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Posted in What to do if there's a bully • 17th January 2015, 03:36 AM

Fabian Rutter wrote on 17th January 2015 03:32 AM:
Okay tell someone you trust with your Life because bullying IS BAD so tell a mod or administrator because they banned the guy or she

this rare please dont abuse it
Sherlock It doesn't work that way,
If someone bullys you, you need evidence(A Photo) to prove so,
You dont have to tell someone you "trust your life with" put it on the forums.
And the bully won't be banned he/she will be kicked if he's/she's kicked 3 times the next time she does so he'll/she'll be banned.

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Posted in One Direction • 15th January 2015, 05:11 AM

Nice try,
But I still hate them,
The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, The Beach Boys, The Doors, Supertramp, (All classic rock Singers/Bands) ETC

To Find A FlashLight You Need A FlashLight
372 posts
Posted in My brother should have a rank • 13th January 2015, 07:49 AM

Angi wrote on 13th January 2015 07:11 AM:
First of all Sherlock, you must realize that in order for Helper to earn a rank he must do it on his own. You can not just write something like this asking for someone else to have a rank and expecting it to happen out of the clear blue. He can apply if he wants to or ask for training (if he is aiming for knight) You should know by now that asking for a rank will not let you or the other person get it.

Second of all, about what you said

if he abuses hes powers and kill me

When someone is hired for a rank, they should probably know the basics and how to use the powers correctly or they wouldn't have gotten the job. If he would abuse them we can not go off killing you instead.

I highly suggest that he should apply, and if he does he has a chance.
Helper deserves mod more then anyone I know.
Lloyd Baggins wrote on 13th January 2015 07:12 AM:
He already have a rank, he is a Master also, he should apply and put effort on it. And you asking, nope, you just lowered his chances!
He has applied,
And sherlock just made his chances better by proving that Helper is very liked!
Bruce Wayne wrote on 13th January 2015 03:14 AM:
He did people mocked him 2 yrs after my loneness I Found him and I vowed to keep him safe and warn so the game is on
helper was never bullied!

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372 posts
Posted in I want my rank back • 6th January 2015, 10:17 AM

Why will all of you frame me and I am sorry for my temper but you LOT started it bully framing me so all if you are the problem till I find out who it is i PUTING all of you in the bad area and when I worked out who did it I will remove you lot from it p.s Damen can I be a lord and can you give my ac lord back and release my penguin out of jail and can l be a lord again

It isn't our fault you lost your temper. You chose to blow up instead of remaining calm. Damen is definitely not going to promote you with the attitude and you're certainly not get any closer by begging.

And by being butthurt over a VIRTUAL RANK.
You acted like an admin just because you were a Lord... and disrespected admins, mods and maybe even Knights. It's not good to do that.

And don't promise, it is considered as swearing and swearing is wrong.
You were boasting your rank like I AM A LORD. Ranks are for good things, not that.
We need good people to be lords.
I know how you feel, loosing a rank. But stop complaining.
If you are mature for your age, understand with you were demoted by a good reason, and it was better for everybody, this was what I though when I were demoted.
Emperor Damen was kind enough to let you be a lord. But you took advantage of it.
If you want your rank back, I recommend you earn it again as Ellie said. Don't ask for it. Asking will lower your chances.
I only want make you feel, we are not against you or something. We are doing what we need to do.

Agreed never boost
Personally I think thats why you want a rank...

To Find A FlashLight You Need A FlashLight
372 posts
Posted in I want my rank back • 6th January 2015, 07:42 AM

I was framed and now I am demoted it's not FAIR
As They Say:Life's Never Fair.

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Posted in Riddle me this • 2nd January 2015, 11:04 AM

Because he's too short to reach the 20th floor button?

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Posted in Free Minecraft copies. • 30th December 2014, 01:34 PM

Can everyone please go on my link?
I only need 7 points

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372 posts
Posted in forums suggestions • 28th December 2014, 09:07 AM

Really hope some of these get added. +1

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Posted in Snaildom & Oldcp • 28th December 2014, 09:03 AM

Lets hope the peace and quiet go on... or it'll get rather nasty...
Anyway :p , great post 1+

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Posted in Gamer's Pixel Penguin Shop • 23rd December 2014, 09:18 AM

Head: Green St Patricks hat

Face: green goggles

neck mexicain thing

Body:Hawian Grass Skirt

Feet: Green Flippers

Hand: Hocky stick

Color: dark Green

Backgrounds: Beach

Thank you very much!

To Find A FlashLight You Need A FlashLight
372 posts
Posted in The Homeless~Touching Video! • 23rd December 2014, 04:35 AM

That might have been the most touching thing i have ever seen...
I always give the homeless money when i see them, The look of pure happiness on their faces when you give it to them.

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372 posts
Posted in All I Want For Christmas Is... • 23rd December 2014, 02:03 AM

Hey everyone! Well my Family members want many things for Christmas and I was thinking what do you guys want? Here are a few expensive things that I want C:

1. IPhone6 (Already getting the phone anyways)
2. Hunger Games book collection (Total Nerd 8D)
3. Paint set such as easel or paint(Total gorilla Artist)
4. Power Beats (I do my Music)
5. New Soccer Cleats (I am a Active Sporty person)

Just to let you know if you don't know what a Gorilla Artist is, it means that you create things by using whatever you find. Like recyclable material or nature ( as in leafs that are already on floor and sticks that have fallen from a tree bark or branch.) Now it's your turn to tell me your list of presents! Reply below or place an image so I may see what it is C: !
I want Skyrim V Elder Scrolls off steam, but I'm only going to buy it because they'll be a sale on steam.(I'm jewish XD)

Dont get a Iphone 6, its HUGE!(Get a Iphone4s, 4, 5 or 5s )

To Find A FlashLight You Need A FlashLight
372 posts
Posted in Minecrafter group • 22nd December 2014, 03:38 PM

1.Yes, but matters what time.(Because I live in Israel)

2.Yes, I help a lot on oldcp/MC about them!

3.Sure, but only if its something sane...


can I be co-owner? I know alot about MC

To Find A FlashLight You Need A FlashLight
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Posted in I • 21st December 2014, 06:55 AM

Same What everyone else said here.
Welcome back!

To Find A FlashLight You Need A FlashLight
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Posted in I LOVE MY AUNTIE!!!!!!!!!! • 13th December 2014, 08:32 AM

This should have been a mood...