Turquito11's Posts

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4 posts
Posted in Witches • 27th May 2020, 03:10 AM

They're saying they're good now lol

4 posts
Posted in chelsey's hit list • 26th May 2020, 05:07 PM

i alr died

4 posts
Posted in Public Apology (turquito edition) • 26th May 2020, 04:17 AM

Okay so in first place I would like to say sorry if I annoyed someone changing their items and for using exclusive crimezone items, when all this chaos happened I was pretty sure Damen would "rewind" the game before the glitched command were discovered and fix it, or just remove everyone their patched items they were wearing and fix the command, that's why I began to wear them, because I knew Damen would fix it very quick. Also, defending Orlock and Kace, everyone were changing other people items and some were wearing flashing items or related, so we can't certainly know who did /si on himself or if another person did /si on him. By the way, I actually don't see the need of killing people because of this, I mean, this already got dealt with, and everything is as always, so I don't see a reason to do this. Sorry for the quality of the post

4 posts
Posted in epic battle • 25th May 2020, 03:49 AM

turquito10 vs turquito11, who would win?

I would win because I'm the upgraded version of Turquito10, so I can just thanos snap him.