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New User!
2 posts
Posted in WARNING: Humpers in Oldcp • 28th October 2015, 03:57 PM

I'd imagine they're using a frame in an attempt to be witty.

New User!
2 posts
Posted in Trial of Warlord Matthew • 27th October 2015, 03:53 PM

Matthewvacc wrote on 27th October 2015 03:31 PM:
Kara Kacket said on 27th October 2015 02:43 PM:
How disappointing! Another trial in one week.. we might beat the most trials in one week record! It's really sad to see someone the emperor trusted a lot go right back and betray him again.

Look whos talking
Yeah, but Kara didn't leak a scroll AND a Penguin Watch list. She also didn't assist me in my findings the other day. :D