KajexBruh's Posts
Posted in
Club Penguin Item Adder
8th June 2015, 01:15 AM
You have the right to do this but if you do get banned it will be your fault not Cody's or http://penguinlodge.com. To be partially safe when using this I suggest you read this http://penguinlodge.com/club-penguin-program-risks.
Posted in
Read This
8th June 2015, 12:59 AM
Exactly like me, I've quit OldCP twice now all my friends - gone. And now I have to start all over again... why are there onions next to me?!
Posted in
i should be unip banned
6th June 2015, 08:21 PM
candylover99 wrote on 6th June 2015 07:41 PM:
how do i get proof
Posted in
don't click here
6th June 2015, 08:14 PM
Those ads pay for DSHG, if it's an inappropriate ad like that, just download an adblocker. Simple
Posted in
Black Hands [Bio]
6th June 2015, 02:53 AM
Great editing, the information was straight to the point! Good job +1 (Btw I just came back from quitting, can anyone give me more information on what this is about?) Thanks.
Posted in
Clash of the Empire: Snowball Showdown[TOURNAMENT INFORMATION]
6th June 2015, 02:31 AM
Exciting! Literally cannot wait
Posted in
A year later...
6th June 2015, 02:15 AM
Hey guys! After almost a year of in-activity I've finally come back! I've quit a about year ago and decided to come back. Please inform me the new additions of Forums and OldCP, I have missed a lot! Thanks in advance! (I created a new account)
Posted in
6th June 2015, 02:00 AM
Congrats! Two more years then i'm off to university!
Posted in
Thank-You gift for a coolkid
5th June 2015, 09:52 PM
Amazing drawing Freddy! +1 for helping