1,007 posts
Posted in The lost snail Snaildom story • 12th July 2014, 10:18 PM

Hi! Here is a story I made about snaildom!

Once there was a snail named Snailpower, who lived in a large field. He was lost, lonely and hungry. He searched every day for another snail, though he never had luck, he always was alone. One day, Snailpower woke up, and felt like he could find other snails, and would not be lonely. He searched all day, through the large, grassy field. He searched through trees, bushes, ect. Once again, he felt alone and tired. He decided to just stay in the grassy field, and be lonely... forever. Suddenly, he saw something he had never saw before. There was a pile of leaves, that appeared to be gold! Hopefully, he made his way across the field, and went to the gold leaves. He crawled inside slowly, and then, he saw something amazing, excellent, incredible! He saw a large, kingdom full of snails! He soon found out that this amazing place was called snaildom. Many helpful snails showed him how to get items, and gave him a tour all around this fantastic place. The snail got a house, and lived very happily! It was so amazing, he felt as if he could do anything. Then, one day, he met a snail on the street, and this snail, for some reason, seemed special to him. He went up to the snail and said " Hi! " The snail looked at him and said " Hi, my name is JohnthesSnail, and you are?" Snailpower then said, " I'm snailpower, nice to meet you!" "You too." said Johnthesnail. They quickly showed interest in each other, and became best friends. Later that day, they ran into each other. " Hi again!" he said. " Oh, hi snailpower! Do you wanna come to my house?" He asked. " Sure! " They then crawled on the beautiful gold streets, and past many buildings and forests. Then finally, they reached Johnthesnail's house. " Here we are! " He said. " Wow! Its huge!" said Snailpower. They then walked in to the beautiful house, and helped them selves to chips and coke, and watched tv. Then, for some reason, snailpower had an uneasy feeling, like something was about to happen. " May I please stay a little longer? " he asked quietly. " Sure! I was gonna ask you if you wanted to!" Said Johnthesnail. They then continued having fun. But then, the ground began to shake! They looked outside, and saw a giant snail, who was evil, and did not like this kingdom. He was powerful and he could move very fast. Snaildoms emperor, Damen, would need to fight this large snail so the giant snail would not hurt the kingdom. Many people from snaildom fought the Giant snail, and after many tries, the Giant snail left snaildom, and would never come back. Snaildom was now safe, and all the snails lived very happily. Snailpower now had a house in snaildom, and visited Johnthesnail often. Then, everyone is snaildom lived happily ever after.

I hope you liked it! Thank you so much for reading!!!

- Tacofun ~

1,007 posts
Posted in Mod Application • 8th July 2014, 02:57 PM

This is amazing! You did a great job, and I am sure you can earn mod if you try!

1,007 posts
Posted in How Do you... • 7th July 2014, 10:12 PM

Actually, only admins can, mods are not allowed too. But no, you can't send global messages. :)

- Tacofun ~

1,007 posts
Posted in My poem about terry • 3rd July 2014, 11:20 AM

Great poem! He will love it when he sees it :)

1,007 posts
Posted in When you apply • 1st July 2014, 10:30 AM

Yes, applications are not asking for mod, they are to try to earn mod. Great post!


1,007 posts
Posted in This is strange... • 1st July 2014, 10:17 AM

Yes, this is very odd. I had those exact theories. It is more likely though that, she hacked onto the website and changed her rep, but you never know.

1,007 posts
Posted in Im back and why am i a rookie? • 30th June 2014, 06:08 PM

Welcome back! I am glad you are back!

- Tacofun ~

1,007 posts
Posted in Don't Quit OldCp + Forums • 30th June 2014, 05:56 PM

Great post! I've seen many people leaving oldcp and forums, and more and more people are doing so. This is a wonderful place. I hope less people will quit sometime soon. Thanks for the excellent post!

- Tacofun ~

1,007 posts
Posted in Name suggestions ~Nikki • 29th June 2014, 02:15 PM

How about Llama Girl? I just made up a name

- Tacofun ~

1,007 posts
Posted in Guess the user • 27th June 2014, 10:09 AM

Is it Sunwolf maybe?

1,007 posts
Posted in Signature for tacofun! • 14th June 2014, 10:25 AM

Thanks! Maybe next time just pm, but I really love it! Thank you :)

1,007 posts
Posted in Guess the song • 12th June 2014, 04:15 PM

Well, the 4th one is love the way you lie, and 5th is Best day of my life, that is all I know.

1,007 posts
Posted in Guess the user! • 12th June 2014, 03:55 PM

1. Suzeh or Kara

2. Tennis, maybe??

3. Gabuscus/anna

These are my guesses

1,007 posts
Posted in Suggestion for mod • 8th June 2014, 08:36 PM

Wait a minute Sadie's Courtney6 Wow thats just uh awkward.

They're sisters