Posted in
Who is Herobrine?
6th September 2015, 10:22 AM
Ghosteal wrote on 6th September 2015 07:18 AM:
Hey guys, I just wanted to know, who is Herobrine in Minecraft? I mean,like some people say he is a hacker, some say it is a myth, some say Herobrine comes in some Halloween update or something? I mean like Herobrine looks like Steve but has white eyes? Some say he attacked players so I don't know who or what is Herobrine. Can someone please tell me?
Hello Ghosteal! Herobrine is the evil version of Steve. Instead of pupils in Herobrine's eyes, he has white eyes unlike Steve. You can learn about him from Mikey's discussion. Here is the link to it
Posted in
Guess The Users!
5th September 2015, 05:47 PM
Soccerball wrote on 5th September 2015 05:45 PM:
The answers will be posted tomorrow
Okay! Thanks!
Posted in
Guess The Users!
5th September 2015, 05:41 PM
1. Mckinlee
2. Terry91/Tigerboy91
3. DSC
4. No idea
1. Mckinlee
2. Terry91/Tigerboy91
3. DSC
4. No idea

Posted in
guess the users
5th September 2015, 05:24 PM
1. Saber574
2. Mickey Mouse
3. Chococupcake
4. Foxy The Pirate Fox
5. Dancebear
What did I win? I hope a paperclip!!!
2. Mickey Mouse
3. Chococupcake
4. Foxy The Pirate Fox
5. Dancebear
What did I win? I hope a paperclip!!!

Posted in
5th September 2015, 05:15 PM
EmmieCat Cute Face wrote on 5th September 2015 04:35 PM:
Huzzah 22 YAY I did it again !!! Party for me while listening to mai fave singer sing for meh! Btw I'm not 22 look at my level!! WOO
I love the song

Posted in
Damen made bhs?
5th September 2015, 04:56 PM
jadlalala wrote on 5th September 2015 04:27 PM:
Hello, i am jad and i am wondering if damen made bhs
Hello Jadlalala! That is a hard question, and I am not sure. But my guess, is no.
Posted in
Moderator Application (MrLion)
4th September 2015, 12:34 PM
MrLion wrote on 4th September 2015 12:29 PM:
Hello all, MrLion here. I've been away for sometime. Life has been overly busy.
Being a store manager is a rough job, though my family here is as equally important and dear to me!
Note: I am not going to make this post with different colors/pictures. I believe in being straight forward. This application is not an attempt to show off my art skills. It's to show how mature and how my skills are valuable to this position.
Name: Chandler
User: MrLion
I've been a member of the DSGHQ for at least 4 years or so. You could say I've made quite a name for myself among the users. And I'd like to think I am respected and loved by most.
As many of you know, I was demoted awhile back. And for many reasons I have not been able to keep a healthy balance between my job and this community. But that has now changed! I miss serving MY community dearly!
You all are like family to me.. I'm not sure what I'd do without you! I just want to be with those who are dear to me and keep this enduring and awesome game alive for many years to come!
I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did writing it.
P.S. Damen.. I smell bear..
Warm regards,
Being a store manager is a rough job, though my family here is as equally important and dear to me!
Note: I am not going to make this post with different colors/pictures. I believe in being straight forward. This application is not an attempt to show off my art skills. It's to show how mature and how my skills are valuable to this position.
Name: Chandler
User: MrLion
I've been a member of the DSGHQ for at least 4 years or so. You could say I've made quite a name for myself among the users. And I'd like to think I am respected and loved by most.
As many of you know, I was demoted awhile back. And for many reasons I have not been able to keep a healthy balance between my job and this community. But that has now changed! I miss serving MY community dearly!
You all are like family to me.. I'm not sure what I'd do without you! I just want to be with those who are dear to me and keep this enduring and awesome game alive for many years to come!
I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did writing it.
P.S. Damen.. I smell bear..
Warm regards,
Did you just come back from Inactivity?
Posted in
Blogger Application ~Fraya
3rd September 2015, 06:28 PM
Fraya wrote on 3rd September 2015 06:26 PM:
Greetings. Welcome to my Blogger Application. I hope you enjoy!
Age: 10
Name: Fraya
What I am applying for
I am applying for blogger.
What I will do as a blogger
I will write every Monday, no matter what. I will make my blog very informative and add in what has been going on around in the DSGHQ. I will also check for any spelling mistakes in my blog, and I will use proper grammar.
My Experience
I don't have much experience being a blogger/news reporter, but I would like to give it a try. I will give it my best.
I would say I am mature. Sometimes I can be silly and crazy, but when I am writing blogs I will not joke around or be silly.
Why I want this rank
I want this rank so I can inform everybody on what has been going on. I would also update them on the crimezone/roleplay stuff so they know what has been happening. I would like to help people out on what's been going on. For example: if they have come back from a break or a visit, (if they had quit) they could read the blog and read what's been going on.
Thank you for reading my Blogger Application, I appreciate it. I hope you consider me getting this rank! If you don't think I will be good for this rank, that's totally fine!
Age: 10
Name: Fraya
What I am applying for
I am applying for blogger.
What I will do as a blogger
I will write every Monday, no matter what. I will make my blog very informative and add in what has been going on around in the DSGHQ. I will also check for any spelling mistakes in my blog, and I will use proper grammar.
My Experience
I don't have much experience being a blogger/news reporter, but I would like to give it a try. I will give it my best.
I would say I am mature. Sometimes I can be silly and crazy, but when I am writing blogs I will not joke around or be silly.
Why I want this rank
I want this rank so I can inform everybody on what has been going on. I would also update them on the crimezone/roleplay stuff so they know what has been happening. I would like to help people out on what's been going on. For example: if they have come back from a break or a visit, (if they had quit) they could read the blog and read what's been going on.
Thank you for reading my Blogger Application, I appreciate it. I hope you consider me getting this rank! If you don't think I will be good for this rank, that's totally fine!
Good application Fraya! I suggest you earn master before applying for this. Thanks!
Posted in
Find me!
3rd September 2015, 06:25 PM
Becky wrote on 3rd September 2015 12:37 PM:
First one-
Second one-
Third one-
Second one-
Third one-
Great job!
Posted in
I'm New
3rd September 2015, 06:13 PM
TropicalSky wrote on 3rd September 2015 04:58 PM:
Hello everyone! I'm new to club penguin and Damen Spike forums. I hope you enjoy my posts! Please note I will not be posting often because of school. A little about me:
Username: TropicalSky (please call me Sky)
Date Joined: 9/2/15
I am nice to everyone no matter who you are
I promise to not break any of the cp rules on cp and here on forums
Thank you and enjoy my account!
Username: TropicalSky (please call me Sky)
Date Joined: 9/2/15
I am nice to everyone no matter who you are
I promise to not break any of the cp rules on cp and here on forums
Thank you and enjoy my account!
Hello Sky! Welcome to Oldcp and forums! I hope you like your stay!

Posted in
How are you? ~Indigo
3rd September 2015, 06:11 PM
IndigoPalace wrote on 2nd September 2015 10:08 PM:
Wow, I've been away for so long I forgot which discussion to even put this in- anyways, hello guys. How have you been? I don't even know if you guys remember me, it's IndigoPalace. But most of you have called me Indigo or Indi. In the past I know I have messed up and stuff, but hopefully you don't hold a grudge against me(?) But I have changed in ways and learned form my mistakes, so basically, how are you guys doing? Are you guys doing pretty well?
Hello Indigo! Welcome back to the DSGHQ! If you need anything, just ask me!
Posted in
Find me!
3rd September 2015, 12:32 PM
Hello! I am hosting something everyday that is called find me! I will put 3 photos, and you have to find me! Here it goes! This will be daily. The prize is 5 gold!



Have fun everyone!



Have fun everyone!
Posted in
Twirls DSGHQ Lottery!
3rd September 2015, 09:30 AM
Bailey wrote on 27th August 2015 01:36 PM:
Ooh, can I join in on this lottery?
DanceBear wrote on 27th August 2015 01:37 PM:
Wow this is cool! Can I be in this lottery? I'm interested to participate
Jess wrote on 27th August 2015 01:43 PM:
Can I join?
Pencil wrote on 27th August 2015 01:55 PM:
Thanks for giving us an opportunity to win some gold.
Can I join?
Can I join?
Matthewvacc wrote on 27th August 2015 01:59 PM:
This sounds like a great idea do you mid if I participated
1Alice1 wrote on 27th August 2015 02:03 PM:
Ooh this is a great idea Twirls! Is it alright if I partake in your event?
Milk wrote on 27th August 2015 05:53 PM:
Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Can I join?!?!
Sorry I am a bit late. I went on a un expecting vacation. The winner is... PENCIL! Thank you all for participating! I will see you again in another month for more Twirls DSGHQ Lottery!
Posted in
Forum Moderator Application
3rd September 2015, 09:23 AM
sammeh wrote on 3rd September 2015 09:18 AM:
Hello guys! I decided to make an application for the moderator position on forums. I have no doubt in myself so I feel like I'm ready for the position. I'm also following Chelsey's guidelines because it helps me out a lot. So, let's get started.
Timezone: EST
Age: 11, 12 in January
Desired Rank: Forums Moderator
Date Joined: April 20th
Why I Want This Rank
I want this rank so I can contribute to the DSGHQ more than usual. I would like to help users and guide them so they can become familiar to the DSGHQ and feel just at home. I will help users enforce the rules and have a fun time around the Forums and keep it a safe place. I want to be like other mods and help users when they need it. I will teach them how to make discussions, albums, channels, etc.
My experience with staff positions is that I have been an administrator in a CPPS which has been recently closed down. My experience in the DSGHQ is that I have been entrusted with the Badge of Honor in June. Also, I've been entrusted with a sword and firearm when I was a War Knight. I got demoted for a reason I don't really want to tell even though I did tell some of my friends. I also was an Imperial Knight but then I got killed and that's when I became a War Knight. Nowadays, I moderate the DSGHQ Xat to keep it safe and protected. In February, I was promoted to Wise One on both OldCP and Forums. Later then, I resigned and got Master for the first time. Way later then, in the Redemption, I got the Badge of Honor for an honorable act. That concludes my experience.
Special Qualifications
A qualification that I have for this job is that I have some experience in moderation skills. I was a War Knight, they were like the mods for OldCP before we got some mods back. I've never been ipbanned ever too so I have a good spot in the DSGHQ. I also have understandable grammar so nobody would get confused. I work with my dad sometimes in math because I'm extremely good at math so this shows a bit of helpfulness and responsibility. I have been a Master twice so I'm extremely close to the rank. For my free time and hobbies, I play on the DSGHQ, swim in my pool, play and feed my dog. I feel that my dog is a responsibility so I have to take care of her like I would to the DSGHQ.
Well, this concludes my application. Staff, consider me a Forums Moderator.
Timezone: EST
Age: 11, 12 in January
Desired Rank: Forums Moderator
Date Joined: April 20th
Why I Want This Rank
I want this rank so I can contribute to the DSGHQ more than usual. I would like to help users and guide them so they can become familiar to the DSGHQ and feel just at home. I will help users enforce the rules and have a fun time around the Forums and keep it a safe place. I want to be like other mods and help users when they need it. I will teach them how to make discussions, albums, channels, etc.
My experience with staff positions is that I have been an administrator in a CPPS which has been recently closed down. My experience in the DSGHQ is that I have been entrusted with the Badge of Honor in June. Also, I've been entrusted with a sword and firearm when I was a War Knight. I got demoted for a reason I don't really want to tell even though I did tell some of my friends. I also was an Imperial Knight but then I got killed and that's when I became a War Knight. Nowadays, I moderate the DSGHQ Xat to keep it safe and protected. In February, I was promoted to Wise One on both OldCP and Forums. Later then, I resigned and got Master for the first time. Way later then, in the Redemption, I got the Badge of Honor for an honorable act. That concludes my experience.
Special Qualifications
A qualification that I have for this job is that I have some experience in moderation skills. I was a War Knight, they were like the mods for OldCP before we got some mods back. I've never been ipbanned ever too so I have a good spot in the DSGHQ. I also have understandable grammar so nobody would get confused. I work with my dad sometimes in math because I'm extremely good at math so this shows a bit of helpfulness and responsibility. I have been a Master twice so I'm extremely close to the rank. For my free time and hobbies, I play on the DSGHQ, swim in my pool, play and feed my dog. I feel that my dog is a responsibility so I have to take care of her like I would to the DSGHQ.
Well, this concludes my application. Staff, consider me a Forums Moderator.
Wow. I liked how you kept it short, but sweet. I really think you are qualified to have this rank. I know you know that it takes so much more than a
Moderator Sign. Good luck!
Posted in
Spongebob or Chocolate?
28th August 2015, 02:24 PM
I like both. But if I had to choose, probably chocolate
Yummy. That sounds good right now.