llama is my nickname :3
192 posts
Posted in Drawings for @Eafww • 11th March 2016, 07:00 PM

Emacodo wrote on 9th March 2016 01:48 PM:
Ayeeeee here's a commission (not a request) for @Eafww over on Instagram

llama is my nickname :3
192 posts
Posted in Fear me not • 11th March 2016, 06:57 PM

MsAdventure wrote on 11th March 2016 09:16 AM:

13-21-19-20 25-15-21 18-5-1-4 20-8-9-19 16-15-19-20

2-5-3-1-21-19-5 9 1-13 1 8-1-3-11-5-18

1-14-4 9 8-1-3-11-5-4 20-8-9-19 1-3-3-15-21-14-20

9-6 25-15-21 20-18-25 20-15 19-20-15-16 13-5

9 23-9-12-12 8-1-3-11 25-15-21 1-19 23-5-12-12
what is the meaning of this? XD

llama is my nickname :3
192 posts
Posted in Kacket House guard App • 11th March 2016, 06:55 PM

Elexxory wrote on 11th March 2016 06:52 PM:


Welcome to my house guard Application. And i hope you like it. And i hope you take time to read on the Application.


User: Lexicool

Age: 17

active? Yes.


I have never been been a knight or had a sword, But i have been trained, and i learned most of the important rules of being a knight so it would be helpful for Skeleton House Guard. I see most jousts, and how people use their swords. And im trusted.


Why i Want House Guard
I want skeleton house guard because i think i have what it takes, i think i have the guts for it, I believe i have a chance for it, Even if i dont , I'll still believe. Also i think i can. I know lots about knights so i would be good for it, So i think.


Why i would Be Good For A House Guard
I know All of the knight sword commands, Which will be listed after this! And I listen to the rules, Im not Rude or try to be rude. i Always try to make my best by being my self.

/arrest (username)
/release (username)
shift + f is how you take out your sword
F is how you attack
Space is how you block


Well thats my Skeleton House Guard App, I hope you enjoyed it, and took time to read it!
nice, I'm sure you'll get it

llama is my nickname :3
192 posts
Posted in Serious Notice • 11th March 2016, 06:54 PM

Prince Sriram Drake wrote on 11th March 2016 11:52 AM:
The Emperor Guards, Were Created to Protect the DSGHQ, But Mainly The Royals.

Why Bully The Emperor Guards? You Think Bullying US will Make US, Run Off?

My Birthday is On: 15, 03, 2016.

Next Week, Tuesday.
happy early birthday XD

llama is my nickname :3
192 posts
Posted in Some random papers that I found • 11th March 2016, 06:43 PM

Megs Pines wrote on 10th March 2016 09:57 PM:
Hi and stuff

I was cleaning for 5 minutes (which was the most active i've been during my lifetime) and found papers. This is what happens when you pointlessly force yourself to post everyday. You eventually just discuss paper.

1. because my own life is so interesting, i drew a "drawing" showing two lives that are not mine
at first i thought i messed up mabel, but she's been messed up throughout the entire series anyway

2. Oh and because my own life is so interesting, I drew a "drawing" showing two lives that are not mine

3. Because my own life is so interesting, I drew a "drawing" showing the life of an expired triangle who you can just use as a football and punt with

I was going to share some papers containing writing as well, but life's too short to spend any of it reading (which explains my grammar) even though you're reading right now
cool :P

llama is my nickname :3
192 posts
Posted in Rsnail is still here • 11th March 2016, 06:42 PM

Sulley wrote on 6th August 2015 03:35 PM:
In the scroll, (in rsnail's viking helmet,) The letter states, I am trying to grow a beard, so no one will recognize me, and, i also saw in damen's story, that he has ninjas (the suit was in the museum) If so, In 2007, we saw sensei for the first time, known as ?????, and we were trying to dig out rsnail's old dojo, could this "sensei" be rsnail, LEAVE A COMMENT BELOW IF YA THINK SO, (this was my idea credits to sled and petaLL If this is inncorrect please lock it) ~Fable
hmm -rubs chin- mystery....

llama is my nickname :3
192 posts
Posted in 'Twins' • 11th March 2016, 06:39 PM

Misteh Backup wrote on 11th March 2016 03:01 PM:

Even twins have their differences. One could have a spot on their forehead. The other could have a spot on their arm! THE DIFFERENCES PPL THE DIFFERENCES!!

~ Misteh
I died reading this idk why

llama is my nickname :3
192 posts
Posted in Hacker vs Hacker! • 11th March 2016, 06:38 PM

Logically wrote on 11th March 2016 02:37 AM:
Hey guys, Logical here! As I promised I will do the third Minecraft Story! Also, I am a little bit sad as I heard that there have been videos made on these stories and people feel I am copying. But, I promise, I did not copy them. Anyways,today is a story about Hacker vs Hacker! Please enjoy!

Once upon a time, a hacker went on to a server to do some griefing and breaking rules. He found a bank-like-place and decided he would rob it all. Suddenly, he saw another player which looked exactly like him but with a white suit instead of a black one. They both wanted to rob it but not give anything to each other. The black hacker used his rapid fire and shoot multiple arrows like a machine gun but the White Hacker did not get any damage at all. Next,the White Hacker used his exploding hack and exploded the area but neither of them died. In the explosion,the bank got blown away. And then,they noticed that they were surrounded by 8282828 guards. They decided to give up. But the owner of the bank said to them," You have destroyed my precious bank. Now, whoever shows everyone the best hacks wins while the other one goes to prison. I will keep the entry fee 10 Deadbushes for each player to come and see." After a days,the contest started and it was First the White Hacker's turn. He turned on his speed hacks and sneaked to a noob. The noob was busy asking a deadbush to be his friend. The Hacker ran to the noob and punched him and ran. The noob turned around but didn't find anyone so he turned around. Now,this happened 5 times. So the noob rage quit. The audience gave the White Hacker 8/20 points. Next,the Black Hacker turned on reflect hack. He went to some pros with fully enchanted diamond
gear and called them noobs. In anger,they ran to kill him but as soon as they touched him, they got hit and died. The audience gave the Black Hacker 8/20 too. Now,the final round : The White Hacker turned on his exploding hacks. He went to the most popular server and put 82929901 TNT in a town. He lit one up and.. -server crash- After some time,when he went back to the server..all that was left was bedrock. But,the audience hated it as it was a server they all used to play so they gave him 0/20. Next was the Black Hacker's turn. He found out that all the people in the audience were noobs. So,he turned on a rain hack. As soon as he turned it on, deadbushes started raining from the sky. Now everyone became so happy that they gave him 20/20. The White Hacker started crying and got arrested with a anti-hack seal on him. Thus, Black Hacker won.
Moral : Noobs love deadbushes.

There you go guys! I promise YOU that this was not copied. Hope you enjoyed! Be back with another story, tomorrow! -The Helper
another great story! keep up the good work :3

llama is my nickname :3
192 posts
Posted in When? • 11th March 2016, 06:35 PM


llama is my nickname :3
192 posts
Posted in Ouchie is much troll • 11th March 2016, 06:34 PM

Ninjay wrote on 11th March 2016 06:20 PM:
Hello everyone. Ninjay here with a very serious post. I think Ouchie, the new user, deserves Administrator and should rule with Damen over the empire. Here are the reasons why:

1. He is the best troll ever.
2. He likes nachos.
3. He loves his grandmother.
4. ?????
5. Because I said so.

Here are also 7 reasons why you should +1 this post.

1. Plzz like it I want to be cool.
4. ?????
5. *Insert Reason Here*
7. Hello.
I agree lmao

llama is my nickname :3
192 posts
Posted in Screenshots • 11th March 2016, 06:32 PM

it's easy, just download screenshot! here, I'll send you a screenshot & it should say "download screenshot" at the top, hope this helped :) http://prntscr.com/ae46vz

llama is my nickname :3
192 posts
Posted in Forum Mod App ~ Ninjay • 11th March 2016, 06:30 PM

Ninjay wrote on 11th March 2016 07:24 AM:
Basic Info:
Time Zone - CST
Joined - September 15, 2013
Age - 12

Why do you want this position?
I wish to keep the Forums safe, clean, and spam-free. I like helping anyone who is in need of it. I'm a very active user of the Forums. (The same can't be said about OldCp)

Have you ever had any trouble with the staff?
I've never had any warnings and/or bans before. I have had a small disagreement with one before but I've apologized.

None, except for being the mod of a few XAT chats. Everyone has to start somewhere, right? I know how to warn and ban. I have read all the rules, and have knowledge of what to watch out for. I am very responsible, patient, and mature.

Previous and/or current ranks:
I have no ranks now, but before I quit and came back I had the Trusted Rank.

I enjoy creating and playing video games, I play piano, and I compete in archery. I enjoy drawing every now and then.

Additional Notes:
Sorry if this is bragging but I'm in GT at my school, also. I guess that requires responsibility and maturity. I thank everyone who spent their time to read this. That's all I have, really. If I do not get this position, I understand. The Application is kind of short. If anyone knows what else I could add, I'd appreciate it.

llama is my nickname :3
192 posts
Posted in MY HAMSTER • 11th March 2016, 06:28 PM

Ninjay wrote on 11th March 2016 06:12 PM:
I used to have a hamster but I kind of threw him in front of a train to see if he could ride on it. He's dead now but he's recovering. I think bacon tastes good, too!

Tacos are flying in my bedroom, too.

llama is my nickname :3
192 posts
Posted in MY HAMSTER • 11th March 2016, 06:27 PM

ouchie wrote on 11th March 2016 06:05 PM:
Lela67 said on 11th March 2016 05:57 PM:
ouchie said on 11th March 2016 05:52 PM:
His name is pipsqueak. The picture probs wont show up, because im not at 50 posts yet, but im going to try

just kidding i wont try
just kidding

lol, your hamster is adorable

I am too!

llama is my nickname :3
192 posts
Posted in MY HAMSTER • 11th March 2016, 05:57 PM

ouchie wrote on 11th March 2016 05:52 PM:
His name is pipsqueak. The picture probs wont show up, because im not at 50 posts yet, but im going to try

just kidding i wont try
just kidding
lol, your hamster is adorable