~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in DSGHQ Raffle: 3000 GOLD! • 30th January 2016, 03:31 PM

I'll be ticket #15 :3

~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in The creek in the woods #3 • 30th January 2016, 12:47 PM

Chapter #3, The sacrifice (dun dun dunnnnn)
Ally brought Samantha home, but as she got there, she got a call from an unknown number. So she answered it. "You must make a sacrifice if you want your friend to be okay." The person said. "What sacrifice??". Ally asked. "You must destroy the creek, and then give me a scoop of quick sand." The random man said. " Bu-but.. It's to dangerous..." Ally said. "Do you want your friend to be okay??" He asked. "Yeah but.. FINE!" Ally said. "Okay I can trust you, thanks." He said... Then he hung up with a last saying, "Do not lie to me,Ally..."

Thanks for reading stay tuned for the next chapter! ~Wolffie

~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in Ari's Art Shop • 30th January 2016, 10:56 AM

Blooming wrote on 25th January 2016 08:40 PM:
Hello there DSGHQ!!!

My name is Ari.

Today I am making a Art Shop, you can buy Signatures, Pictures for your Profile and much much more.

Details of the Profile Picture if wanted.






Some Robot

Eye Color:

Any color if Robot. If it's a Human then these choses:

Hazel Nut,





By the way. If it's a ROBOT you can pick any design with hair without, ETC when I go thru them you can add them with any color.

Hair color:

Robots can pick any Hair Color.







Skin Color:

Robots again. Any color.




Robots may have anything.

Shirts, Pants, Necklace, Bracelet, Hair Pony Tail, Shoes, Hats, ETC and you can also add some more if you would like that I have not added. Any of these can have designs and colors on them.

Hair Style:

Boys: Long curly or long straight, Short curly or short straight, Bangs can be added.

Girls: Long straight or long curly, Pony tail that curly or straight, Bangs can be added.

Robots: Wacky or any hair style. Please explain for this one. (Any color for this one)

Background: Any background detail. Explain on this one please.


You can either have your penguin, glittery name or a picture of something like Flowers.

If you want penguin please send me a picture of your penguin with the link. You can comment it or PM me it on Forums. Heres a example of a glittery name. I won't do a picture cause I don't have one right now. It's your option.



If you want a type of glitter or writing ask below in comment or PM. I'll try to find it for you.

Penguin Picture:

You need to add details for your BG. Like, Stars, Pink ETC.

And send me a pic of your penguin so it will be in the picture.

Picture of a item:

It can be any item. Explain and add details if wanted.

The prices:

Profile Pictures: 15 Gold.
Signatures: 7 Gold.

It may take up to 48/24 Hours to make. So if you would like me to change it ask me. I'll PM you it on forums with the link and img,

Please either comment or PM me for one today. Thank you guys.


Type: Person
Hair: Red
Gender: Girl
Hair Style: Straight ponytail with bangs on the sides
Outfit: White T shirt Jeans, Black uggs, Pink Scarf
Backround: Swirly :O

~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in Star wars vote • 30th January 2016, 10:44 AM

I would pick Ray :)

~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in The Newest Prince + Lord Commander • 30th January 2016, 10:39 AM

Congratulations Sriram! Hope you enjoy the wonderful opportunity to be royalty! All we need are some more princesses because 2 quit, well sorta. :)

~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in Oldcp mod app • 30th January 2016, 10:32 AM

Queenblue wrote on 21st January 2016 08:48 PM:
Honestly, I do not really know if I would be re-promoted since the fact I did bad actions. However, I am deciding to just give it a go. Sorry for my wrong actions and if you thought i was ever afk just because I rarely spoke, thats fine tbh. Anyways, this is my oldcp moderator application. I will be describing everything as best as I possibly could.

Basic information:

In-game username: Queenblue
Backup: Lucy
Experience with the rank: Yes
Age: 11 years

Before using powers, what do I do?

As some users do usually use caps "STOP" it really does not help honestly, it just shows the user is getting the attention it wants and is going to continue. Giving the user the attention encourages them to continue the action they are doing. As far as i know, a simple "Please stop (whatever it is they are doing)" would be fine enough. But before I use my powers, just tell the user that. If they seem new, give them 2 chances. Why? Most moderators give 3 chances before everything, that just gives the
user the chance to break the rules more. If they seem like they have been here for a while, tell them stop and then /warn, /kick, /arrest, /ban, basically, give them 1 stop, if they continue give 1 warning, if they continue, 1 kick, if they come back doing it again, 1 arrest and keep in jail for at least 12-24 hours, then if they do it again once released, either higher the jail amount time to about a week or so, or ban.

Order of using my powers

"Please stop (whatever it is they are doing)" (1 time)
/warn (username; example: Queenblue) (1 time)
/kick (username) (1 time)
/arrest (username) (1 time, at least 12-24 hours)
/ban (username) (1 time)

And repeat that two more times, then I would /ipban (username). So basically, three chances of being banned, until ipbanned. But just letting them get 3 chances before every command is giving them WAY too many chances.


/warn (username)
/kick (username)
/arrest (username)
/ban (username)
/ipban (username)
/sendto (username) (room ID or jr)
/summon (username)
/goto (username)
/whisper (username) (message)
/release (username)
/unban (username)
/unipban (username)

Why do I want this rank?

Many reasons,

1. I would enjoy another chance at moderator honestly, it was great being a moderator but I was not so happy when I was demoted TBH
2. As we all know, there is an issue with moderators being inactive, but it's not that i was obsessed with the rank, I was always like this, I am very active and this gives users less chances to break rules, I have also been 4th on stats during moderator
3. This rank meant a lot to me, I did know I could not hold on to the rank forever like other moderators but I did know about three days, and it lasted a week, I would like to improve my skills and go for this again


I have been a master, former oldcp moderator, and current forum moderator. I have been on oldcp for around two years, one and a half. I do not honestly know but it is more than a year. but I did not join forums when I joined oldcp, so, on forums I have less of an experience on forums than oldcp.


When promoted, chelsey said i was active and helpful. I do help a lot when I can. New users always ask questions and are confused, this game is like no other honestly. The normal way when people just say "items is /addall" is great, i usually explain to the user other commands you can use and how to earn stuff and such. This is just my opinion about myself honestly. You can think whatever you want to.


Very active. I am currently 4th on stats.


Obviously. If i was not trusted, how would i have earned 4 ranks? (Master, forum moderator, oldcp moderator, drejk dsghq moderator) I am clearly not trusted by EVERYONE, but I'd say I am trusted by many users.

In conclusion, even if i don't get oldcp moderator, I enjoyed making this honestly and I do hope for a second chance. I'm sorry for not doing the right thing when i was a moderator, I will not say what I did exactly but yeah. Thank you for reading! Any questions, concerns, comments? Feel free to leave them.

I really hope you get this rank! you are one of my bae's <3 & you were an awesome moderator so, I think they should give you another chance :3. Good luck Bae <3

~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in Manage OLDCP account bug • 30th January 2016, 07:09 AM

Queenblue wrote on 29th January 2016 07:47 PM:
It might of been because you used a backup and linked that account to it.

I have one backup which is Wolffiebackup and I have never linked my account to it but I might check.

~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in Master? • 30th January 2016, 07:05 AM

jilly wrote on 29th January 2016 11:47 PM:
Wolffie Sunset said on 29th January 2016 07:27 PM:
A master is a rank on forums, kinda like member but higher up. And once you have the possibilities for master, which are 300 posts and 500 reputation. And they are more trusted to be applying for more trusting ranks like moderator

~Wolffie S.

I thought the requirements are 2000 reputation and 1500 posts.

It's not but a lot of people go higher than that just to be more trusted to get it because some people think it's to low of a requirement

~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in Manage OLDCP account bug • 29th January 2016, 07:42 PM

Rey wrote on 29th January 2016 07:41 PM:
Wolffie Sunset said on 29th January 2016 07:37 PM:
So lately, I have been trying to manage my account to oldcp onto here. But whenever I try to it says "This account is already linked to another forum account, & i have never shared my password, and to be honest I feel as if it is just a bug because I cannot think of who would have my account linked.. Thanks for reading! By the way my oldcp user is Wolffie.


That's what I was thinking!

~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in Manage OLDCP account bug • 29th January 2016, 07:37 PM

So lately, I have been trying to manage my account to oldcp onto here. But whenever I try to it says "This account is already linked to another forum account, & i have never shared my password, and to be honest I feel as if it is just a bug because I cannot think of who would have my account linked.. Thanks for reading! By the way my oldcp user is Wolffie. :)

~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in Master? • 29th January 2016, 07:27 PM

A master is a rank on forums, kinda like member but higher up. And once you have the possibilities for master, which are 300 posts and 500 reputation. And they are more trusted to be applying for more trusting ranks like moderator :3

~Wolffie S.

~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in The creek in the woods #2 • 29th January 2016, 04:52 PM

Chapter #2, The fox besides the path
Samantha finally stopped staring at the creek beyond their eyes and said "We should be going back because, first, we have never went down this far in the forest, well me and it could be very dangerous....". "I agree" Ally said. They ran down the path like the air was breathing but then had to take a break so they sat down on a rock beside the path with tree's all around the back of it. After they took a break they ran out to the entrance of the Public forest. But what they thought was a lost dog was a fox. Shadows surrounded it so it may have looked creepier then it was suppose to. "Aww! Look that dog is lost!" Ally said. "But what if it isn't a dog like a fox?" Samantha said. "Nah lets go see I doubt it.." Ally responded. So they went off slowly approaching this creature but when they got to it, it turned around and it was a fox & the bad part is after it bit Samantha's hand. Samantha fainted and Ally brought her home

I hope you enjoyed but it was probably bad and nobody wants to read it but if you did thanks :3

~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in McKinlee Art ~ 2 • 29th January 2016, 03:12 PM

*Gasp* Am I dreaming or??? That is AMAZING!!! I might wake up and be like "It was only just a dreammmmm ooooh".