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New User!
12 posts
Posted in Bonwe Unbanned!? • 29th August 2015, 02:27 PM

I'm not trying to be rude here but I think Lylance lied to get bonwe in trouble #UnBanBonwe

New User!
12 posts
Posted in XxBonwexX Report Fake!? • 29th August 2015, 01:42 PM

Hey Bonwe I've been in your shoes and I don't think you should get in trouble. I pretty sure we've all had those times u were so mad and things just pop out. Also I was there for a little bit and I saw alot of people harassing you and I wouldn't like that and u asked them nicely to stop but they wouldn't obviously that would get me mad too! I think the people who kept following you guys should get in trouble too not just you :) TBH// Ur a great friend to me!

New User!
12 posts
Posted in Check Out My App • 27th August 2015, 08:56 PM

Hey guys check my mood for my application! Or go to this link:

New User!
12 posts
Posted in Cyber Bully Comebacks • 27th August 2015, 07:51 PM

If I wanted to hear from a butt. I'd fart.

By Rames: Put your opinions on blank clean sheet of paper can leave it by the toilet.

I can eat a bowl of alphabet soup and poop out a better comeback.

If everywhere you go there’s a problem.. Guess what?

No really, it’s adorable when you blame everyone but yourself.

No one is coming to save you.

This life of yours is 100% your responsibility.

Take responsibility for your actions.

You only look like a fool when trying to blame other people for your behavior.

When you blame others you give up your power to grow.

Some people create their own storms and then get upset when it rains.

If you’re tired of a drama in your life, just quit being the actor.

You give yourself credit for your happiness and accomplishments, yet you have a list of people to blame for your bitterness and failures.

When people point fingers at others they should remember that they have four fingers pointing back at them.

New User!
12 posts
Posted in Gun Glitch~Adawg • 27th August 2015, 07:23 PM

He is quiting anyways and he said shut up to a player

New User!
12 posts
Posted in The Kardashians • 27th August 2015, 07:17 PM

Hi Guys I just wanted to make a challenge! People have to make The Kardashians video on oldcp and put the link in the chat and I will pick the best one. (This Challenge probably wont work) XD

New User!
12 posts
Posted in Damen Please Read (Help) • 27th August 2015, 07:01 PM

Alright guys never mind I just saw security guy say shut up to this girl

New User!
12 posts
Posted in War Knight Application • 24th August 2015, 12:12 AM

Thanks JuneBaby for all the support! :)

New User!
12 posts
Posted in War Knight Application • 23rd August 2015, 10:55 PM

Atlas, I didn't. Yesterdays application was the imperial knight app. And I think I want to start little and gain trust then try out for imperial knight.

New User!
12 posts
Posted in War Knight Application • 23rd August 2015, 09:19 PM

I realized I wanted to start small and apply for War Knight.

Username: Rames

Desired Rank: War Knight

Age: 12

Timezone: PST

Date Joined: 2013

Experience: I have been mod on,,, and Lylani/

DSGHQ History: I've never been to jail for a bad reason. I've only been to jail to talk to a mod.

Special Qualifications: I don't know that this means but I am Double Jointed in real life. Also I'm gifted in art. I almost forgot, I'm all honors in school.

I did not make this account in 2013 but I had an account but forgot the username.

New User!
12 posts
Posted in Rames's Imperial Knight app • 22nd August 2015, 10:06 PM

Hi my name is Rames and I'm 12 years old! I turned 12 august 7 2003. I am nice and I would love to help out by being a imperial knight. I wanted to make an application to be a war knight but Atlas told me I should apply for imperial knight since war knights will be demoted in a month after the war ends. Also I have never been to jail on oldcp. And I was helping to fight mickey and I have been really nice to the staff members. I love to help out. Thank You for reading my application. I hope I get it! Its okay if I don't. Thank you once again.