Grizzz's Posts

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5 posts
Posted in Why are you guys against me? • 3rd August 2015, 05:06 PM

Why are you guys against me? You people are cyber-bullying. Where are your brains? Just because your behind a computer screen doesn't make you tough. Not saying this to be rude but its true. What if we were all against you? What would you feel? That's something to think about. Have a nice rest of your summer! I don't want school to come lol

5 posts
Posted in Unfair Arrest? • 3rd August 2015, 05:01 PM

Thanks for the tip! I never thought of saying it was breaking the rules.

5 posts
Posted in Unfair Arrest? • 3rd August 2015, 04:55 PM

ok so I was talking to a penguin and they were saying how mods don't do their job anymore so I said Jassie doesn't and she stinks and Audrey said stop being rude and she wouldn't mind her own business so I said to her then she told a mod (Baconator) and got me arrested! That was not really that rude. Maybe a little bit but not for me to get arrested!!!!!!!! People are FAR more rude to me. When I tell a mod about them being rude (like someone cursing at me or saying something inappropriate) they ALWAYS say "just ignore it." and don't do anything, then go back to talking with their friends. I know I need proof of this, but why did I get arrested when people deserve it more than me? And what happened to freedom of speech??

5 posts
Posted in Rank Suggestion • 3rd August 2015, 04:43 PM

I think a great Rank for penguins would be a Hero/Herione rank. These penguins would help protect cp along with the guards. They stop Villans and such. Heros can also arrest and or ban people whom they think are villans in disquise or a threat to cp. Comment if you think this is a good idea or not and state your reason.

5 posts
Posted in Moderator Application • 3rd August 2015, 02:14 PM

Hello everyone! I think my penguin Grizzzz would make a great moderator because:

1) They haven't been arrested or banned

2) Are respectful of other penguins

3) Are responsible and trustworthy

4) Is kind to everyone

5) Likes to help out and keep everyone safe

6) I am an experienced player

7) I like to be up to date with all the cp news

8) I watch out for other penguins

9) It's rare I'm mean to an other fellow penguin. On my other account, Frostbite752 I had a ton of friends.

10) I have a xat account

11) I report any behavior that I think is breaking the rules right away to a mod (cussing, swearing, bullying, etc.)

12) I have pretty good grammar

13) I never break the cp rules

I think my penguin would be a great mod for these reasons. Thanks everyone and remember Grizzzz for mod!

Thank you to everyone! And remember Grizzzz for mod!!! :D

Thank you guys and remember Grizzz for mod!!!