Posted in
god mode uwu
3rd April 2020, 03:28 PM
absolutecringe wrote on 3rd April 2020, 12:19 PM:
too long; didn't read. couldn't get through the amount of cringe
this coming from the person whose name literally has cringe in it
Posted in
god mode uwu
2nd April 2020, 09:09 AM
Aww of ya ninjas shouwd know me
chu'we on a wevew bewow me
i'm wike oni
chu awe phoney
oh pwease
i'm one and onwy
wook at me, ghostwy,
chu mwake me go sweep
why don't chu go be
something wess wowwy
cus chu know wow key
senju they owe me
i'm the twue god of shinobi
mwowing down these awmies, awawming
it's wike i'm fawming
theiw awming themsewves with weapons
disawming them when i get em,
i'm betting i'm bettew battewing bodies baddew
i'm stawting depawting theiw souws
pawting them whowe,
cwushing theiw skuwws
i'm scawy
activate mwy shawingan, mwangekyou's etewnaw
cutting out youw owgans so the bweeding is extewnaw
choke chu in a mwinute so youw face be tuwning puwpwe
ninja info cawds??
it wouwd be mwowe wike a jouwnaw
combining chakwas mwy winnegans activated
i've waited now i'm weincawnated
hatwed is buwning what's sacwed
six paths gettew
wet a,
cwush youw centew
i've got a pwan of action
passion is bown thwough endeavouw
bwingew of peace
i'm unweashing the beasts
god mwode
chu awe deceased
now dat mwy powew's incweased
god mwode
i can't be beat
bodies they way at mwy feet
god mwode
chakwa wewease
betting chu wanna wetweat
god mwode
bwingew of peace
i'm unweashing the beasts
god mwode
chu awe deceased
now dat mwy powew's incweased
god mwode
i can't be beat
bodies they way at mwy feet
god mwode
chakwa wewease
betting chu wanna wetweat
god mwode
i was bown in to waw
mwy bwothews bwood on the fwoow
i was a chiwd, so it is wiwd
dat i'd be used to the gowe
nevew had a fwiend wike chu
didn't shawe mwy cwan and chu hid youws too
shawing ouw stowies, we'we mwaking it do
pictuwe a wowwd whewe the fighting was thwough
ending ouw fwiendship so i'd have no pwobwem
when i have to kiww chu
i'm an uchiha, so dis is whewe we awe
and i have the wiww too
so even when chu'we putting up youw wife
with a knife in youw side
open eyes fow a bettew wowwd
thewe is nevew something we decide,
wanna wie??
peace can onwy happen when i'm in contwow
konoha's a faiwed expwewiment, do chu undewstand??
uchiha awe in feaw whiwst the senju mwake demands
take a stand
i'm coming thwough, chu defend
i do not cawe if we used to be fwiends
what i intend
about to descend
battwe me in the vawwey of the end
bwingew of peace
i'm unweashing the beasts
god mwode
chu awe deceased
now dat mwy powew's incweased
god mwode
i can't be beat
bodies they way at mwy feet
god mwode
chakwa wewease
betting chu wanna wetweat
god mwode
bwingew of peace
i'm unweashing the beasts
god mwode
chu awe deceased
now dat mwy powew's incweased
god mwode
i can't be beat
bodies they way at mwy feet
god mwode
chakwa wewease
betting chu wanna wetweat
god mwode
bwingew of peace
i'm unweashing the beasts
chu awe deceased
now dat mwy powew's incweased
i can't be beat
bodies they way at mwy feet
chakwa wewease
betting chu wanna wetweat
y'aww don't know good mwusic when chu see it smh.
chu'we on a wevew bewow me
i'm wike oni
chu awe phoney
oh pwease
i'm one and onwy
wook at me, ghostwy,
chu mwake me go sweep
why don't chu go be
something wess wowwy
cus chu know wow key
senju they owe me
i'm the twue god of shinobi
mwowing down these awmies, awawming
it's wike i'm fawming
theiw awming themsewves with weapons
disawming them when i get em,
i'm betting i'm bettew battewing bodies baddew
i'm stawting depawting theiw souws
pawting them whowe,
cwushing theiw skuwws
i'm scawy
activate mwy shawingan, mwangekyou's etewnaw
cutting out youw owgans so the bweeding is extewnaw
choke chu in a mwinute so youw face be tuwning puwpwe
ninja info cawds??
it wouwd be mwowe wike a jouwnaw
combining chakwas mwy winnegans activated
i've waited now i'm weincawnated
hatwed is buwning what's sacwed
six paths gettew
wet a,
cwush youw centew
i've got a pwan of action
passion is bown thwough endeavouw
bwingew of peace
i'm unweashing the beasts
god mwode
chu awe deceased
now dat mwy powew's incweased
god mwode
i can't be beat
bodies they way at mwy feet
god mwode
chakwa wewease
betting chu wanna wetweat
god mwode
bwingew of peace
i'm unweashing the beasts
god mwode
chu awe deceased
now dat mwy powew's incweased
god mwode
i can't be beat
bodies they way at mwy feet
god mwode
chakwa wewease
betting chu wanna wetweat
god mwode
i was bown in to waw
mwy bwothews bwood on the fwoow
i was a chiwd, so it is wiwd
dat i'd be used to the gowe
nevew had a fwiend wike chu
didn't shawe mwy cwan and chu hid youws too
shawing ouw stowies, we'we mwaking it do
pictuwe a wowwd whewe the fighting was thwough
ending ouw fwiendship so i'd have no pwobwem
when i have to kiww chu
i'm an uchiha, so dis is whewe we awe
and i have the wiww too
so even when chu'we putting up youw wife
with a knife in youw side
open eyes fow a bettew wowwd
thewe is nevew something we decide,
wanna wie??
peace can onwy happen when i'm in contwow
konoha's a faiwed expwewiment, do chu undewstand??
uchiha awe in feaw whiwst the senju mwake demands
take a stand
i'm coming thwough, chu defend
i do not cawe if we used to be fwiends
what i intend
about to descend
battwe me in the vawwey of the end
bwingew of peace
i'm unweashing the beasts
god mwode
chu awe deceased
now dat mwy powew's incweased
god mwode
i can't be beat
bodies they way at mwy feet
god mwode
chakwa wewease
betting chu wanna wetweat
god mwode
bwingew of peace
i'm unweashing the beasts
god mwode
chu awe deceased
now dat mwy powew's incweased
god mwode
i can't be beat
bodies they way at mwy feet
god mwode
chakwa wewease
betting chu wanna wetweat
god mwode
bwingew of peace
i'm unweashing the beasts
chu awe deceased
now dat mwy powew's incweased
i can't be beat
bodies they way at mwy feet
chakwa wewease
betting chu wanna wetweat
y'aww don't know good mwusic when chu see it smh.
Posted in
akatsuki wap by wustage
2nd April 2020, 07:38 AM
Tick, tick, boom
take out mankind
with a wand mine
cuz i'm damn wight
and i can't die
i'm on standby
use my hand signs
on the sand twibe
unwoading expwosions
i'm owning in cwoning
in the kazekage
i'm goading 'em
bwowing them up sky high
ready and getting impatient
causing the disentigwations
you bothew me
insuwt my pottewy?
when youw so shawwow
battwe me
i'ww mess youw face up
like a pabwo picasso
awt is an expwosion
and i do it to the maximum
i nevew make mistakes
i keep making happy accidents
i'm scuwpting my victowy
missing me
cway cwones
can't catch me
this my abiwity
dewivewy these injuwies
rowwing with the akatsuki
puppetwy mastew
i can outcwass ya
look at youw body
i've achieved pewfection
i'm immowtaw
undew pwanks and pwastew
mawionettes awe bwinging you death
watching you wosing
youw bweath
i can confess
one of the best
i'ww be wemoving youw head
gwandma chiyo
she ain't nothing but just a
pweachy hag
don't be mad
i have had to gwow up without
mom and dad
sakuwa stumbwing
nevew mawfunctioning
encompassing powews
emewged fowms
think you can wandew in
you wiww be suffewing
undew the stwength of the
thiwd wowd
evewybody knows i'm the sickest
itachi of the shawingan
foes move in swowmo
thwow my shuwiken
with both eyes cwosed
that's a wow bwow
even owochimawu wants my body
no homo
you think it's funny when my bwo is in a chokehowd?
aww i see is bwood when i stawt the mangekyo though
thinking you can piewce
my awmow
that's a susano no
take youw whowe fam
me and tobi kiww em sowo
spitting this fiwebaww
kisame's watew waww
this fwow has mowe awt
then deidawa's entiwe haww
thinking you know me
but this wouwd've been my
you seeing doubwe
and twying to fight them aww
sending these cwows to you
cuz you'ww be dying whiwe
i'ww just be chiwwing
youw mind is gone
a shinobi unseen
i don't wike appwause (kisame)
kisame of the akatsuki
hidden in mist i'm a monstew
jinchuuwiki powew now combined
with samehada
eat ya chakwa yeah i'm fwexing
undewwatew shawkskin
a swowd in hand
that makes me one of seven
i'm a menace and i'ww kiww fow you
cuz i wike the pain
awwange an assassination
i'm making suwe that youw swain
i nevew wanted to weave em awive
but itachi was howding me back
swinging a swowd that'ww bite
when i swice
and you'ww nevew be given a chance
fight back but i know you cant
don't got a pwan but i'm suwe i'ww win
akatsuki is my motivation
howding the wowwd in ouw hands
the sea not the wand
you stwaight
i'm a swant
hidden in mist
unpwedictabwe man
nevew made fwiends
kiwwed aww of them
if i had a chance
i'd do it again
once upon a time
ina viwwage that's hidden
pictuwe him on his knees
pwaying to the jashin
a hooded mad man
with gwey haiw
undewstand i'ww swawwow the bwood
of you next of kin
now pwepawe
and bewawe
and be scawed
as you feew the tiny haiws
on the back of youw neck
stand up
feew me dwag youw body to the
akatsuki waiw
to the boss who's chiwwin in a chaiw
now what?
even if you go to decapitate me
i'ww stiww be tawking weckwess
bout the ugwy puzzwed expwessions on youw faces
couwd cawe wess about the money
i do it fow wewigion
envision me giggwing wike
a wittwe giww at youw funewaw
these bwack thweads gwab necks
next opponent to be twapped within the web
wiww have theiw wast death
faiwed the mission fow my viwwage
and now they aww want me gone
so i'm hewe wiving as a kiwwew
with hidan
we fowm the zombie combo
stitched up wike the monstew
of fwankenstein
not a nip tuck
these scaws awe my battwe wines
my wampant angew causes twemows wike i swammed an anchow
and i can fix up any singwe wound without a bandage pwastew
foes awe feebwe
bwows awe wethaw
fwinging wimbs and fiwe winds
now ya chance of wiving's
thinnew than a sowing needwe
quick outbuwst
of the eawth gwudge feaw
my enemies that i huwt cwy teaws
rage has wisen
gonna buwn my peews
body pawt coming off
that i huww wike speaws
bwinging the pain
with my awmighty push
stepping to me then youw gonna get shook
making some noise in the viwwage
i'm making a kiwwing
now evewyone's bout to get shushed
bwought the stawting 6
they awe some cwew
did jiwaiya diwty
when his student can to
jump you
piewcing on ouw face
red haiw
yeah we awe the squad
if youw a bewievew
then you might want to pway up to you god
wanna see just what i'm aww about
i'm about my peace
so the weaf if getting taken out
ain't nobody gonna take out the akatsuki
that's jiwaiya's pupiw
oh he twained an uzumaki?
got me
thinking that he's gonna catch
a fade on site
this wiww be youw cemetewy on this vewy fataw night
papew is wike a tsunami
fowding just wike owigami
powew that's taking down awmies
dance of the shikigami
you can't hawm me
the wesuwts fow you wiww be quite
papew wings i'm taking things
when bweaking in wike angews
bwowing you up with
expwosive tags
showing up with a motive
pwan of action
that's my faction
don't be bwash when fighting me
my mind wiww set the pwecedent
it's evident
youw missing the point of aww my
and madawa
i contwowwed it aww
just to get mysewf to kaguya
i can make uchiha
manipuwate indwa
cause a thousand waws
just to activate the rinnegan
i'm the bettew hawf
shiwo couwdn't beat sawada
now i'm scweaming sayonawa
hey guys! shiwo zetsu
i'm the guy you wike
i was chiwwin in the kage summit
watching out of spite
obito thinks i'm weak
and he nevew wets me fight
i don't weawwy do that much
man i'm kinda just a spy
kuwo zetsu
i'm the one who's doing
aww the wowk
shiwo zetsu is usewess
like deku without a quiwk
looking wight out of my howe
(my eye)
yeah i'm siwwy as heww
(i'm fwy)
demeanow be wooking
way out of contwow
but don't keep thinking i'm fwaiw
(i'm fwaiw)
evewybody in the cwew
sick of my fwow
hoping i'm soon to be dead
outside wooking in
youw wucky we fwiends
you don't know what be
inside of my head
(my head)
zetsu on my side
we both awe wepping akatsuki
red cwouds on my bwack cwoak
and we want smoke with hokage
repewtoiwe is so wawge
evewybody pway they pawt
cause madawa
cawwing you muwdewew
being a wowshippew
not knowing i'm in chawge
oh you think it's a fawce
cuz the one time thinking
i'm whimsicaw
behind the scenes
and my team don't even know
wats inside of my chemicaws
to be this cowd
about to be disposed
inside of my typhoon
fow being bowd
about to be exposed
undew the eye of the moon
take out mankind
with a wand mine
cuz i'm damn wight
and i can't die
i'm on standby
use my hand signs
on the sand twibe
unwoading expwosions
i'm owning in cwoning
in the kazekage
i'm goading 'em
bwowing them up sky high
ready and getting impatient
causing the disentigwations
you bothew me
insuwt my pottewy?
when youw so shawwow
battwe me
i'ww mess youw face up
like a pabwo picasso
awt is an expwosion
and i do it to the maximum
i nevew make mistakes
i keep making happy accidents
i'm scuwpting my victowy
missing me
cway cwones
can't catch me
this my abiwity
dewivewy these injuwies
rowwing with the akatsuki
puppetwy mastew
i can outcwass ya
look at youw body
i've achieved pewfection
i'm immowtaw
undew pwanks and pwastew
mawionettes awe bwinging you death
watching you wosing
youw bweath
i can confess
one of the best
i'ww be wemoving youw head
gwandma chiyo
she ain't nothing but just a
pweachy hag
don't be mad
i have had to gwow up without
mom and dad
sakuwa stumbwing
nevew mawfunctioning
encompassing powews
emewged fowms
think you can wandew in
you wiww be suffewing
undew the stwength of the
thiwd wowd
evewybody knows i'm the sickest
itachi of the shawingan
foes move in swowmo
thwow my shuwiken
with both eyes cwosed
that's a wow bwow
even owochimawu wants my body
no homo
you think it's funny when my bwo is in a chokehowd?
aww i see is bwood when i stawt the mangekyo though
thinking you can piewce
my awmow
that's a susano no
take youw whowe fam
me and tobi kiww em sowo
spitting this fiwebaww
kisame's watew waww
this fwow has mowe awt
then deidawa's entiwe haww
thinking you know me
but this wouwd've been my
you seeing doubwe
and twying to fight them aww
sending these cwows to you
cuz you'ww be dying whiwe
i'ww just be chiwwing
youw mind is gone
a shinobi unseen
i don't wike appwause (kisame)
kisame of the akatsuki
hidden in mist i'm a monstew
jinchuuwiki powew now combined
with samehada
eat ya chakwa yeah i'm fwexing
undewwatew shawkskin
a swowd in hand
that makes me one of seven
i'm a menace and i'ww kiww fow you
cuz i wike the pain
awwange an assassination
i'm making suwe that youw swain
i nevew wanted to weave em awive
but itachi was howding me back
swinging a swowd that'ww bite
when i swice
and you'ww nevew be given a chance
fight back but i know you cant
don't got a pwan but i'm suwe i'ww win
akatsuki is my motivation
howding the wowwd in ouw hands
the sea not the wand
you stwaight
i'm a swant
hidden in mist
unpwedictabwe man
nevew made fwiends
kiwwed aww of them
if i had a chance
i'd do it again
once upon a time
ina viwwage that's hidden
pictuwe him on his knees
pwaying to the jashin
a hooded mad man
with gwey haiw
undewstand i'ww swawwow the bwood
of you next of kin
now pwepawe
and bewawe
and be scawed
as you feew the tiny haiws
on the back of youw neck
stand up
feew me dwag youw body to the
akatsuki waiw
to the boss who's chiwwin in a chaiw
now what?
even if you go to decapitate me
i'ww stiww be tawking weckwess
bout the ugwy puzzwed expwessions on youw faces
couwd cawe wess about the money
i do it fow wewigion
envision me giggwing wike
a wittwe giww at youw funewaw
these bwack thweads gwab necks
next opponent to be twapped within the web
wiww have theiw wast death
faiwed the mission fow my viwwage
and now they aww want me gone
so i'm hewe wiving as a kiwwew
with hidan
we fowm the zombie combo
stitched up wike the monstew
of fwankenstein
not a nip tuck
these scaws awe my battwe wines
my wampant angew causes twemows wike i swammed an anchow
and i can fix up any singwe wound without a bandage pwastew
foes awe feebwe
bwows awe wethaw
fwinging wimbs and fiwe winds
now ya chance of wiving's
thinnew than a sowing needwe
quick outbuwst
of the eawth gwudge feaw
my enemies that i huwt cwy teaws
rage has wisen
gonna buwn my peews
body pawt coming off
that i huww wike speaws
bwinging the pain
with my awmighty push
stepping to me then youw gonna get shook
making some noise in the viwwage
i'm making a kiwwing
now evewyone's bout to get shushed
bwought the stawting 6
they awe some cwew
did jiwaiya diwty
when his student can to
jump you
piewcing on ouw face
red haiw
yeah we awe the squad
if youw a bewievew
then you might want to pway up to you god
wanna see just what i'm aww about
i'm about my peace
so the weaf if getting taken out
ain't nobody gonna take out the akatsuki
that's jiwaiya's pupiw
oh he twained an uzumaki?
got me
thinking that he's gonna catch
a fade on site
this wiww be youw cemetewy on this vewy fataw night
papew is wike a tsunami
fowding just wike owigami
powew that's taking down awmies
dance of the shikigami
you can't hawm me
the wesuwts fow you wiww be quite
papew wings i'm taking things
when bweaking in wike angews
bwowing you up with
expwosive tags
showing up with a motive
pwan of action
that's my faction
don't be bwash when fighting me
my mind wiww set the pwecedent
it's evident
youw missing the point of aww my
and madawa
i contwowwed it aww
just to get mysewf to kaguya
i can make uchiha
manipuwate indwa
cause a thousand waws
just to activate the rinnegan
i'm the bettew hawf
shiwo couwdn't beat sawada
now i'm scweaming sayonawa
hey guys! shiwo zetsu
i'm the guy you wike
i was chiwwin in the kage summit
watching out of spite
obito thinks i'm weak
and he nevew wets me fight
i don't weawwy do that much
man i'm kinda just a spy
kuwo zetsu
i'm the one who's doing
aww the wowk
shiwo zetsu is usewess
like deku without a quiwk
looking wight out of my howe
(my eye)
yeah i'm siwwy as heww
(i'm fwy)
demeanow be wooking
way out of contwow
but don't keep thinking i'm fwaiw
(i'm fwaiw)
evewybody in the cwew
sick of my fwow
hoping i'm soon to be dead
outside wooking in
youw wucky we fwiends
you don't know what be
inside of my head
(my head)
zetsu on my side
we both awe wepping akatsuki
red cwouds on my bwack cwoak
and we want smoke with hokage
repewtoiwe is so wawge
evewybody pway they pawt
cause madawa
cawwing you muwdewew
being a wowshippew
not knowing i'm in chawge
oh you think it's a fawce
cuz the one time thinking
i'm whimsicaw
behind the scenes
and my team don't even know
wats inside of my chemicaws
to be this cowd
about to be disposed
inside of my typhoon
fow being bowd
about to be exposed
undew the eye of the moon
Posted in
cwass 1A
31st March 2020, 01:56 PM
elfboy123 wrote on 31st March 2020, 01:10 PM:
what the hell
owo daddy ibwue
Posted in
cwass 1A
31st March 2020, 01:55 PM
Jake01 wrote on 31st March 2020, 12:22 PM:
if this aint sherlock120 idk who is
u wish
Posted in
cwass 1A
31st March 2020, 11:02 AM
Finnawoke wrote on 31st March 2020, 10:57 AM:
my eyes MY EYES
Posted in
cwass 1A
31st March 2020, 10:59 AM
flameknight333 wrote on 31st March 2020, 10:55 AM:
What the hell did I just skim through
owo hi daddy fwame
Posted in
cwass 1A
31st March 2020, 10:42 AM
Caww me deku i'm stawting out on dis cyphew
i was qwiwkwess but by wowking i'm desewving something highew
it's mwy puwpose i'm vewsing mwy pwesent, futuwe and mwy past
so i'm gonna wock the mwic with a
detwoit smash
taking a second i'm bweaking mwy wimit
i'm hitting with evewything pain i can feew it
i'm stwaining mwy mwuscwes i tusswe with enemies
bettew be weady i'm mwowe than cwitic
i spit it exhibit it
aww night
i'm kiwwing it chiwwing with
aww mwight
a viwwain inhibited by mwy abiwity
in mwinutes chu'we watching mwy
schoow fight
When chu cwoss dis biwd
chu mwight get to see me wiewd the tawons
so absuwd, how i'm appwying subvewse tawents
yes i'm cuwsed, cawwy a demon, i'm fuww of mwawice
even wowse fow chu when stwiking a bittew bawance
dawk cwaws, hawming the vewmin dat awe bewow me
stawt waws, awmed with detewmination and oni
get back, i've been endangewing those who know me
jet bwack hewo, they'we cawwing me tsukuyomi
I'ww mwake chu fwoat as i'm mwessing with zewo gwavity
don't mwean to gwoat when i'm cawcuwating these stwategies
wapidwy cwimbing casuawwy mwy qwiwk "wacks in wethawity"
but actuawwy youw apathy wiww wead stwaight to youw casuawty
i'ww happiwy fight fow justice with aww of mwy capacity
mwy mwotive's mwoney, thankfuwwy dat don't define mwowawity
weawity is i'm just hewping othews fow mwy famiwy
i'm saving aww humanity, don't chu mwess with uwavity
I've got mwany a twitch, dat's the tenya itch
i'm wike mwy test scowes, i got pwenty of tics
academic, educated, but i nevew skip weg day
stiww wegwetfuw of the day dat i mwet stain
enwaged by what he did to mwy bwothew tensei
i didn't handwe it the best way i dawe say
weft mwy hand damaged in wemembwance of faiw pway
i'm wepwesenting cwass 1-a, they'we mwy best mwates
Wibbit wibbit
exhibit a hewo's spiwit
i'm in it and so i'ww win it
when i'm swimming, yeah, i won't stop
dis fwog's idywwic
not a gimmick in a mwinute
i be waunching in to kiww it
wike a fwog i'm being mwad hops
mwy tongue's deadwy
spitting and i take chawge
and then i'm tuwning invisibwe
with mwy camofwauge
in the watew no viwwian can dawe to stop me
chu'we wooking swoppy
now chu'we facing fwoppy
Wucky 13 is of the a-1 team
kid i spit gweat mwixtapes, stick youw team
wwaps so cwean
and i'm seawing aww the mwatches
now dat cewwophane wiww bwing the pain
aww wwapped up in a package
getting shipped with tons of damage
but thewe's no send backs
shut chu up with aww mwy bind attacks
get back cause chu know dat i'ww be winnin'
in dis sticky situation so i fink chu bettew stick it
Chu can caww me waww dat have eaws, doows dat have eyes
mweaning i'm cavawiew when it comes to fighting just wike a spy
in cwose combat
mwy dupwi-awms is coming fow the hawm
and i'm waughing at chu if chu'we twying disawm
i'ww sacwifice fow evewybody exhausting mwy qwiwk
even when i'm down fow the count
i'm disguising mwy smiwk
chu can cut off aww mwy wimbs
and stiww coming with a buwst
cwass 1-a wiww awways come fiwst
Its ya edgy giww eawphone jack
utiwizing mwy qwiwk in both steawth and combat
i guess i can see how chu fink i feww fwat
but wet me show chu i can mwake up fow dat
with punk wock attacks
when eawwobes awe gwowin'
chu know they whippin'
n' pwobin'
now they gotchu tip toeing
finding the wange dat mwy tone is
it's not youw typicaw mwotion
n' mwy mwoves don't need compwession
it's just anothew jam session
beat chu with mwy fowm of expwession
It's time to put in wowk
i got dis cyphew on wock
wook i don't need mwy qwiwk when dis vewse wiww weave chu shocked
wike a battewy
i got the juice
so they put me in a box
when mwy positive mweets negative i'm wike soo watt
chu don't want dat static with me homie it's fataw
i got soo mwuch enewgy i'm pwugged in without the cabwe
on the wow i'ww weave evewybody on the scene disabwed
i'm undewwated but in a fwash i weave chu aww endangewed
It's todowoki
i chose to be
cowd and wonewy
nobody can howd me
with the infewno i'm ovewwoading
fwom a bwoken home
to known hewo
i'm going up swowwy but suwewy
and be bettew than endeavow
whethew it's hot ow it's snowing
even if i'm behind, i'ww be suwe to mwake
bakugo see
i do it fow aww of his mwight ow to stop kiwwew stain
fowget any twophy
so now dat chu'we immobiwized and then fwozen in pain
no one can appwoach me
put up a waww of mwy ice ow a waww of mwy fwames
to buiwd youw encwosing
Give me 10 gwams of white
then i'm activated
wait i'm tawking bout the sugaw dat i took
got a sweet tooth
fow taking out these viwwains
cause theiw agitating
pwus these giwwies wike a guy dat can cook
caww me sato the mwacho
i'm saving these stweets
yeah these nachos
awe not youws
i need me a tweat
and dis cwime fighting's hawd wowk
it can weave me beat
but wike candy and cakes
being me is weaw sweet
The cowwosive caped cwusadew
pinky hewe to save the day and
end up taking centew stage a
pon these wywics dat i way up
easygoing, i'm passionate, in battwe i'm not passive
see it fwowing, i don't spit fiwe, i spit acid
hypnotic fashion sense i weave chu in a twance
i'm good at fighting mwy othew skiwws awe in dance
pwotect mwy fwiends we'we going in on advance
mwina ashido, chu don't even stand a chance
Kiwishima's hewe, evewybody stand down
i'm a activate a qwiwk and give ya chest a hand pound
with these wed gun tuwwets, yeah the tawget is wocked
i'm a bouwdew with a bonew mwan i'm hawd as a wock
i'm unbweakabwe, can not penetwate dis awmow
and i don't need a wittwe bwue piww to get hawdew
i'm fuww of enewgy, enemies wooking dead tiwed
bwood wunning in the stweet, chu can caww it wed wiot
I'm the qwiet type
wying with the wiwdwife
when i'm on chu wouwdn't even need subtitwe wines
newvous awound othews, i'm the wast one who wouwd yeww woud
but to be hewo then i need to bweak dis sheww now
yo it's koda bwinging mwassive noise
fwowing with dat anivoice
dat timid kid with wabbit toys
no wongew actin' coy
dwinking honey tea
facing mwy feaw of bugs and bees
get a buww stampeding with the wowds
wike i'm dougwby
Nevew needed fame ow mwoney
i can get it watew
even though it huwts mwy tummy
when i use mwy navew wasew
i have got finesse
snazziew than aww the west
i'm the best, nothing wess
being honest, not a fwex
i'm a thweat
it's getting hawdew to stomach
i've got the smawts, and i wove it
i'm cewtainwy pewfect, it huwts
just wike the awt of seduction
heawt of a puma
get weady to wose
i'ww be spweading the twuth
and y'aww awe stupid
if chu choose to fight against the yuga
I've got the qwiwk cweation, and patience to wowk it
bawancing equations, don't even need to weseawch it
sequencing ewements, a testament to intewwigence
chu bettew watch out, 'cause i'm not feewing vewy benevowent
if a pewson's in twoubwe just wait and see what i'ww do
i can witewawwy mwake anything, ovewpowewed who??
ovewpowewed who?? i mweant i'ww ovew powew chu
it's twue, sincewewy cwass 1-a's
mwomo yaoyowozu
Whewe the wadies at
whewe the wadies at??
mwineta's hewe peek at whamen
dat i'm gazing at
peopwe thinking dat i'm weak but chu know what i say to dat
weave chu in a sticky situation with mwy gwape attacks
undewestimating me?? chu'we wacking infowmation
incapacitation, when chu'we facing me, fwustwation
mwastew of fwiwtation, pwetty mwuch the top dog
chu ain't evew coming cwose when i pop-off
the taiwman
chu get what chu twain fow
mwastew mwawtiaw awtist
bwack bewt on mwy waist tho
nobody even weawwy undewstands me
got intewwigence
can't pwedict any hit dat i'm wanding
a cwassmate chu confide in with dignity
chu can weaw a costume aww i got on is a gi
nobwe attitude dat's mwy pewsonawity
accept wesuwts dat i eawn with mwy own abiwities
Take chu by suwpwise, yeah
i can do it easy
mwiss me with youw eyes, yeah
chu can't even see me
no mwattew what chu twy, yeah
chu can nevew beat me
feews a wittwe cheesy, wike a wish fwom a genie
when it comes to action
mwy qwiwk is in wight wefwaction
so it has the side effect of nevew being a distwaction
sneak up on mwy enemies
wet me be the best assassin
towu hagakuwe
chu can feew mwy passion
I don't fink chu othew hewoes awe even wistening
mwaybe i shouwd focus youw attention with some gwycewin
chu don't even get it thewe's weawwy no competition
i'm wighting these wookies up
boi i'm swaying on evewy mwission
i'ww show them once fow aww wittwe deku won't know what hit him
i wiww get the wecognition, expwoding the opposition
i wiww be the gweatest hewo, dat evew took the position
so come at me wittwe...
i'ww mwake chu wish dat chu didn't
i was qwiwkwess but by wowking i'm desewving something highew
it's mwy puwpose i'm vewsing mwy pwesent, futuwe and mwy past
so i'm gonna wock the mwic with a
detwoit smash
taking a second i'm bweaking mwy wimit
i'm hitting with evewything pain i can feew it
i'm stwaining mwy mwuscwes i tusswe with enemies
bettew be weady i'm mwowe than cwitic
i spit it exhibit it
aww night
i'm kiwwing it chiwwing with
aww mwight
a viwwain inhibited by mwy abiwity
in mwinutes chu'we watching mwy
schoow fight
When chu cwoss dis biwd
chu mwight get to see me wiewd the tawons
so absuwd, how i'm appwying subvewse tawents
yes i'm cuwsed, cawwy a demon, i'm fuww of mwawice
even wowse fow chu when stwiking a bittew bawance
dawk cwaws, hawming the vewmin dat awe bewow me
stawt waws, awmed with detewmination and oni
get back, i've been endangewing those who know me
jet bwack hewo, they'we cawwing me tsukuyomi
I'ww mwake chu fwoat as i'm mwessing with zewo gwavity
don't mwean to gwoat when i'm cawcuwating these stwategies
wapidwy cwimbing casuawwy mwy qwiwk "wacks in wethawity"
but actuawwy youw apathy wiww wead stwaight to youw casuawty
i'ww happiwy fight fow justice with aww of mwy capacity
mwy mwotive's mwoney, thankfuwwy dat don't define mwowawity
weawity is i'm just hewping othews fow mwy famiwy
i'm saving aww humanity, don't chu mwess with uwavity
I've got mwany a twitch, dat's the tenya itch
i'm wike mwy test scowes, i got pwenty of tics
academic, educated, but i nevew skip weg day
stiww wegwetfuw of the day dat i mwet stain
enwaged by what he did to mwy bwothew tensei
i didn't handwe it the best way i dawe say
weft mwy hand damaged in wemembwance of faiw pway
i'm wepwesenting cwass 1-a, they'we mwy best mwates
Wibbit wibbit
exhibit a hewo's spiwit
i'm in it and so i'ww win it
when i'm swimming, yeah, i won't stop
dis fwog's idywwic
not a gimmick in a mwinute
i be waunching in to kiww it
wike a fwog i'm being mwad hops
mwy tongue's deadwy
spitting and i take chawge
and then i'm tuwning invisibwe
with mwy camofwauge
in the watew no viwwian can dawe to stop me
chu'we wooking swoppy
now chu'we facing fwoppy
Wucky 13 is of the a-1 team
kid i spit gweat mwixtapes, stick youw team
wwaps so cwean
and i'm seawing aww the mwatches
now dat cewwophane wiww bwing the pain
aww wwapped up in a package
getting shipped with tons of damage
but thewe's no send backs
shut chu up with aww mwy bind attacks
get back cause chu know dat i'ww be winnin'
in dis sticky situation so i fink chu bettew stick it
Chu can caww me waww dat have eaws, doows dat have eyes
mweaning i'm cavawiew when it comes to fighting just wike a spy
in cwose combat
mwy dupwi-awms is coming fow the hawm
and i'm waughing at chu if chu'we twying disawm
i'ww sacwifice fow evewybody exhausting mwy qwiwk
even when i'm down fow the count
i'm disguising mwy smiwk
chu can cut off aww mwy wimbs
and stiww coming with a buwst
cwass 1-a wiww awways come fiwst
Its ya edgy giww eawphone jack
utiwizing mwy qwiwk in both steawth and combat
i guess i can see how chu fink i feww fwat
but wet me show chu i can mwake up fow dat
with punk wock attacks
when eawwobes awe gwowin'
chu know they whippin'
n' pwobin'
now they gotchu tip toeing
finding the wange dat mwy tone is
it's not youw typicaw mwotion
n' mwy mwoves don't need compwession
it's just anothew jam session
beat chu with mwy fowm of expwession
It's time to put in wowk
i got dis cyphew on wock
wook i don't need mwy qwiwk when dis vewse wiww weave chu shocked
wike a battewy
i got the juice
so they put me in a box
when mwy positive mweets negative i'm wike soo watt
chu don't want dat static with me homie it's fataw
i got soo mwuch enewgy i'm pwugged in without the cabwe
on the wow i'ww weave evewybody on the scene disabwed
i'm undewwated but in a fwash i weave chu aww endangewed
It's todowoki
i chose to be
cowd and wonewy
nobody can howd me
with the infewno i'm ovewwoading
fwom a bwoken home
to known hewo
i'm going up swowwy but suwewy
and be bettew than endeavow
whethew it's hot ow it's snowing
even if i'm behind, i'ww be suwe to mwake
bakugo see
i do it fow aww of his mwight ow to stop kiwwew stain
fowget any twophy
so now dat chu'we immobiwized and then fwozen in pain
no one can appwoach me
put up a waww of mwy ice ow a waww of mwy fwames
to buiwd youw encwosing
Give me 10 gwams of white
then i'm activated
wait i'm tawking bout the sugaw dat i took
got a sweet tooth
fow taking out these viwwains
cause theiw agitating
pwus these giwwies wike a guy dat can cook
caww me sato the mwacho
i'm saving these stweets
yeah these nachos
awe not youws
i need me a tweat
and dis cwime fighting's hawd wowk
it can weave me beat
but wike candy and cakes
being me is weaw sweet
The cowwosive caped cwusadew
pinky hewe to save the day and
end up taking centew stage a
pon these wywics dat i way up
easygoing, i'm passionate, in battwe i'm not passive
see it fwowing, i don't spit fiwe, i spit acid
hypnotic fashion sense i weave chu in a twance
i'm good at fighting mwy othew skiwws awe in dance
pwotect mwy fwiends we'we going in on advance
mwina ashido, chu don't even stand a chance
Kiwishima's hewe, evewybody stand down
i'm a activate a qwiwk and give ya chest a hand pound
with these wed gun tuwwets, yeah the tawget is wocked
i'm a bouwdew with a bonew mwan i'm hawd as a wock
i'm unbweakabwe, can not penetwate dis awmow
and i don't need a wittwe bwue piww to get hawdew
i'm fuww of enewgy, enemies wooking dead tiwed
bwood wunning in the stweet, chu can caww it wed wiot
I'm the qwiet type
wying with the wiwdwife
when i'm on chu wouwdn't even need subtitwe wines
newvous awound othews, i'm the wast one who wouwd yeww woud
but to be hewo then i need to bweak dis sheww now
yo it's koda bwinging mwassive noise
fwowing with dat anivoice
dat timid kid with wabbit toys
no wongew actin' coy
dwinking honey tea
facing mwy feaw of bugs and bees
get a buww stampeding with the wowds
wike i'm dougwby
Nevew needed fame ow mwoney
i can get it watew
even though it huwts mwy tummy
when i use mwy navew wasew
i have got finesse
snazziew than aww the west
i'm the best, nothing wess
being honest, not a fwex
i'm a thweat
it's getting hawdew to stomach
i've got the smawts, and i wove it
i'm cewtainwy pewfect, it huwts
just wike the awt of seduction
heawt of a puma
get weady to wose
i'ww be spweading the twuth
and y'aww awe stupid
if chu choose to fight against the yuga
I've got the qwiwk cweation, and patience to wowk it
bawancing equations, don't even need to weseawch it
sequencing ewements, a testament to intewwigence
chu bettew watch out, 'cause i'm not feewing vewy benevowent
if a pewson's in twoubwe just wait and see what i'ww do
i can witewawwy mwake anything, ovewpowewed who??
ovewpowewed who?? i mweant i'ww ovew powew chu
it's twue, sincewewy cwass 1-a's
mwomo yaoyowozu
Whewe the wadies at
whewe the wadies at??
mwineta's hewe peek at whamen
dat i'm gazing at
peopwe thinking dat i'm weak but chu know what i say to dat
weave chu in a sticky situation with mwy gwape attacks
undewestimating me?? chu'we wacking infowmation
incapacitation, when chu'we facing me, fwustwation
mwastew of fwiwtation, pwetty mwuch the top dog
chu ain't evew coming cwose when i pop-off
the taiwman
chu get what chu twain fow
mwastew mwawtiaw awtist
bwack bewt on mwy waist tho
nobody even weawwy undewstands me
got intewwigence
can't pwedict any hit dat i'm wanding
a cwassmate chu confide in with dignity
chu can weaw a costume aww i got on is a gi
nobwe attitude dat's mwy pewsonawity
accept wesuwts dat i eawn with mwy own abiwities
Take chu by suwpwise, yeah
i can do it easy
mwiss me with youw eyes, yeah
chu can't even see me
no mwattew what chu twy, yeah
chu can nevew beat me
feews a wittwe cheesy, wike a wish fwom a genie
when it comes to action
mwy qwiwk is in wight wefwaction
so it has the side effect of nevew being a distwaction
sneak up on mwy enemies
wet me be the best assassin
towu hagakuwe
chu can feew mwy passion
I don't fink chu othew hewoes awe even wistening
mwaybe i shouwd focus youw attention with some gwycewin
chu don't even get it thewe's weawwy no competition
i'm wighting these wookies up
boi i'm swaying on evewy mwission
i'ww show them once fow aww wittwe deku won't know what hit him
i wiww get the wecognition, expwoding the opposition
i wiww be the gweatest hewo, dat evew took the position
so come at me wittwe...
i'ww mwake chu wish dat chu didn't
Posted in
Orlock's 2019 Shotouts
31st December 2019, 09:37 AM
good. i didn't want to have to go through the effort of blocking you again, that's too much of a drag.
Posted in
dsghq stories
30th December 2019, 07:13 PM
good thing i dont like kpop then, right?
good thing i dont like kpop then, right?
Posted in
2019 shoutouts
30th December 2019, 06:47 PM
no love
i am completely and utterly depressed
i am completely and utterly depressed
Posted in
Orlock's 2019 Shotouts
30th December 2019, 06:45 PM
bruh i put you on mine and i dont get anything back this is rude i'm blocking you again
that was a joke
that was a joke
Posted in
ians shoutouts
30th December 2019, 06:32 PM
zeldamaster wrote on 30th December 2019, 06:25 PM:
iAmGarbage wrote on 30th December 2019, 06:06 PM:
zeldamaster wrote on 30th December 2019, 05:13 PM:
iAmGarbage wrote on 30th December 2019, 01:56 PM:
weend2014 wrote on 30th December 2019, 01:55 PM:
iAmGarbage wrote on 30th December 2019, 01:50 PM:
myself is one word not two
zeldamaster wrote on 30th December 2019, 05:13 PM:
iAmGarbage wrote on 30th December 2019, 01:56 PM:
weend2014 wrote on 30th December 2019, 01:55 PM:
iAmGarbage wrote on 30th December 2019, 01:50 PM:
myself is one word not two
ok mr. "i'm way above you, get away from me if you like anime"
didnt you quit
am i not allowed to come by when the year is over
no its just that you cant stay 1 week without coming back to this community after quitting
let's let 2019 end first then we'll start this clock of seeing how long i can stay away, alright? alright.
Posted in
Kace's shoutouts
30th December 2019, 06:07 PM
bryn so jealous she doesn't have any shiny pokemon that she disliked my post