139 posts
Posted in Staff members please read • 3rd July 2015, 12:15 PM

It depends on what you did. But if a moderator/admin feels that you are ready to be un-ipbanned, you'll be un-ipbanned.

139 posts
Posted in Knight app • 3rd July 2015, 11:47 AM

Hello! Well, I see you are new here. Welcome to the dsghq!

I suggest to earn member first, then make an application. Good luck! ;)

139 posts
Posted in News Reporter Resignation -Allie • 2nd July 2015, 11:50 PM

Aine wrote on 2nd July 2015 11:43 PM:
ibbi said on 2nd July 2015 11:42 PM:
Aine said on 2nd July 2015 11:35 PM:
ibbi said on 2nd July 2015 11:26 PM:
That's not very nice. I honestly loved your news reports, you were a great news reporter. I wish you the best of luck with earning knight.

What's not very nice?

That a moderator ignored you.

Yeah, I made her upset because I'm horrible at communication. But I think she will forgive me.. we're like family, after all.

You aren't horrible at communication. Everyone deserves a second chance, so she might forgive you. :)

139 posts
Posted in News Reporter Resignation -Allie • 2nd July 2015, 11:42 PM

Aine wrote on 2nd July 2015 11:35 PM:
ibbi said on 2nd July 2015 11:26 PM:
That's not very nice. I honestly loved your news reports, you were a great news reporter. I wish you the best of luck with earning knight.

What's not very nice?

That a moderator ignored you.

139 posts
Posted in "Cheese for Everyone!" • 2nd July 2015, 11:35 PM

I did it too LOL

139 posts
Posted in Imperial knight suggestion • 2nd July 2015, 11:28 PM

Twirls wrote on 2nd July 2015 06:52 PM:
ibbi said on 2nd July 2015 04:16 PM:
Good idea, but we have the /release command to release a user in jail. So when the person who arrested the user could release that user when they feel that they are ready to be released.

Yes, but sometimes Imperial knights forget. So I thought this would be helpful!

Yeah, good point!

139 posts
Posted in News Reporter Resignation -Allie • 2nd July 2015, 11:26 PM

That's not very nice. I honestly loved your news reports, you were a great news reporter. I wish you the best of luck with earning knight. :)

139 posts
Posted in Apology - Foxehhhh • 2nd July 2015, 05:37 PM

It's okay, my mom is like that sometimes too. :(

139 posts
Posted in Application Tips ~ Ibbi • 2nd July 2015, 04:58 PM

Help wrote on 2nd July 2015 04:47 PM:
Thanks for ALL the requirements.


139 posts
Posted in Application Tips ~ Ibbi • 2nd July 2015, 04:35 PM

hey guys, ibbi here.

Today I will tell you the things you must include in your application.

Introduce yourself
Firstly, you must introduce yourself. If you do not know what to say to introduce yourself, you could just say "Greetings, my name is Ibbi and welcome to my application, I hope you enjoy my application."

Now this one may be optional, I am not really sure. But you could ask a staff member if it is optional or not.

Oldcp name
For this one, just put your oldcp name. You could put your forums name too if you want. But for this one you need to put your oldcp name because the admins or damen may not know what your oldcp name is, and if they do not know they cannot promote you. Or they just might ask for your oldcp name.

You must always put your experience with oldcp in your application. You need experience to have a rank.

Are you trusted?
You must be trusted to have a rank, if you are not trusted or well-known your chance of getting a rank will be low.

*for this one, if you are making a knight application put have you been trained?

Do I help users often?
You always have to be helpful, so to get a rank you have to be helpful!

Why you think you deserve this rank
Put why you want this rank.

Why you want this rank
Put why you want this rank.

The commands for this rank
Put all of the commands for this rank that you know.

Will you abuse your powers?
Put if you will abuse your powers,and promise with all your heart you will not abuse them.

Are you aware that this is a hard job?
If you are aware this is a job, not a fooling around rank put that you are aware that it is a job.

That is all for my post! I hope this helped you out. If I missed anything, feel free to tell me what I missed.
~ ibbi

139 posts
Posted in Imperial knight suggestion • 2nd July 2015, 04:16 PM

Good idea, but we have the /release command to release a user in jail. So when the person who arrested the user could release that user when they feel that they are ready to be released.

139 posts
Posted in Mad • 2nd July 2015, 04:14 PM

You said your sister plays oldcp, so she might've gotten you ipbanned. Maybe just ask a staff member to un-Ipban you.

139 posts
Posted in Aaaargh annoying!! • 2nd July 2015, 04:11 PM

Thanks for reporting! A mod will probably ban the user, but do you know the name of the user that was spamming?

139 posts
Posted in Life Out of the DSGHQ • 2nd July 2015, 04:10 PM

My life isn't good either, choco. Don't worry, everyone has something that has been bothering them in their life. After all, everyone makes mistakes, and no one is perfect! Remember, just try to ignore the bullies. ;)

139 posts
Posted in Damen I Need a Gun & Sword • 2nd July 2015, 12:30 PM

Do not ask for weapons. You will not get one, only if you are a knight or a staff member. Do not ask for a gun and sword.