740 posts
Posted in class of 23 • 27th July 2019, 06:08 PM

also half the kids in my school

740 posts
Posted in ok bye!! • 22nd July 2019, 05:24 PM

bye mnm ilysm <3 it was good meeting you, stay in touch though

740 posts
Posted in kitties • 21st July 2019, 11:51 AM

annie :hearteyes:

740 posts
Posted in Back to 2015 • 20th July 2019, 12:11 AM

Milkshake9 wrote on 19th July 2019, 09:37 PM:
Zendaya2408 wrote on 19th July 2019, 09:15 PM:
oh god, it cant be worse than my 2015 introduction post....
I bet she was ! let’s not forget how adorable she was and still is

this is why I love u
youre so freaking nice

740 posts
Posted in Help me please • 19th July 2019, 11:17 PM

Read 1 chapter everyday until the day before school starts

740 posts
Posted in warning read urgent • 19th July 2019, 10:01 PM

RealPinky12 wrote on 19th July 2019, 09:54 PM:
I can confirm. I am the user who Loeco has wronged, the full story:
I was on FarmerBrown (one of my accounts) and I asked a mod, SugarCane, if I could say the word "negro". Loeco was in the room at the time of this. SugarCane says I can as long as I dont use it in a bad way, so I say "I love negros!" (it's true, I do.)
Loeco bans the account for it.
I make a new account, FarmerBrown2, and make dogs and cats with innapropriate usernames. Such as, "Weed" and "Blazer", or "A##" and "Eat"
I get thrown in jail.
After talking with Loeco, who came to the jail, we negotiated and I agreed not to use bad words or be rude anymore. He let me out.
After 5-7 minutes, after I mad a dog and a cat named "Leoco=" and "Homie", he throws me in jail for no reason. Seriously.
I ask him why, and he just replied "Jail is forever now".
Now, my next actions were not right at all. I lost my temper, I admit. But, what I did was insult him, his mom, and was overall rude. I acted in a way I shouldn't have.
But still, going back on your word and just throwing me in jail for no reason? Cmon, man!
TL;DR= Loeco is bad, me good

If you did these things, then Loeco was right to arrest you. Having inappropriate pet usernames, or inappropriate usernames in general, is against the rules. And about the part where you get out of jail and make the pet that's referring to Loeco a 'homie', I can see what you're trying to infer there and the reason why he put you back in jail was because he noticed it as well, not because he was abusing. And afterwards, you then go forth insulting him, his mother and was just plain rude to him? That wouldn't've gotten you out of jail, or in a state where we could've talked about your behavior- it would've simply extended your time.

Loeco did nothing wrong here. He was right to do these things. If you do something bad, you're punished for it- that's simple knowledge. But since you're obviously new here, you should read the rules here before doing anything else. And I doubt Loeco banned your account- Knights don't have the power to ban. What he did was kick it off the server. The messages show the same things.

740 posts
Posted in Back to 2015 • 19th July 2019, 09:15 PM

oh god, it cant be worse than my 2015 introduction post....

740 posts
Posted in iOldCP Feedback Take 2 • 18th July 2019, 06:39 PM

I'm just gonna resay what I said on the last post;

Honestly, I believe that iOldcp should be up on select days of the week. Like related arts schedule- One game on for 3 days during the week, the other on for 4 days. And they switch off. Therefore iOldcp would not be closed down fully for those who enjoy it and oldcp would still have their users on it. Honestly, that's what I believe to be the most logical option because both parties would be happy, but I guess people can put what they truly want.

740 posts
Posted in we wrote a story • 18th July 2019, 06:17 PM

Damen wrote on 18th July 2019, 06:09 PM:
I read all of this post. And I thought I had a talent for writing. Once I started I didn't stop so that's a good sign of a good bit of writing.
The sad thing is... these things are real. I'll never drive a car and I hope none of you do either. Remember if you can, ride a bike or use public transport. Burn fat not oil and do the planet a favor!

this nearly happened to me once except I didn't hit my head as hard as the character did because I was holding onto the back of my sister's seat.

740 posts
Posted in we wrote a story • 18th July 2019, 06:05 PM

Wow it's been a while since I made a discussion!
Basically, I submitted something to a writing contest just now and it's a story that I'm very attached to. I feel I did a good job on it and I wanted to share it with y'all. I guess this could be referred to as improvement from the last story I posted here, which was nearly 5 years ago. Also, sorry if this is in the wrong category. I do believe this is art. Anyways, have fun reading, I guess.

Some days are meant to be the happiest of your life. Unfortunately, that was not the case for me. What was meant to be the happiest moment of my life ultimately turned into the worst. One Thursday afternoon in the humid month of August, I had taken my little girl, Amelia, out on what was meant to be part of a father/daughter bonding experience. It had been a beautiful day- up until the drive home. Amelia had been in the passenger seat, pointing out the different shapes of the clouds. It was sundown and the roads weren’t very busy. What could’ve possibly had gone wrong? Fate, of course. All it took was one glance, 300 ft. and a single second for my life to flip upside down.

Some teenage delinquent had swerved straight into our lane. I can still, to this day, feel pain as when the hood of my car buckled… from when the glass of the windshield came raining down upon Amelia’s and I’s head. I can still hear my child screaming in agony as her head was slammed back against the seat due to the force. I remember staring over the smoke issuing from my car, into the maddened eyes of the boy who hit us. I guess that he was too high to realize what he had done, considering the fact he slowly got out of the car and began running away in the opposite direction.

The moments following the crash were a blur. The only parts I can remember was pulling my daughter’s broken body out of the car and onto the asphalt, the sirens of police cars and ambulances and the doctors rushing my child to surgery. I remember pacing the waiting room of that hospital, anxious for some sort of news. I remember my heart sinking as the doctors entered the room with somber expressions and falling to the flo
or, sobbing, at the news of her death.

A few weeks later, her funeral took place. It was a public funeral. Many people came to it, those I knew and those I didn’t. Perhaps they felt sorry that such a young life was taken by such careless actions… but there was one face in the crowd that stood out from the rest. The murderer was here. He was sober enough to show up to the funeral and he didn’t know this was his fault, despite the bruises and cuts all over his face. Seeing him there made every single memory of that traumatizing experience come rushing back to me. I was hurt. I was angry at the fact that the man who took my child’s life from her dared to show up to her funeral and be sorry for something that was his fault. I was enraged. I was deeply hurt, sad and enraged. Despite all of this, I rose to my feet with the unshakable knowledge that no emotion I was feeling could change anything. Sadness would give me nothing. It sure as hell didn’t give me my wife back when she died all those years ago. I had nothing. I had no one left. Amelia was my last joy. I guess you could call me maddened by grief. All I knew now was that the only purpose of my life is was to seek vengeance on the man who took my sanity from me.

sorry if some topics are too PG for this.. I mean, most of us are teenagers anyways, so like-
and before you say I'm not a teenager, ik! but I'm gonna be 13 in like 2 months so I don't really think it makes much of a difference.

740 posts
Posted in Ioldcp poll botting • 18th July 2019, 10:55 AM

sarabareille wrote on 18th July 2019, 04:56 AM:
I feel like the best and probably most accurate thing to do during this entire thing is to create a day and time for everyone to come on OldCP. During this time we'll have those classic banners that say "yes" and "no" or whatever, and we can have people vote that way. The middle space could be used for the choice of keeping iOldCP up but in intervals.
Damen could also take down registration during this time as well so people couldn't create alternate accounts to prevent accurate and 100% truthful feedback from the community.

you're the most intelligent person I've ever met.

740 posts
Posted in iOldCP Feedback • 18th July 2019, 10:44 AM

Honestly, I believe that iOldcp should be up on select days of the week. Like related arts schedule- One game on for 3 days during the week, the other on for 4 days. And they switch off. Therefore iOldcp would not be closed down fully for those who enjoy it and oldcp would still have their users on it. Honestly, that's what I believe to be the most logical option, but I guess people can put what they truly want.

740 posts
Posted in my scarf • 16th July 2019, 10:48 PM

sorry alatar, they're claustrophobic...
they don't like santa claus there.

740 posts
Posted in Today's the day. I'm finally becoming a new man. • 16th July 2019, 06:06 PM

absolutecringe wrote on 16th July 2019, 05:58 PM:
Damen wrote on 16th July 2019, 05:53 PM:
Not just for 7 days right?
i'm losing all hope at this point so i'd say 5-7 days

my money is on 3 days and 20 minutes exactly.

740 posts
Posted in piercings • 16th July 2019, 12:21 PM

what jenna said.
it only feels like a bee sting. quick and easy.