep

492 posts
Posted in Penguin Watch App • 11th March 2016, 08:21 AM

Queenblue wrote on 3rd March 2016 07:55 PM:
Penguin Watch Application!

Welcome to my Penguin Watch Application. Everything will be in groups to look more organized. I will start off with why I want PW, etc. If you have questions or concerns about my application, leave them in the comments, and enjoy my application!

OldCP Username: Queenblue
Skype: candaixo
Age: 11 years
Timezone: EST


My experience with moderating is fine I guess. I have been a Moderator on OldCP before, a current Forum Moderator, I was a Drejk Moderator before it shut down, and I was a Forum Master. So as you can tell, I have quite a bit of experience with moderating servers and such.

Am I helpful enough?

I help users as much as possible when I can. When I was promoted to moderator, Chelsey has described me as "helpful and active" but if I don't see a user asking for help, and they are new, I don't bother to help them if they do not ask since they might of read the words when you make your account. Besides that, I am always helping users when I can.

Am I active?

I am very active. On stats, I am 4th place, almost 3rd. I am usually online every day unless there is something important going on in real life.

Commands and when to use them:

/warn (username)

Usually you warn after you tell a user to stop doing something, if they continue, sometimes a warning would stop them. But don't give them 3 chances, that is actually more chances for them to break the rules. I would stick with 1-2 warnings before a kick.

/kick (username)

If a user is spamming, for example, or being rude, you would first tell them stop, then warn them, if they continue, then you may kick them. If they come back and continue, tell a moderator so they may be arrested-banned.

Why do I want Penguin Watch?

I would enjoy to have Penguin Watch for many reasons. I believe I have what it takes in moderating while staying undercover. I understand the rules of being a Penguin Watch which are:

1. keeping your identity undercover
2. knowing when to use powers
3. do not leak
4. be very well trusted and experienced

And more.

I believe I have showed more responsibility in ranks since my Moderator Demotion and I have been trying very hard to stay on my best behavior and be polite to users and welcome new users. I have been trying to earn PW for a while now and I think I am ready.[/I]

Am I trusted?

By the amount of ranks I have or had, I would say yes. Whenever I reported something, I always provided witnesses or screenshots. I would say I am pretty trusted.

Thank you for reading! I hope the PW Captain, Minty/Hashir, considers me as a Penguin Watch.
bby <3 *-* I married ur application hun.
Good luck blu! you are a great person and you really deserve this rank.

492 posts
Posted in The End (Part 1) • 10th March 2016, 09:29 PM

Tom Lee wrote on 9th March 2016 03:33 PM:
You made this? tbh my favorite part was when they went fishing and he got a whale. ;-; the bid kept buffering though so I couldn't watch all of it.
"when the videos buffer I suffer"

492 posts
Posted in Drawings for @Eafww • 10th March 2016, 06:42 PM

Emacodo wrote on 10th March 2016 06:26 PM:
LemmyLime said on 10th March 2016 03:21 PM:

Oh, I was going to give you gold. But if you can't it's fine!

well, I guess you could pay me gold /w\ but I a little busy right now, maybe over the march/spring break we can arrange something?
Sure, whatever works for you!

492 posts
Posted in McKinlee Art ~ 7 • 10th March 2016, 03:57 PM

Mckinlee wrote on 8th March 2016 05:22 PM:
Hello! I am back with old work because I have stopped art! I hope you enjoy this peoce! It is another painting as well as charcoal accents! It's not as clean as some of my others, and I am sorry for that. Hope you can look past it!

Well, I hope you enjoy and please leave a comment with critics or anything Love you all
I like how your art is unique and different than other art work, I wish you didn't quit art but, Thank you for showing us your beautiful artwork hun! ^-^

492 posts
Posted in Drawings for @Eafww • 10th March 2016, 03:21 PM

Emacodo wrote on 9th March 2016 06:32 PM:
MsGoldieMio said on 9th March 2016 03:55 PM:
Emacodo said on 9th March 2016 01:48 PM:
Ayeeeee here's a commission (not a request) for @Eafww over on Instagram

Nice I like them

Abigail said on 9th March 2016 04:33 PM:
I don't know why but it reminded me of a yin and yang sort of thing. I like it though, great job.

Elexxory said on 9th March 2016 05:01 PM:
Emacodo said on 9th March 2016 01:48 PM:
Ayeeeee here's a commission (not a request) for @Eafww over on Instagram

Love them! Keep it up!

LemmyLime said on 9th March 2016 05:27 PM:
Emacodo said on 9th March 2016 01:48 PM:
Ayeeeee here's a commission (not a request) for @Eafww over on Instagram

I love your art! is it possible you could draw me something?

Mckinlee said on 9th March 2016 05:45 PM:
Those are amazing! Oml

ahhhhhhh tysm everyone!!!!! Unfortunately I can't draw everyone for free but I'm looking forward to holding some raffles here and there
Oh, I was going to give you gold. But if you can't it's fine!

492 posts
Posted in Drawings for @Eafww • 9th March 2016, 05:27 PM

Emacodo wrote on 9th March 2016 01:48 PM:
Ayeeeee here's a commission (not a request) for @Eafww over on Instagram
I love your art! is it possible you could draw me something?

492 posts
Posted in I made mistakes • 8th March 2016, 08:28 PM

MsAdventure wrote on 7th March 2016 01:34 PM:
I should probaly turn myself in and be banned from this site as I deserve it
Many know by now that I, in many names, had made mistakes
Some are listed below:

1. Telling Damen I would kill him, which led me to few months IPban
2. Claiming more than one name (Username on forums and OldCP) and accounts
3. Being more dramatic than my class in school (you won't want to know my class)
4. Tricking staff (sorry those knights who got really annoyed during the djinn problem)
5. (It may have) Being a suspicion
6. Not being a good friend

There is more to this list but I can't write it all but if anyone wants to add the list then tell me, because I know what I do wrong
And yes, I am very sorry and I apologize to the DSGHQ Community, and staff

And I am especially sorry to DamenDrake

Note: Please, all I want to do is do something right for once, do not make me feel like your supposed to accept my
apology (It's never insisted)
Everyone makes mistakes, but that doesn't mean you can't fix them.