538 posts
Posted in MrLion playing piano :D • 29th March 2014, 08:37 PM

It was a poor quality reorder. I'll record another later and post it with better sound lol

538 posts
Posted in MrLion playing piano :D • 29th March 2014, 08:26 PM

Hello all you amazing penguins!

It's MrLion, and I thought I'd show you a part of me not many get to see. I am a HUGE fan of the sound that the piano makes! I play by ear, so no written music! I've been playing since around the age of 5.
This is a recording of me just free-styling it lol
I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed playing it!

P.S. The back ground is my pond in my back yard. It's windy today!!

538 posts
Posted in MrLion's Moderator Application • 29th March 2014, 06:36 PM

I've just pressed shift and tab and its made my screen go bigger how do I make it go small? Sorry for going off topic
I'm not sure what that is.

538 posts
Posted in MrLion's Moderator Application • 29th March 2014, 06:02 PM

Amazing Application. You have such a way with words Chandy. Haha, I do hope you achieve mod eventually.

Good luck my friend!
Thank you. You have always been there for me. I thank you partially for making me the Lion I am today ;)

538 posts
Posted in MrLion's Moderator Application • 29th March 2014, 05:58 PM

You have a high chance of earning Moderator since you have a lot of experience, and are helpful, active, intelligent, and mature. Lion Boii4mod!!
It means a lot, really! I'm glad you think so highly of me. I promise this community that I WILL NOT let the people down. I will represent all.

538 posts
Posted in MrLion's Moderator Application • 29th March 2014, 05:52 PM

You have over 50% chance you will be a mod because you have a lot of experience in being a mod wish you the best of luck ~Bill and iTom~1+
I appreciate your kind words!

538 posts
Posted in MrLion's Moderator Application • 29th March 2014, 05:44 PM

Hello everyone, MrLion here!

Penguin Name: MrLion
Age: 17

Why don't I start out by tell you all a bit about myself!

I am currently a freshman in college and am earning my basics. I am an outdoors-y type. I go camping during the Spring Breaks and such quite often. :) I am actually currently planning a National Geographic Expedition, in which I'll spend an entire 2 weeks on the National Buffalo River in Northern Arkansas with just a camera and basic necessities. I am planning on walking HALF of the river. The river Itself i around 100 miles. So, yes, Around 50 miles of hiking!!
I am generally easy going, and am slow to anger. In other words, you have to try really hard to make me angry!
Almost everyone knows my name, and it has a good reputation behind it.
I'd like to say I am humble, and most call me "too nice", but I take this as a compliment!
I think overall, everyone would say I am a like able person.
I am a HUGE JRR Tolkien fan...I read the Lord of the Rings trilogy every year ^-^ And watch the Hobbit/Lord of the Rings every chance I get (even on my phone) haha I'm a Middle Earth nerd, but whats wrong with that?!
I am the worship leader at my church and play in the church band (keyboard/drums) every Sunday:)
When I became MrLion from TheCommander a lot of people changed to animals. And, I believe this shows that I am a great role model and people watch me and my behavior.
If there is anything I left out, or you want to learn more about the way of the Lion, ask me!

My Goals here on OldCP:

In this order:
~Earn respect of users in-game (I think I have achieved this)
~Earn Moderator in-game (not yet)
~Earn Admin in-game (not yet)

I think everyone would make a great moderator if you put your mind to it!
But, I think I am especially cut out for this job, Why you ask? Well I'll tell you:

~I am on for AT LEAST 5-6 hours a day, and stay usually in the a.m. ( I noticed there aren't many moderators who stay online late)
~I am an active helper in any situation that I am able.
~I am EXTREMELY friendly and always try to be the first friend new users have :)
~I work well with others and under pressure ( in fact I work BEST with groups rather than on my own, but I can do both!)

I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it! This community would be nothing, without all you amazing people. Thank you for taking the time to read this and have a wonderful rest of the evening!!

Damen and Cyberwolf are very wise, and they love to see users grow. I hope I have done all you would require for the moderator position. And I look forward to working with you, my Lords.

Your friend and ally,

538 posts
Posted in Our Community • 29th March 2014, 03:25 PM

Nice post! Do you know SophiaBeth in real life?
No, I don't.

538 posts
Posted in Our Community • 29th March 2014, 11:02 AM

No, I don't know her in real life. She sent this to me on here! :D

538 posts
Posted in Our Community • 28th March 2014, 04:00 PM

Hello all, MrLion here!

I'd just like to take the time and express my gratitude for close friends, the forum community, and everything in between.
I think this community has some of the nicest users on the internet. Most of us are average teenagers looking for something to belong to, and the fact that it is based on a favorite childhood game just improves the experience.
It's a wonderful thing to know that you have tons of users who genuinely care about you. You ALL are family to me, and I'd do anything to keep this large family together.
This post was written to help restore views on this website. I think we easily take Oldcp for granted. Let's face it, life gets busy!! Now, I want you to take a second and step back. WE have something that not everyone has, a grand community of great people.
Maybe your saying, "Hold on MrLion, you're taking this too far. It's sounds too cheesy"
But, REALLY! I truly am thankful for this whole shindig.(haha)
We should be proud to be a part of Damen's creation. And speaking of Damen, Thanks be to you! You created SEVERAL masterpieces (continued with *new* Snaildom). And, not only did you create the atmosphere, you created little side "quests", if you will, with the Blackhawks, Moderator Competitions, personal rooms(/jr's), etc. Words cannot express how glad I am that I found this little piece of the internet (Now fairly large!) some 11-12 months ago. is truly a large part of my life, and I can say with a true heart:
MrLion isn't going ANYWHERE anytime soon! I don't know what I'd do without this community.
There's been some bumps in the road and we have lost some great users a long the way, but we stand strong today! These bumps made us strong and what we are today!
May this cpps FOREVER be successful and Long live our true Emperor!
Come kick it with me anytime! :)

Your friend,

538 posts
Posted in How to avoid Cyberbullying • 27th March 2014, 02:00 PM

I'm glad people don't take this as a simple joke. This has effects on people. I find it very odd that someone would want to make someone so sad that they're suicidal.
To me, that's not even human. But, I love what Sophiabeth said, " No one can make you feel inferior without your consent". That is super true! Bullying only works if you let it get to you. I'm glad people are standing up for what is right. Together, we can stop this nonsense based behavior.

538 posts
Posted in New Moderator Requirements • 26th March 2014, 11:03 PM

This is good. thank goodness I meet all requirements other than my reputation here on the forums. Can't wait to see who is chosen!!
Glad to know the requirements!

538 posts
Posted in BIG New Changes to OldCP and DSGHQ Ranks • 26th March 2014, 03:39 PM

I think Chelsey's trying to say that she doesn't like me!
How could you NOT like Cyberwolf? Just saying... haha

538 posts
Posted in BIG New Changes to OldCP and DSGHQ Ranks • 26th March 2014, 12:52 PM

Wow, This is big! I completely understand you wanting time to be put into Snaildom. I respect your authority, and now I serve Cyberwolf.
Looks like Snaildom will be awesome since your spending all your efforts there. I can't wait til' it comes out! Long live the King!
Does this mean Cyberwolf will choose staff? That's my only question.
Your Counselor LOL,

538 posts
Posted in Freedom of Speech • 25th March 2014, 06:44 PM

This is great! BTW, I have been getting postcards that have smiley faces on it, and I click it, and it messes up my computer.I told Nintendo and he said tell Damen. He said don't click it anymore. So if you are reading this, thank you. Just wanted to tell you.
I have had this same thing happen to me in the past. Just ignore them.