Posted in
Dagor Dagorath
13th January 2019, 07:22 PM
FEATURED AGAIN! long live lanikai aka perla12. omg but yes amazing report
Posted in
i just got into a car accident
13th January 2019, 06:53 PM
woah i hope you and your family are alright
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End of Dagor - 1/13/19
13th January 2019, 06:50 PM
yay featured as lanikaiiii amazing rerport
Posted in
au revoir -seth
6th January 2019, 04:10 PM
good friend always. im very happy i was able to reconnect with you and i will miss you but i know this isnt goodbye. see ya on dis
Posted in
Appreciation and improvements
4th January 2019, 08:45 PM
my forever and always. loved you since day 1 and im so happy you're back
Posted in
Goodbye 2
4th January 2019, 08:36 PM
its sad to see you go team. i have loved getting close to you this past month. i wish you best of luck in your future and please keep in touch!!
Posted in
3rd January 2019, 07:44 PM
Pablo it has been truly an honor to have met you and become close with you. You brought something very unique to this community and it is really a shame to see you go. thank you for being an incredible staff member and never letting the drama get to you. you always had a positive attitude and welcomed everyone with open arms. i truly admire your personality and patience. i wish you best of luck with your future and please keep in touch.