I Am Foxy The Pirate's Posts

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72 posts
Posted in Did I Quit?... • 24th July 2015, 02:25 PM

Wintersummer wrote on 24th July 2015 02:24 PM:
Hey Everyone, Today is a day that I thought I would never say this. I love DSGHQ, But.. I'm getting a bit older. I have so much things to do these days, I wouldn't have time for going on this really. I am busy now, ever since I joined Cheerleading. I left but I never really told anyone, I kept it a secret, I didn't know how people would react to this... I'm Quitting.

Sometimes people would say,''Where Have You Been!?'' I would always makeup the excuse saying, OH I had to do something... I'm truly sorry for holding this back. I miss you all dearly, DSGHQ Helped me overcome things. Thank you sooo much for being there for me, I will come on sometimes. But not a lot. Thank you all.

PS: Sorry If I Sound Dramatic!


72 posts
Posted in Wizard Rank • 23rd July 2015, 04:41 PM

First thing that came to mind when I read the title... "OMG THEY COULD SHOOT MAGIC SPELLS!!!" "MAYBE EVEN HEAL PEOPLE TO!"

72 posts
Posted in risking my life • 23rd July 2015, 04:12 PM

Sorry to break it to you but you really didn't? :/

72 posts
Posted in Leaving for a while-SkylarGal • 23rd July 2015, 01:16 PM

Cipher wrote on 23rd July 2015 01:10 PM:
Hello, I have came to decide I am leaving for a month or to. I have reasons and I will explain them.

1. I pretended to be Farlong, and right now, Most of the community is very angry and hot with me, so I'm going to leave so they can 'cool off'. I did this because I felt IGNORED, and NOBODY EVER TALKED TO ME.

2. Everybody is so serious. Like some of the knights can't have a laugh... Even WITH A JOKE FOR GODS SAKE.. And in my opinion, users (Especially moderator's!) Have been ignoring some new joined users, leaving normal users to help them whilst they yatter about crap on the walls.

3. I am very guilty for lying and stuff. So I don't want to be with any of you anymore as I have lied, and hacked people. Don't ask why, If you hacked someone you'd get the feeling I got.

So farewell, till maybe Mid August?
I thought the Farlong thing was a joke. :P

72 posts
Posted in Siggies • 23rd July 2015, 01:10 PM

Glimmer wrote on 23rd July 2015 12:17 PM:
Aloha! Omg so I just realized that this is my THIRD post about signatures... Oh wellsies. So if you have ever seen any of my other signatures, then.. well you'd know what they look like. An example of a signature I made is my signature right now. Well, these siggies are now unavailable. So all of the people who own signatures like that are the only ones. But, I am coming out with brand new signatures! I am coming put with three new ones. *Note- please scroll to the bottom of the post to see how much gold each siggy is.*

Again, all of my older signatures are now unavailable. The only signatures that I will be making are the ones I am showing here.

The Quote Siggy
This signature is just a picture with a quote. The quote should (doesn't have to but) resemble something about you. Is it a quote about how you live life to its fullest? This quote can give a little thing about you. I made a signature like this, and the quote is about being weird cause I'm a strange person. Here is an example of what these siggies look like:

Please give me all of this information when purchasing your signature:

•The color of the background
•The color of most of the text
•The color of the words you want a different color
•What you want the whole sig to say. Including quote

Name and Picture Siggy
This signature is a more simple one. It includes your name with a quote under your name. The signature looks better if the quote is kind of long. Just saying. The sig that I made myself was kind of silly, but that makes it more fun. Here is an example of what it looks like:

Please give me all of this information when purchasing your signature:

•The color of the background
•Two colors for the text (one for name one for quote)
•A quote
•What picture you want

Name Siggy
This signature is very simple. It just includes your name. But you can have something written underneath your name if you want. It can be a quote or a list of achievements you've had in this community. Here is an example of what it looks like:

Please give me all this information when purchasing your signature:

•What kind of background you want.
•Two different colors for the text.
•What you want it to say (optional)

How Much Gold to Pay
The Quote Siggy: 10 Gold
Name and PICTURE Siggy: 10 Gold
Name Siggy: 5 Gold

I hope you decide to purchase one of my siggies! Please PM me if you want one, and provide the name of the signature you want. And please transfer me the gold after you receive the signature. Thank you!
I can't PM you... LOL

72 posts
Posted in Taking a break... • 22nd July 2015, 04:09 PM

I'm taking a break from oldcp, Forums, & chat. For maybe a day or 2 because I sorta exploded for a terrible reason... Also Fnaf Stories will be delayed which sucks badly since it's been delayed so many times! Me and browny try very hard not to get it delayed! But it will only be 2 days and once my 2 days are up I will finish the dare we are working on and start on the series again! :D So yea please understand this. Also I will also say a surprise in fnaf stories also pictures will be back because I was suspended for a sacrifice and the surprise is... Springtrap is indeed gonna be evil and come into the series at the season finale. So yea I hope your excited for fnaf stories! Bye!!!

-Keep Loving fnaf 4 me! LoveMincraft / Foxy The Pirate Fox

72 posts
Posted in I wanna be a detective • 22nd July 2015, 09:38 AM

Mippy wrote on 22nd July 2015 09:16 AM:
I SOOOOOO wanna be a detective. I already know what's going on and stuff. Sting tested me. I just wanna be a det so bad!!!!!!!!!! I hope I will someday! If u wanna be a det too, come in to this discussion. I would love it!!! Love,Mippy
I wanna be a detective or knight! I'm glad you want to!! :D EDIT: Also I'm LoveMincraft and this is just a backup!!!

72 posts
Posted in webshow • 22nd July 2015, 09:36 AM

lulu2 wrote on 22nd July 2015 08:36 AM:
this is me and coffecow's first webcast. special thanks to coffeecow.

make sure to put the quality up to 720
I'm sorry I couldn't make it I was busy!! :,(

72 posts
Posted in STOP!!!!!!! • 22nd July 2015, 09:33 AM

Mippy wrote on 22nd July 2015 09:06 AM:
I agree. But it is not nice to talk bad about a particular person. I think u should edit that out. To: Clark05
If you have to report a user you have to say there name and what they did.

72 posts
Posted in FNAF Story Update • 21st July 2015, 10:05 PM

RosieCP wrote on 21st July 2015 09:55 PM:
The Cheese for Everyone sacrifice didn't do much for me.. but it was over after like 5 days.

No we mean like using links to pictures and stuff in are posts. Like {img}{img} we mean... The reason I did the fancy like [ was so it would show up :P

72 posts
Posted in FNAF Story Update • 21st July 2015, 08:56 PM

Bonny wrote on 21st July 2015 08:53 PM:
Hello guys, Bonny here,
I'm here to bring updates to our stories

First off, once our sacrfices are over, pictures will return.
Also there''ll be more variety to the dares.
The videos will back too.
One last thing, We will no longer be asking for asks just dares.
Yep this is true. Btw my sacrifice ends in 2 days...

72 posts
Posted in Factions -Ghoul • 21st July 2015, 08:55 PM

Ghoul wrote on 21st July 2015 08:52 PM:
I Am Foxy The PIrate said on 21st July 2015 08:50 PM:
To much gold in my opinion...

Thanks for your feedback. I would have to change a lot of context to lower it. And plenty of users can easily afford this. Ever thought of like CoolLloyd or Cheep? Their gold is just growing on trees. Cheep has 13,000 gold, Lloyd has 11,000 gold. Plenty of people can afford this. I will add some lower ranks just because newbies who have like 100 gold should be able to purchase a rank. Starting the prices at 3000 gold was a bit intense, I agree. Sorry
Thats because they have jobs and mostly Masters and Members normally have like 200-2,000 gold... So not many really...

72 posts
Posted in Factions -Ghoul • 21st July 2015, 08:50 PM

To much gold in my opinion...