5,463 posts
Posted in Luke,Seth,Tent and Sriram are my bfs • 2nd December 2019, 10:49 AM

if our children aren't arianators they're getting shot

5,463 posts
Posted in music genre debate thingy • 24th November 2019, 02:23 PM

rap. stan nicki minaj.

5,463 posts
Posted in the only sports i can watch • 23rd November 2019, 11:13 AM

what's sport

5,463 posts
Posted in paisley park drawing • 15th November 2019, 02:57 AM

woah is it 2013 anja is finally posting art again

5,463 posts
Posted in Forum GOM Overview • 13th November 2019, 09:55 AM

Kev wrote on 12th November 2019, 04:59 PM:
You forgot me in Stage 1 for competing and Stage 3.
Thanks Kev! I'll add you now.

5,463 posts
Posted in Forum GOM Overview • 12th November 2019, 03:00 PM

Frogs wrote on 12th November 2019, 01:54 PM:
Congratulations bro
Thanks man! Sorry I can't like your reply I have a sacrifice activated that won't allow me to like posts until next month.

5,463 posts
Posted in Forum GOM Overview • 12th November 2019, 01:08 PM


Damen announced the first ever forum GOM on November 6th, 2019. The competition consisted of three stages, each of which had to be completed within a select deadline.

Design the ultimate new forums logo (post it in a discussion and link it below, don't post your image on this discussion)

Deadline for Stage 1
Friday 8th November @ 5 PM EST

Stage 1 Competitors
Luke -
turquito10 -
Hour -
Flame -
Chis -
Kace -
Pablo -
misty -
Moke -
SecurityGuy -

Luke -


Design some new badges that can be earned on the forums. Include how they can be earned.

Deadline for Stage 2
Saturday 9th November @ 5 PM EST

Stage 2 Competitors
Luke -
Moke -
SecurityGuy -
Kace -
Pablo -
Kev -

Luke -

1.) Veteran
Forum accounts registered in 2013 that are still active and have the Master rank or higher should receive this badge. I think this would be a cool addition to the forums to reward those that are loyal members that have been here since the very beginning and still use the forums to this day.

2.) 7,000 posts
This badge is pretty self explanatory. Once a user reaches 7,000 posts, they will obtain this badge.

3.) Forum Game of Mods

4.) Artist
A badge awarded to select artists in the community.

5.) Lord of a DSGHQ house
Those that are Lords of their own house will recieve this badge.

6.) Meme King/Queen
Win Meme King/Queen by getting the most votes on your meme submission. Thank you candy for suggesting this badge.

7.) I'm A Penguin Get Me Out Of Here!
This badge will be rewarded to those that compete in the IAPGMOOH competition.

8.) YouTuber
Make an OldCP/DSGHQ related promotional YouTube video.

9.) Richest
Become the richest user on forums/OldCP.

10.) Player of the Month
Become Player of the Month on OldCP.

Write a true story about yourself. The best story wins. (Do this in a discussion with FGOM in the title)

The winner will be announced on DSGHQ TV ( ) at 5 PM EST / 2 PM PST / 10 PM UK on Monday!

Stage 3 Competitors
Luke -
Pablo -
Moke -
Kace -
Alatar -
Oreos -

Stage 3 was the hardest stage of the competition for Damen to judge. There were so many amazing unique stories published by all the competitors, but Damen knew he had to quickly narrow it down to a final three.

The final three competitors Damen chose were as following:
  • Myself (Luke)
  • Moke (Mikey)
  • Alatar

My story was based around the history of OldCP & the DSGHQ and how I came across this community. I didn't really structure my "story" correctly, it was more of a trip down memory lane than anything else. Damen did appreciate my post, but felt the same way. Alatar's post on the other hand was rather similar to mine in a sense that his entry was also about his DSGHQ journey, but instead decided to go for a more structural approach, something Damen greatly appreciated as it was exactly what he asked for; a proper story. Mike's post was quite eventful to say the least, going with a very different approach to both mine and Alatar's posts. His story was based around a true event, very fitting with what Damen requested.

Overall, Damen thought Alatar had the better story, but preferred Mike's stronger grammar & the history behind my post.

It was a very tough decision to make, but Damen only wanted to pick 1 winner. He too into account both our forum account statistics and whether we'd be an active moderator or not. After a long thought, Damen decided that I was the winner of the first ever forums GOM.

I'm honestly so blessed to have won and really appreciate all the feedback you guys have given me on my entries. For me, this competition was simply for fun and was never about the ranks, the rank is just an extra privilege that came with it. I really don't want those that didn't win to feel disheartened about the fact that they never won. The great thing about the current forum moderation team is that all of the staff members really aren't in it for the ranks, they're here to provide support and serve the community in the best way possible. Moderators come and go; there's no doubt that someone will resign at some point. If the moderator position is something you're interested in, do whatever you can in your power to make sure you achieve your goal. Like they say, the skies the limit.

This is the first ever forum GOM, and I very doubt it will be the last. A little tip for the next competition: make sure you complete all stages for a higher chance of success. You've got to be in it to win it.

For those that missed the livestream and are interested in seeing how everything went down, you can check it out below:

Thank you all so much for the opportunity to moderate the forums again; I hope to serve you all well. If you were a competitor and I didn't mention you in this post, leave me a reply or DM me your submission links and I'll add you to the list(s).

5,463 posts
Posted in FGOM Stage 3 FINAL • 10th November 2019, 04:18 PM

I decided to take a different approach to your proposal and wrote a story about the history of OldCP/Forums and how it made me into the person I am today

5,463 posts
Posted in My DSGHQ Journey [FGOM] • 10th November 2019, 03:03 PM

For the final stage of the FGOM I thought I'd share with you all how I discovered OldCP and the DSGHQ, for this game/community developed me into the person I am today.


I first discovered OldCP back in Spring of 2012 after seeing this video posted by Coolpool79. I originally started playing Club Penguin in 2009 and had always wanted to experience what the game used to be like before that time period. I never knew it was possible until I discovered Coolpool's video. The game was extremely buggy and there wasn't much to do, but as an 8 year old die hard CP fan I had never been more excited.

It's so nostalgic yet cool to look back at how far OldCP has come over the past several years.

Original OldCP Homepage

Original Register

Server Selection

Welcome message


Dojo Party

Original Town

Free items (Glitched)


The color selection was the coolest thing to me back then. I was amazed by the fact that there were so many colors on here that weren't available on the original Club Penguin.

Password protected rooms

Back then, OldCP was ran using Smart Fox Server & Damen used to go under the alias Tent, occasionally switching over to his secondary account, Rsnail.

Here's another video showcasing the April 2012 beta:

The game was becoming quite boring and repetitive up until later on in 2012 when the game was massively revamped.

Late 2012/Early 2013 was OldCP's best era in my opinion. The game was so simple yet felt so special thanks to the custom features that Damen had implemented. Moderators were treated like royalty and everyone used to chill on the xat chat that was implemented below the game.

I remember wanting to become a moderator so bad just so I could become a snail, have a custom title & custom namecolor.

During mid 2013, I finally accomplished my goal of becoming a moderator. I'm pretty sure all I did to obtain the rank was ask Damen over Skype. Crazy how that was acceptable back then.

Mid 2013 was OldCP's prime year, reaching up to 100 users online whenever Damen announced a new competition. It's a real shame how user activity has plummeted over the years but people move on and grow up and there's nothing we can do about that.


Due to OldCP's increasing user base, Damen decided to develop a new community forum as the community had outgrown the former forum known as CPPSNexus.

Damen's new creation was the OldCP Community Forum (which later on became the DSGHQ Forum)

I heard about the new forum a day after its release and quickly rushed to join. I don't mean to flex, but I'm pretty sure I was the first person to use a gif as my profile picture. B)

Fast forward to now, 5,300+ posts later, my forums account is now over 6 years old and my very original OldCP account would have been 7 if only Damen didn't start resetting the damn database every other week.

I can't believe how fast the years have flown over. I've lost many old friends and gained so many new ones throughout my time in the community & I'm so grateful and blessed to still be a part of something so amazing and so special that started so early on in my childhood. I'm sorry this post is quite short, I just thought I'd come on here and share a couple of my own personal memories to conclude the final challenge of the FGOM competition. The DSGHQ is more than just a community, it's a family. Together we've seen each other through both the worst times and the best. Most of us have grown from little kids to young adults and have spent many years together. I can't believe I joined this community at the age of 8 and now I'm about to turn 16, close to finishing school & starting a life for myself.

Damen, you have impacted the lives of many and we're all so grateful for your existence. You've taught me and so many others the true meaning of community. Without the DSGHQ, I would have never discovered my passions for web & game development. I really don't know what I'd be doing with my life. I'm so thankful.

To end my discussion, here's pictures of some of my early 2013 accounts that I found on YouTube:
OldCP (Beatles) & SnailsChat (Wizard)

This game really used to be my life a few years back and now I no longer play.

My bio is utterly disgusting.

I'll probably end up editing this post up soon to make it look less of a mess. I'd also like to point out that I recently started the centrist sacrifice to remove the ability to leave reputation on posts to earn double positive reputation when my posts are liked so I won't be able to like any replies to any of my posts until next month. Sorry.

5,463 posts
Posted in Hi again • 10th November 2019, 01:11 PM

Good to see you back Harry!

5,463 posts
Posted in Luke's Forum Badges • 9th November 2019, 01:32 PM

These were honestly so much fun to make. My main goal with my submission was to create badges that can be obtained by regular users while maintaining the classic badge design so they look seamless and not out of place on the forum.

1.) Veteran
Forum accounts registered in 2013 that are still active and have the Master rank or higher should receive this badge. I think this would be a cool addition to the forums to reward those that are loyal members that have been here since the very beginning and still use the forums to this day.

Additional to this badge, adding a Veteran rank on forums would be nice. A Veteran would have the same permissions as a Master and have access to both the Masters category and their own exclusive Veterans category in which they could discuss their responsibilities as a Veteran, share their memories of the DSGHQ and have their own debates, games and competitions.


Color for both Veterans rank & category header: #8E16F3

These all look so cool side by side!

2.) 7,000 posts
This badge is pretty self explanatory. Once a user reaches 7,000 posts, they will obtain this badge.

Here's all the post badges side by side to show how seamlessly it fits:

3.) Forum Game of Mods

Here's the Forums GOM and OldCP GOM badges side by side:

4.) Artist
A badge awarded to select artists in the community.

5.) Lord of a DSGHQ house
Those that are Lords of their own house will recieve this badge.

6.) Meme King/Queen
Win Meme King/Queen by getting the most votes on your meme submission. Thank you candy for suggesting this badge.

7.) I'm A Penguin Get Me Out Of Here!
This badge will be rewarded to those that compete in the IAPGMOOH competition.

8.) YouTuber
Make an OldCP/DSGHQ related promotional YouTube video.

9.) Richest
Become the richest user on forums/OldCP.

10.) Player of the Month
Become Player of the Month on OldCP.

I decided to only make 10 for now though I do plan on adding to this list. Thank you for checking out my submissions, and to the rest of the competitors I wish you all the best of luck.

5,463 posts
Posted in FGOM Stage 2 • 9th November 2019, 05:02 AM

Thank you! Well done to all the other competitors too, your submissions were super creative and I'm excited to see the different types of badges you all come up with.

Feel free to support my badge submissions:

5,463 posts
Posted in Game of Mods [Forum Edition] • 7th November 2019, 04:41 PM


5,463 posts
Posted in Luke's Logo Submission • 7th November 2019, 04:26 PM

I'm not very good when it comes to graphic design but I'm bored so I thought I'd give it a go. I personally think the current logo is very clean and minimalistic so there wasn't much I wanted to change besides adding more depth and color.

I thought it would be fitting to design a new WCI and GOM logo to match.


5,463 posts
Posted in Spotify Premium Giveaway • 15th October 2019, 12:54 PM

hi i entered if you let me win i'll stream falling for you by peachy and bleed by gemini aaliyah for the whole 6 months

also i literally need premium these ads are annoying man :(