Posted in
16th November 2013, 12:56 PM
Aww thank you guys so much! Actually im talking to a mod right now about it. I mailed freezer! Its my 50th post! Wish me luck!
Posted in
16th November 2013, 12:45 PM
Everyone makes mistakes! But a lot of people don't try to fix them. Some mistakes are harder to fix than others. Its harder for some people than for others. When you hurt someones feeling say sorry. Not just that plain sorry. Put meaning in it! I've been saying way to many people just say oh sorry and then shrug. You have to mean it. The other person might feel like you don't care. You have to show them you care. Everyone makes mistakes. Rookies,members,mods,admins and more! Some simple mistake can hurt peoples feelings. This is a common mistake, a lot of time your friend tells you something private but another friend asks you and you tell them! You have to be careful what you say. Some things you cant take back easily. By posting things on the internet, sometimes you cant change it. I wanted to remind everyone that you have to be careful what you post. If you do this you have to say sorry. Maybe if you did this to a friend you have to do it to yourself. Remember everyone makes mistakes! These are some helpful tips. Dream on like life never ends! Oh this is my 50th POST!!
Posted in
people quitting
16th November 2013, 12:39 PM
Have anyone one of you felt like quitting. I've seen a huge amount of penguins quitting. Instead of quitting tell some of the mods. They can help you. Dont be afraid to ask for help! Maybe,if you told people they might try to help you. A lot of people are getting bullied. You have to speak out. Everyone has a voice for a reason! You have to think about it as a gift. Maybe the bullied might understand you. Sometimes, people bully people because they have problems. Everyone deserves a chance to speak. If you want to know more about bullying check out my post about it. Anyway, I want to tell the people who are quitting to stop, and speak! Speak out your voice!! Use it as a gift. When someone hurt my feelings i stood back. Using your voice dosnt mean hurting other PEOPLES feelings! It means to tell them how you feel. To stand up for yourself. In school I played with people i didn't like. I stood up and said maybe we need a break. Now, I see them sometimes and I've learned from it! Thats what using your voice is for! I hope you guys enjoy this! Dream on!
Posted in
connection timeouts
16th November 2013, 12:26 PM
Everyone, its happening a lot. I think because of the town bombing theres been alot of glitches happening. Anyway, i have a riddle! Riddle : I have lakes with no fish. I have roads with no cars. What am I? If you think you've solved it mail me.
Posted in
connection timeouts
16th November 2013, 12:21 PM
Its for everyone guys. Thats why i made this. LOL.
Posted in
connection timeouts
16th November 2013, 12:12 PM
I think everyone does lol. The server has been down for a while..
Posted in
connection timeouts
16th November 2013, 12:05 PM
Have anyone of you ever had connection problems? Well, there have been a lot of them. But a lot of you are posting that they cant get any connection. A lot of people have the same problem and there's no need to talk about it. I'm having a connection problem myself too. Anyway, a good way to solve the problem is to create a distraction. Sometimes it can help past time. Maybe some helpful games. Here are some distracting games if there is any connection time out. Hope you enjoy! * *one way is to ask people to solve a mystery or a riddle * another way is to tell people to try to post helpful things, * another way is to have a contest here, on forums * another way is to create an album to past time * there are many ways to past time I hope you enjoy these tips! Keep dreaming!
Posted in
member on forum
16th November 2013, 11:55 AM
Thanks for helping me improve. Im going to try better in my style next time. Its just im used to writing like this in school.
Posted in
member on forum
16th November 2013, 11:49 AM
Hi its Dreamergirl. Have anyone of you ever wondered how to be a member? Well, it might take awhile but its worth it. To become a member you have to have 50 or more posts. Then you ask a mod t check them. The posts have to be really helpful. You cant JUST have 50 posts but the posts have to be helpful. When your done, you ask a mod to check it. Then they will make the following decision. These are some tips on how to become a member. Dream Big!
Posted in
My dear friends: Mods.
15th November 2013, 05:44 PM
THis is nice. YOu might not show other mods. It might hurt them. It can also be offensive. Its nice but if you want to tell them this mail it to them privatley.
Posted in
Forum Tutorial
15th November 2013, 05:36 PM
How do i make a poster for my name. Like under my name it has a poster?