69 posts
Posted in Fear me not • 12th March 2016, 02:08 PM

Roy wrote on 11th March 2016 08:56 PM:
MsAdventure said on 11th March 2016 09:16 AM:

13-21-19-20 25-15-21 18-5-1-4 20-8-9-19 16-15-19-20

2-5-3-1-21-19-5 9 1-13 1 8-1-3-11-5-18

1-14-4 9 8-1-3-11-5-4 20-8-9-19 1-3-3-15-21-14-20

9-6 25-15-21 20-18-25 20-15 19-20-15-16 13-5

9 23-9-12-12 8-1-3-11 25-15-21 1-19 23-5-12-12

Why should we fear you? I don't understand the numbers or codes those are. These are probably codes.
Fist of all, yes they are number-letter codes I learned. But the confusing part is that why this person is using it
SpikeN wrote on 11th March 2016 03:43 PM:
MsAdventure said on 11th March 2016 09:16 AM:

13-21-19-20 25-15-21 18-5-1-4 20-8-9-19 16-15-19-20

2-5-3-1-21-19-5 9 1-13 1 8-1-3-11-5-18

1-14-4 9 8-1-3-11-5-4 20-8-9-19 1-3-3-15-21-14-20

9-6 25-15-21 20-18-25 20-15 19-20-15-16 13-5

9 23-9-12-12 8-1-3-11 25-15-21 1-19 23-5-12-12

Line 1 ???????

Yea that's what it means, but honestly it wasn't me who wrote that
You might be thinking "Why is she talking about herself" well actually I'm not.
A few days ago, I came onto my account and everything on my profile changed.
The name, the picture, and yet they made this post. I will ask just one more time......
Please don't reply to this discussion

69 posts
Posted in Fear me not • 11th March 2016, 10:54 PM

As I had said, please do not reply to this discussion anymore

69 posts
Posted in DSGHQ Music video • 11th March 2016, 02:16 PM

Cristal wrote on 10th March 2016 05:46 PM:
Superficial love DSGHQ STYLE WOOP!

So I made my own CPMV its my first. I wanted to make a video with a song and have it to relate with the DSGHQ. So I made this video. It took a long long long long long time because it was my first time editing all this stuff and tbh it was really easy but so annoying because for the last week I've been listening to the same song over and over again and my ears are bleeding.

Hope you enjoy!!

Special thanks to:


Thanks! Bye, please give a +1 if you liked the video!
Cristal and everyone who was in that video are now stars!!

69 posts
Posted in 1,750 gold raffle • 11th March 2016, 02:05 PM

Can I join? I liked

69 posts
Posted in Serious Notice • 11th March 2016, 01:57 PM

Prince Sriram Drake wrote on 11th March 2016 11:52 AM:
The Emperor Guards, Were Created to Protect the DSGHQ, But Mainly The Royals.

Why Bully The Emperor Guards? You Think Bullying US will Make US, Run Off?

My Birthday is On: 15, 03, 2016.

Next Week, Tuesday.
I seriously didn't understand this post. But happy birthday Sriram!
Prince Sriram Drake wrote on 11th March 2016 12:55 PM:
You Win, Or You die.

69 posts
Posted in 400 Gold per Hour • 11th March 2016, 01:41 PM

Lol, this is funny because......well, just because it's funny!! Lol

69 posts
Posted in Trouble With Store • 11th March 2016, 01:37 PM

The stuff I bought from the DSGHQstore aren't working for me
Basically everything I bought from the store isn't working, for example the gifs thingy, it won't work. Also the background images won't work. I got really mad because of this. Is this supposed to happen or am I doing something wrong? The only thing that worked for was the nameglow and that's it. If you have any suggestions or information, please tell me when you can

*Note: I usually go in forums on my Ipad, so that might also be the problem

69 posts
Posted in Fear me not • 11th March 2016, 01:28 PM

....um ok thanks? Why are you welcome?
HackerAlex wrote on 11th March 2016 12:41 PM:
Your welcome for everything

69 posts
Posted in Fear me not • 11th March 2016, 12:25 PM

Please nobody write to this disscusion after this post. The disscusion someone (not really me who posted
it) posted was big misunderstanding. And I repeat do not reply after this post.

MsAdventure :)

69 posts
Posted in Fear me not • 11th March 2016, 09:44 AM

SirEuan wrote on 11th March 2016 09:18 AM:
The point of this post? I don't understand.


14-15-15-2 20-8-5-14

69 posts
Posted in Fear me not • 11th March 2016, 09:16 AM


13-21-19-20 25-15-21 18-5-1-4 20-8-9-19 16-15-19-20

2-5-3-1-21-19-5 9 1-13 1 8-1-3-11-5-18

1-14-4 9 8-1-3-11-5-4 20-8-9-19 1-3-3-15-21-14-20

9-6 25-15-21 20-18-25 20-15 19-20-15-16 13-5

9 23-9-12-12 8-1-3-11 25-15-21 1-19 23-5-12-12

69 posts
Posted in Saddness • 11th March 2016, 07:04 AM

Uggh just please make ticket

69 posts
Posted in Im confused about DSGHQ • 10th March 2016, 03:49 PM

Tent wrote on 10th March 2016 03:46 PM:
MsAdventure said on 10th March 2016 03:33 PM:
Damen Drake said on 10th March 2016 03:13 PM:
Dont worry you'll understand if you become a member for a long time. People like to marry eachother on oldcp for fun and bank accs is where you put your coins to keep them safe.

Tent said on 10th March 2016 03:14 PM:
MsAdventure said on 10th March 2016 03:05 PM:
Hi guys,

DSGHQ is an awesome place, there is no doubt about that, but it's also very confusing.
The rules are somewhat hard for me to understand, for instance, the rule about the double post, what if you double post on accident but you still get in trouble for doing so? And the rule about not defending traitors? What is that supposed to mean? And since when was there such thing as wedding rules? Okay, I know you have to have a blessing, but the rest of the rules about marriage are nonsense. This is a virtual world, you guys, if you read the 4th word of this sentance again, you will hopefully understand. Usually there is no such thing as getting married on a forums or a game online, there just isn't. And would soneone please explain the "No Drama" rule? How do you get a bank account and WHY?!! Why is there a bank on a forums (I understand why but how do people use it, it doesn't give a good explanation) I'm sorry if this is an unnecessary post but I'm literally CONFUSED!!! And please help me in anyway (PM, or reply)

Damen Drake said on 10th March 2016 03:13 PM:
Dont worry you'll understand if you become a member for a long time. People like to marry eachother on oldcp for fun and bank accs is where you put your coins to keep them safe.

Answering your questions, usually people don't get in trouble for double posting, if you do it by mistake usually moderators just delete it, because they can tell if it's a mistake, and it's not like you'll even get suspended for double posting. The rule about not defending traitors, is that if someone is an enemy to the empire ( eg. Arryn ). You can't protect them, and lie saying they're good people, etc. The marriage rules are the marriage rules, OldCP has marriage because it likes to be unique and different from other games, also marriage is required for the empire system. ( Which is great right now. ) No drama rule means no making a fuss about nothing, and creating a fight over every single thing. Go to your account profiles to access your bank out, besides if you need any more help with forums, just use the forums tutorial which is pinned in the Help & Support.

But why are there enemies in this game? This game is meant for kids but there is blood and violence in this game. Maybe you could add a no violence rule (and if there is violence then give that persin no 1 warning only but afterwards g
just ban or suspend them. And about the bank thing, before it said something about a visa card but now it doesnt, how come?

1st. With no guns or swords in this game, most users would quit, honestly when people talk about "no violence", they don't even mean it. Crimezone just makes the game fun, also about the bank, when it asked you for a visa card, I'm pretty sure you were trying to buy gold from OldCP, because forums gold has nothing to do with visa cards, unless you're trying to buy gold from the store.
Oh okay, thanks, then II'm sure I was trying to buy gold lol. Andviolence would make the game fun ok. But could it be not violence that has blood because 8 year olds play this game

69 posts
Posted in I'm New here! • 10th March 2016, 03:34 PM

SirEuan wrote on 10th March 2016 03:27 PM:
MsAdventure said on 10th March 2016 02:27 PM:
SirEuan said on 10th March 2016 08:34 AM:
dirtingbike1 said on 10th March 2016 08:16 AM:
Hey everyone I am new to this game and I'd like to get some advice! I help develop ROBLOX and I'd love to help you Damen to develop this game too! ^-^ I am 34 years old man (you don't have to believe it) and I I hope none of you ban me from the server because I am a good man but 34 years old! Anyway, hope you get to be my friend sometime bye!!!


34? If you're older than 18 you must get permission to join. It is one of the rules.

By the way, I am getting a bit concered that if you're 34, why are you here?!


rude! lol

dirtingbike1 said on 10th March 2016 08:36 AM:
Lol guys I'm just joking, I'm Max but dirtingbiker1 on oldcp is not me I just took his account on forums lmao.

Lol hi max

How is that rude? Gosh.

Lol thats sarcasm btw

69 posts
Posted in Im confused about DSGHQ • 10th March 2016, 03:33 PM

Damen Drake wrote on 10th March 2016 03:13 PM:
Dont worry you'll understand if you become a member for a long time. People like to marry eachother on oldcp for fun and bank accs is where you put your coins to keep them safe.
Tent wrote on 10th March 2016 03:14 PM:
MsAdventure said on 10th March 2016 03:05 PM:
Hi guys,

DSGHQ is an awesome place, there is no doubt about that, but it's also very confusing.
The rules are somewhat hard for me to understand, for instance, the rule about the double post, what if you double post on accident but you still get in trouble for doing so? And the rule about not defending traitors? What is that supposed to mean? And since when was there such thing as wedding rules? Okay, I know you have to have a blessing, but the rest of the rules about marriage are nonsense. This is a virtual world, you guys, if you read the 4th word of this sentance again, you will hopefully understand. Usually there is no such thing as getting married on a forums or a game online, there just isn't. And would soneone please explain the "No Drama" rule? How do you get a bank account and WHY?!! Why is there a bank on a forums (I understand why but how do people use it, it doesn't give a good explanation) I'm sorry if this is an unnecessary post but I'm literally CONFUSED!!! And please help me in anyway (PM, or reply)

Damen Drake said on 10th March 2016 03:13 PM:
Dont worry you'll understand if you become a member for a long time. People like to marry eachother on oldcp for fun and bank accs is where you put your coins to keep them safe.

Answering your questions, usually people don't get in trouble for double posting, if you do it by mistake usually moderators just delete it, because they can tell if it's a mistake, and it's not like you'll even get suspended for double posting. The rule about not defending traitors, is that if someone is an enemy to the empire ( eg. Arryn ). You can't protect them, and lie saying they're good people, etc. The marriage rules are the marriage rules, OldCP has marriage because it likes to be unique and different from other games, also marriage is required for the empire system. ( Which is great right now. ) No drama rule means no making a fuss about nothing, and creating a fight over every single thing. Go to your account profiles to access your bank out, besides if you need any more help with forums, just use the forums tutorial which is pinned in the Help & Support.
But why are there enemies in this game? This game is meant for kids but there is blood and violence in this game. Maybe you could add a no violence rule (and if there is violence then give that persin no 1 warning only but afterwards g
just ban or suspend them. And about the bank thing, before it said something about a visa card but now it doesnt, how come?