Posted in
Custom Reputation Shop
10th March 2016, 08:51 PM
DreamBurst wrote on 10th March 2016 08:38 PM:
these look so fake. you can just use inspect element.
Posted in
News Reporter Application
9th March 2016, 06:35 PM
Since there is no News Reporters on this forums besides those bots, we are in the need for some new News Reporters. I think you have the potential, and the experience for this job. Good luck!
Posted in
Resignation from News Reporter
8th March 2016, 10:06 PM
For 155 days, 5 months and 3 days, I have been an active News Reporter on this forums. It is unfortunate for me to announce that I will be resigning from this job. It is time for me to return as a Master.
Honorable Mentions
-Had 3 News Reports promoted.
-Was a news reporter for a long period of time.
Thank you to everyone who has supported my news and news shows.
Honorable Mentions
-Had 3 News Reports promoted.
-Was a news reporter for a long period of time.
Thank you to everyone who has supported my news and news shows.
Posted in
Tournaments and Events!
8th March 2016, 09:59 PM
Tournaments and Events
Gallery of the Houses
There will be an exciting tournament featuring great warriors from all houses!
Saturday March 12 2016
Begins at 4PM EST.
Ski Village
500,000 DSGHQ gold!
Winning house will feature their house banner in the courtyard for a week!
Tip: The more house guards you have that show up, the better your house will look.
Battle for Ownership of House Freehawk
Due to the lord of house Freehawk going bizarre, Emperor Damen has announced there will be an epic tournament to determine the new lord of House Freehawk.
Friday 11th March
4 PM EST / 9 PM UK / 1 PM PST
If you think you are brave enough, reply to this post and you may be selected to fight.
Beta Test Party!
Since most of us missed the actual beta party from 2005, we are going to re-live the beta party on! There will be a new beta room and we will also be introduced by some new custom items created by ICY and Damen!
Friday 11th of March - Sunday 13th of March
Starts Friday 5 PM EST and ends at 5 PM EST Sunday
Game of Mods Snaildom Results
Game of mods was a couple of days ago. With Team Sushi fired, it was Ren and Fairytale left in the game. After hours of tasks, xpapachis and HaruhiFujioka.
News Feed
Gallery of the Houses
There will be an exciting tournament featuring great warriors from all houses!
Saturday March 12 2016
Begins at 4PM EST.
Ski Village
500,000 DSGHQ gold!
Winning house will feature their house banner in the courtyard for a week!
Tip: The more house guards you have that show up, the better your house will look.
Battle for Ownership of House Freehawk
Due to the lord of house Freehawk going bizarre, Emperor Damen has announced there will be an epic tournament to determine the new lord of House Freehawk.
Friday 11th March
4 PM EST / 9 PM UK / 1 PM PST
If you think you are brave enough, reply to this post and you may be selected to fight.
Beta Test Party!
Since most of us missed the actual beta party from 2005, we are going to re-live the beta party on! There will be a new beta room and we will also be introduced by some new custom items created by ICY and Damen!
Friday 11th of March - Sunday 13th of March
Starts Friday 5 PM EST and ends at 5 PM EST Sunday
Game of Mods Snaildom Results
Game of mods was a couple of days ago. With Team Sushi fired, it was Ren and Fairytale left in the game. After hours of tasks, xpapachis and HaruhiFujioka.
News Feed
Posted in
My great day!
8th March 2016, 09:17 PM
Looks like you had an amazing day, Terry! hope you always have good days.
Posted in
Gallery of the Houses
8th March 2016, 08:08 PM
So many fun events this week! I will be there for house Crime Solvers!
Posted in
Knight Application ~Cave
8th March 2016, 07:31 PM
Good application. I know you will be a Knight sometime soon, and a very good one.
Posted in
For Buddy25
7th March 2016, 10:44 PM
He's a good man isn't he? happy 10th birthday to my loyal squire, Buddy25.
Posted in
Battle for House Freehawk
5th March 2016, 09:12 PM
I want house Freehawk. I choose myself to fight for ownership.
Posted in
Knights of Ren Update
5th March 2016, 03:11 PM
Thank you for the updates, father. Again apologies for creating a GOM team without your consent.