34 posts
Posted in How do u get XP? • 31st May 2015, 12:11 PM

You get XP by recieving likes from other users, and I think if you post a lot. Try to post really interesting discussions. Hope you get more XP!

- SharkBait :)

34 posts
Posted in Happy Birthday Princess! • 31st May 2015, 11:59 AM

(Short post) Happy birthday to the amazing DanceBear! I hope your day is as lovely as you are. You are such a great moderator and person, I hope everyone can look up to you as an example. Love you Dance <3

Comment your birthday wishes and any memories you have with her if you'd like to.

- SharkBait <3

34 posts
Posted in Guess That Food! • 30th May 2015, 05:41 PM

If they are Chinese noodles they could me Youmian or Yi mein. And this isnt really related, but how do you upload a picture onto forums? Thanks!

- SharkBait

34 posts
Posted in Pronounced Innocent • 30th May 2015, 04:37 PM

This will probably be a short post because theres not a lot to say. The trial in the throne room was closed off until Maniac, still a moderator, came out! :D Everyone recieved a message that said "Verdict: Maniac and Kara Innocent." (If anyone is confused, Kara is Crowley)

Who's happy? I am.

- SharkBait

34 posts
Posted in Light Troops Battle Info • 30th May 2015, 02:57 PM

Join the Light Troops! We are fighting on NEW CLUB PENGUIN. The server is Klondike. FIGHTING AT STADIUM RIGHT NOW! Join today and fight to earn great rewards! Have fun everyone! My username is "Grazzini."

Update: We won! Thank you to everyone who participated. I have never expirennced that much lag in my life.

- SharkBait

34 posts
Posted in Instagram For DSGHQ • 30th May 2015, 12:12 PM

I love this idea! This gives us a chance to connect if we are not near a computer. I like it because leaders can post CP updates like if the website if offline! Awesome.

- SharkBait

34 posts
Posted in U guys still in school yet? • 30th May 2015, 12:07 PM

My school ends on Monday, June 15th. It was supposed to end June 12th but the county pushed it back. Nobody is even coming because its a Monday except a few people, including me. School starts August 25th I think. Enjoy your summer vacation!

- SharkBait

34 posts
Posted in Help: Commands, Jrs, and More! • 30th May 2015, 11:58 AM

Hey everyone! I have decided to make a post all about commands and popular jrs. A lot of penguins have been going around town asking what commands we have. If you are new, or want to find more commands keep reading. I hope I don't forget any. These are all the ones I know:

/addall for new users to obtain every clothing item.
/activity to see where people are.
/users to see how many users are online.
/online [penguin name] to see if any of your friends are online.
/outfit [outfit name] to change into an outfit immediatly.
/save [outfit name] to save your own outfit.
/office to be teleported to the office.
/thrones to be teleported to the thrones.
/mods and /staff to see if any moderators are online.
/js [team name] used on white out server to join any team.
/team reds or /team greens to obtain a football jersey.
/room to see how many users are in one room.

/jr dan
/jr hospital
/jr sofie
/jr afros
/jr clouds
/jr ava
/jr school
/jr damenball (football world championship was held there)
/jr summer
/jr halloween
/jr harry

To get more clothes:
- Press edit your account (lower right hand corner button with a question mark on it)
- Click "Better Clothes."
- Search up any clothing item you want.

Any questions or comments can be listed below. I hope this helped some of you!

- SharkBait

34 posts
Posted in Tennis's Response to May23 • 30th May 2015, 11:36 AM

She was demoted for being offline for too long. The day after she was demoted she suddently became active again.

34 posts
Posted in I need major help with OldCP! • 30th May 2015, 09:35 AM

I've seen this happen many times before. If he/she has a very similar username, is wearing your clothes, and/or is mocking you in any way, you must tell a mod. The mod will then ban that account so no further impersonation happens. It's so annoying when it does. It's happened to me once! Hope everything works out.

- SharkBait

34 posts
Posted in Soccer Game! • 29th May 2015, 05:29 PM

Update: Reds won! It was a close game the first half, but we beat green by a lot! Now its the snowball match on white out.

34 posts
Posted in Soccer Game! • 29th May 2015, 05:16 PM

Go online CP right now and go to /jr damenball! Its the World Championship soccer game! Currently, I believe DSC is leading. I may or may not be in second place. Everyone can participate! Goodluck! Everyone is a winner at the end. Its really fun.

- SharkBait

34 posts
Posted in DSGHQ WCI: World Championship Spring • 29th May 2015, 07:03 AM

Good luck to everyone who participates. It may help to get some practice it at damenball and whiteout before the championship begins. Play hard , but most importantly, have fun and be fair!

- SharkBait

34 posts
Posted in Sad News • 29th May 2015, 06:57 AM

Although I wasn't extremely close to her, I did know her as the person that would cheer everyone up if they were sad. Maybe she forgot about herself. Think positive, she followed her heart and did what was best for herself. Keep your head up :)

- SharkBait

34 posts
Posted in Tennis's Response to May23 • 28th May 2015, 08:24 PM

Or maybe for revenge for her demotion? She was really angry when she was demoted. She may have wanted to worry or anger people in the community.