Titan's Posts
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WARNING: Humpers in Oldcp
28th October 2015, 03:57 PM
I'd imagine they're using a frame in an attempt to be witty.
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Trial of Warlord Matthew
27th October 2015, 03:53 PM
Matthewvacc wrote on 27th October 2015 03:31 PM:
Kara Kacket said on 27th October 2015 02:43 PM:
How disappointing! Another trial in one week.. we might beat the most trials in one week record! It's really sad to see someone the emperor trusted a lot go right back and betray him again.
Look whos talking
How disappointing! Another trial in one week.. we might beat the most trials in one week record! It's really sad to see someone the emperor trusted a lot go right back and betray him again.
Look whos talking