Posted in
album help!!
5th August 2015, 11:52 AM
Sheep wrote on 5th August 2015 11:30 AM:
Hello Lauren! When making an album just click create an album, then make a title and description then finish it. When youre done with that then go back to the album and click edit and click the green + button then put a picture URL in the box provided. When doing so make sure not to put around the URL.
It won't work
Posted in
What is this
5th August 2015, 11:51 AM
It's happened to me, and it happens alot. Hopefully it will be fixed, maybe pm a mod/admin for help and show them the proof!
Posted in
TSA info
5th August 2015, 11:48 AM
OldCPHelper wrote on 5th August 2015 11:44 AM:
Lauren12 said on 5th August 2015 11:36 AM:
As Jassie said, it's just roleplay so don't worry.
but people doing it behind ur backs its like for example
if i do roleplay agents know
so if im gone other users Imposter as me as a Fantomer and do roleplay
i allow some users WITH PERMISSION
but behind my back and without permission
DUDE its just like pretending to be a BlackHawk
how does this seem any different?
As Jassie said, it's just roleplay so don't worry.
but people doing it behind ur backs its like for example
if i do roleplay agents know
so if im gone other users Imposter as me as a Fantomer and do roleplay
i allow some users WITH PERMISSION
but behind my back and without permission
DUDE its just like pretending to be a BlackHawk
how does this seem any different?
Well, all of the blackhawk stuff is roleplay and is just made by damen. So just relax, they won't do anything. They're just trying to have fun.
Posted in
OldCP Tour
5th August 2015, 11:45 AM
Wow, nice post I really enjoyed reading it! I actually never knew some of these rooms, thanks for making this post! +1
Posted in
My top 10 rappers of all time
5th August 2015, 11:42 AM
Wow, this is a super long post! and also, my fave rapper is eminem too.
Posted in
DSGHQ Soccer Team Application
5th August 2015, 11:40 AM
Nice application! I hope you get into team Damen drake! Good luck! +1
Posted in
One question....
5th August 2015, 11:38 AM
I can say it fast because I have practiced and said it many times.
Posted in
album help!!
5th August 2015, 11:31 AM
Sheep wrote on 5th August 2015 11:30 AM:
Hello Lauren! When making an album just click create an album, then make a title and description then finish it. When youre done with that then go back to the album and click edit and click the green + button then put a picture URL in the box provided. When doing so make sure not to put around the URL.
Ok, thanks I'll try it.
Posted in
Thoughts on Dating.
5th August 2015, 11:30 AM
I agree, people shouldn't online date because who knows, they could be an adult. Nice post, +1
Posted in
I Only Speak
5th August 2015, 11:25 AM
I only speak English, I wish I knew how to speak another language but I don't.
Posted in
5th August 2015, 11:23 AM
I don't hate you, and nobody does! Maybe you just think everyone does, but they don't. Don't worry, no one hates you.
Posted in
R.I.P Phone -Orbay
5th August 2015, 11:19 AM
There is one way to fix it- and I heard it online. Get a ziplock bag and fill it with uncooked dry rice then leave your phone in there for 24 hours. But if it doesn't work... R.I.P
Posted in
album help!!
5th August 2015, 11:13 AM
Hello. I need more help with albums because whenever I put in the link it will not work and then I tried putting in another link and it did not work so plz Help me.