Charmcaster's Posts
Posted in
Business Prices
30th September 2013, 06:34 PM
Pizza Parlor: owned by Cyberwolf (you can buy it for 10,000 credits. *only pay Cyberwolf*)
Coffee Shop: owned by Cyberwolf (you can buy it for 950 credits. *only pay Cyberwolf*)
Gift Shop: owned by Damen (you can buy it for 10,000 credits. *only pay Damen*)
Dance Club: owned by Chelsey (you can buy it for 10,000 credits. *only pay Chelsey*)
Ski Resort(includes Ski Hill, Mountain, Ski Lounge): owned by all administrators (you can buy it for 15,000 credits. - only pay Damen, Chelsey, or Cyberwolf)
JOBS I would like the job waiter
Pizza Parlor jobs: 3 waitors/waitresses(30 credits/week), 1 chef(35 credits/week), 1 co-manager(40 credits/week)
Coffee Shop jobs: 1 bartista/waitor(30 credits/week), 1 co-manager(40 credits/week)
Ski Resort jobs: 1 Ski Lounge Hotel/Motel co-manager(50 credits/week), 2 room maids(20 credits/week)
Dance Club jobs: None until needed
Gift Shop jobs: None until needed
Pizza Parlor: owned by Cyberwolf (you can buy it for 10,000 credits. *only pay Cyberwolf*)
Coffee Shop: owned by Cyberwolf (you can buy it for 950 credits. *only pay Cyberwolf*)
Gift Shop: owned by Damen (you can buy it for 10,000 credits. *only pay Damen*)
Dance Club: owned by Chelsey (you can buy it for 10,000 credits. *only pay Chelsey*)
Ski Resort(includes Ski Hill, Mountain, Ski Lounge): owned by all administrators (you can buy it for 15,000 credits. - only pay Damen, Chelsey, or Cyberwolf)
JOBS I would like the job waiter
Pizza Parlor jobs: 3 waitors/waitresses(30 credits/week), 1 chef(35 credits/week), 1 co-manager(40 credits/week)
Coffee Shop jobs: 1 bartista/waitor(30 credits/week), 1 co-manager(40 credits/week)
Ski Resort jobs: 1 Ski Lounge Hotel/Motel co-manager(50 credits/week), 2 room maids(20 credits/week)
Dance Club jobs: None until needed
Gift Shop jobs: None until needed
Posted in
Premium Access Commands
28th September 2013, 03:57 PM
If you have premium, you are lucky because there's some cool stuff to use now. More will be added to this discussion.
How can we become premium penguins
- /jr adults
- /bot <message> // Sends a bot message at the town. Only works if you are in the town.
- /summon <user> // Summons user to your location.
If you have premium, you are lucky because there's some cool stuff to use now. More will be added to this discussion.
How can we become premium penguins
- /jr adults
- /bot <message> // Sends a bot message at the town. Only works if you are in the town.
- /summon <user> // Summons user to your location.