Posted in
Stage Two Results - Summer GOM 2020
27th June 2020, 07:12 PM
Hello Readers! Welcome to Summer GOM 2020 Stage 2! Today went by very slowly and smoothly considering only around half the users from yesterday showed up today!
Task One:
Task Two:
Task Three:
Task Four:
Task Five:
Task Six:
Task Seven:
Stage 2 Winner:
General Classification:
As always, I hope you guys enjoyed Stage 2! I'm super excited to see who wins tomorrow!
Also, Shoutout to Zen for the format! Make sure you look at her report for Stage 1!
There is a new space update on P3D! Make sure to check that out!
Posted in
I need to clear something up
23rd June 2020, 08:43 PM
flameknight333 wrote on 23rd June 2020, 02:33 PM:
Jenna who is in the room as well
Posted in
Events of June 20th
21st June 2020, 10:37 AM
Xvoid wrote on 21st June 2020, 09:43 AM:
WTH??? the last fact is mine
Posted in
Events of June 20th
20th June 2020, 08:16 PM
Hello Readers! Welcome to the Trial of Kace & WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?
Trial of Kace
In the beginning of the trial, Sled asked Kace the necessary question: "Are you guilty of your crimes?" and Kace simply answered "Yes, I am guilty of all charges," which made Sled's job very easy. Sled then proceeded to explain that Kace should not risk the lives of innocents and Kace apologized. Sled then asked CoffeeCow for her wisdom which she proceeded to say:
CoffeeCow: On 18.06.14 at jr courtyard, PIG killed Zabura to kill Orbaware. KaceLIVE was the first user to pull out his saber at 16:06:23 [on cinema]. Harryhawkv and Bakonalexx pulled out their sabers after. At 19:06:55, Randy fights, then "dies." And around that time, Kacelive kills Zabura. In my wise words and personal opinion, talking to some of the witnesses and looking at evidence from cinema. It was simply an accident. Kacelive tried to kill Zabura. I do not believe that it was intentional to kill Randy or Bakon.
Sled then mentioned that it is a serious crime whenever someone is killed. She then proceeded to global the verdit which was: Guilty.
Pictures from the Trial of Kace:
Damen mentioned that the newest Forum Game, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? would be livestreamed today. Users were asked to give a very vague description of themselves or something very vague that they have done in their lifetime. Here are a couple of photos from the event:
Damen picked descriptions from: Rouge, Jilly, Dice, Damen, Door, Harry, Val, Bailey, Kace, Kat, Jenna, Zpheal, Jake, Zes, Alatar, Finnawoke, Rachel, Khal, HammyMajed, Sled, Bakon, Saber, Luke, Loki, Void, Randy, Major, Alea, Hashir, Chelsey, Wilf, Jdutr, Turquito, HamilHelp, Lush, Jay, Leah, Gamer, Orbay, Trixie, and Knife. Damen went through 66 of them, in total.
The event brought in around 25-30 users on the Forums TV, so yeah, HUUGE HIT !
Both events were very well organized! Glad so many people showed up!
Posted in
Wilf Show : Stasis
18th June 2020, 01:42 PM
is this an actual show or just a period of inactivity omg
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The Jenna Show!
17th June 2020, 01:06 PM
Hey DSGHQ Community! I made this post regarding my show airing on Friday
Hello reader! Are you interested in becoming a Guest on the Jenna Show? Well, now's your chance! First, I will be answering a few questions you may have!
1. What's a Guest? A Guest on the Jenna Show is someone who listens well and speaks when needed or asked.
2. How am I able to become a Guest on the show? Essentially, you are able to become a Guest by commenting below!
4. How do I know if I get picked? If you are picked, I will be sending you a DM on Discord.
6. What is the show about? I will be deciding topics that will be discussed on the show. You, the users, may also suggest topics we can discuss on the show.
Comment below if you would like to be part of the show
Friday, June 19th @ 5PM, EST / 10PM, GMT / 2PM, PST
Thanks for reading! Hoping to see some wonderful new faces on the show!
i basically copied everything from another post i made lol
Hello reader! Are you interested in becoming a Guest on the Jenna Show? Well, now's your chance! First, I will be answering a few questions you may have!
1. What's a Guest? A Guest on the Jenna Show is someone who listens well and speaks when needed or asked.
2. How am I able to become a Guest on the show? Essentially, you are able to become a Guest by commenting below!
4. How do I know if I get picked? If you are picked, I will be sending you a DM on Discord.
6. What is the show about? I will be deciding topics that will be discussed on the show. You, the users, may also suggest topics we can discuss on the show.
Comment below if you would like to be part of the show
Friday, June 19th @ 5PM, EST / 10PM, GMT / 2PM, PST
Thanks for reading! Hoping to see some wonderful new faces on the show!
i basically copied everything from another post i made lol
Posted in
16th June 2020, 12:38 PM
Hey Alatar!
Please refrain from posting any content that has any graphic images or graphic language! If you would like to show your friends the videos you make that contain language or images that are NOT allowed, dm them on discord. PLEASE DO NOT POST ANYTHING ON FORUMS THAT VIOLATES ANY RULES. I edited out the video because it violated forum rules.
okay thank you
Please refrain from posting any content that has any graphic images or graphic language! If you would like to show your friends the videos you make that contain language or images that are NOT allowed, dm them on discord. PLEASE DO NOT POST ANYTHING ON FORUMS THAT VIOLATES ANY RULES. I edited out the video because it violated forum rules.
okay thank you
Posted in
Then vs Now: Compare Yourself
12th June 2020, 01:40 PM
When did you join?
What was your original username? Did you change it?
It went from jemi1234, to jemi12345, to Jennaa, and finally Jenna.
Who were your friends? Are you still in touch?
So basically, I found OldCP from my group of friends that I've been in touch with since the original Club Penguin in 2014 or 2015. Our group consists of Fizza8, Rouge11, B0ng0, zannypants (Chris), ashley, lolycookies (fizza's sister), Soph223, and Natalia123 (Nutella). We called ourselves the "Jajaja Squad", and have had that name since 2015 or 2016. I am still in touch with most of them except for chris and ashley. Many of them are still around, so i guess that's pretty cool!!
Here's a really cool picture of all of us :
What were your interests? What are they today?
In 2015, I was a huuuge fan of Pretty Little Liars. I watched the first two episodes of the show on TV (2010 I think?) and then caught up in 2015! I remember I tried getting my friends to watch the show, but none of them ended up liking it . Right now, I'm beginning to watch the latest season of Riverdale. I haven't started it yet, but next week I'll probably start and finish it.
What were your goals? Have they stayed the same or changed? Have you achieved any?
Honestly, in the beginning, my goal was earning a rank. In 2015, ranks were not at all just given out to people, so I knew I had to wait a couple of years until I actually achieved a rank. I ended up having well over 10 or 20 ranks in my entire OldCP career (they're in my forums bio), so yeah I guess that's pretty cool!! I also wanted to win GOM back then and ended up winning the busiest GOM ever! Currently, I've already achieved most of my goals that I made 4 or 5 years ago, so I don't really have anymore.
What was your original username? Did you change it?
It went from jemi1234, to jemi12345, to Jennaa, and finally Jenna.
Who were your friends? Are you still in touch?
So basically, I found OldCP from my group of friends that I've been in touch with since the original Club Penguin in 2014 or 2015. Our group consists of Fizza8, Rouge11, B0ng0, zannypants (Chris), ashley, lolycookies (fizza's sister), Soph223, and Natalia123 (Nutella). We called ourselves the "Jajaja Squad", and have had that name since 2015 or 2016. I am still in touch with most of them except for chris and ashley. Many of them are still around, so i guess that's pretty cool!!
Here's a really cool picture of all of us :
What were your interests? What are they today?
In 2015, I was a huuuge fan of Pretty Little Liars. I watched the first two episodes of the show on TV (2010 I think?) and then caught up in 2015! I remember I tried getting my friends to watch the show, but none of them ended up liking it . Right now, I'm beginning to watch the latest season of Riverdale. I haven't started it yet, but next week I'll probably start and finish it.
What were your goals? Have they stayed the same or changed? Have you achieved any?
Honestly, in the beginning, my goal was earning a rank. In 2015, ranks were not at all just given out to people, so I knew I had to wait a couple of years until I actually achieved a rank. I ended up having well over 10 or 20 ranks in my entire OldCP career (they're in my forums bio), so yeah I guess that's pretty cool!! I also wanted to win GOM back then and ended up winning the busiest GOM ever! Currently, I've already achieved most of my goals that I made 4 or 5 years ago, so I don't really have anymore.
Posted in
Moderator Concern
10th June 2020, 10:46 PM
THANK U SO MUCH!! I’m sorry about my inactivity!! I’m definitely going to bring it up after Friday (my last day of school!!)
Posted in
May 31st Events
31st May 2020, 07:36 PM
Hello Readers! Welcome to the May 2020 POTM Ceremony, OldCP Prom, and the Wedding of Randy & Jenna!
Player of the Month
9 days, 58 minutes, 2 seconds
PRIZE: 10,000 gold
11 days, 11 hours
PRIZE: 25,000 gold
11 days, 16 hours
PRIZE: 60,000 gold
11 days, 23 hours
PRIZE: 80,000 gold
13 days, 1 hour
PRIZE: 100,000 gold
Randy and Jenna's (Fake) Wedding!
Before y'all say anything, this was supposed to be Randy & Zes's wedding, but then Randy didn't want to marry Zes anymore. So, I stepped in and married him (AS FRIENDS). Here is Fable's post regarding the event that was SUPPOSED to occur:
OldCP's 2nd Prom!
This event drew in about 45 users online and nearly 30 users on the OldCP Prom VC! It was quite a success with the help of Khal's performance!
A little while after the prom began, Damen announced the second POTM for May 2020, which then proceeded to every user online freezing. Around the same time, Alex took the mic from Chase and decided to sing while playing his guitar.
Prom King and Queen!
Before Damen announced the second POTM ceremony, the vote for Prom King & Queen occurred. The winners, who were also this past week's Honorable User & Mod were Tommo and Saber! Congratulations you two!
CZ Announcements and Events:
During Prom, Akkar (aka Skylinr) decided to attack Khal! After Damen's POTM, Akkar proceeded to become invisible and start attacking people. People were told to stand down.
Credit to Joseph for the pictures!
Important Announcement:
Sled has announced that Akkar's trial is June 3rd! Here is the link to the discussion: ! As well as the trial, Damen is hosting a create conference on Tuesday! Here is the link to the discussion: ! Hope to see you all there!
Posted in
25th May 2020, 12:16 PM
i supported y'all since Day 1 and all of your hard work shouldn't go unnoticed. there should be a ceremony or something to commemorate how much time and effort y'all put into your campaign. love you always
Posted in
Taking a Look Back | 2017 - Present
24th May 2020, 11:11 PM
it's crazy how much our friendship has blossomed over the years !
Nov. 2017
Nov. 2018
Nov. 2019 (i couldn't find a photo of us together lol)
May 2020
Nov. 2017
Nov. 2018
Nov. 2019 (i couldn't find a photo of us together lol)
May 2020