lally89's Posts
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There a group!
24th October 2013, 06:57 PM
Oh, wow, but pearlr10, my sister, got the laptop IP banned, so I did nothing and cannot come back.
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Job application for pizzagirl
4th October 2013, 09:50 PM
Hello! I would like to sign up as a pizza girl because i am totally broke and need some credits. I saw that my sister, pearlr, got accepted as a pizza girl,so i think that it would be unfair if she got accepted and i did not. so please accept me. I come on everyday. So please accept me. I know that she has beter speling than i do, and better writing gramer and talking gramer, but please accept me.
Posted in
4th October 2013, 09:44 PM
spmpnbob, my sis pearlr said that u r correct. she will give u ur prize when she gets her payday.
Posted in
Job Application. Moderator Assistant
4th October 2013, 09:30 PM
Hello, I would love to become a moderator's assistant. My OldCP username is Lally89.
I usually play like 5 hours a day everyday. So please accept me as any moderators assistant.
If i cannot, please let me apply as a pizza girl.
I usually play like 5 hours a day everyday. So please accept me as any moderators assistant.
If i cannot, please let me apply as a pizza girl.