5,463 posts
Posted in Moderator • 25th April 2020, 10:58 AM

Everyone wants to become a forum moderator until they realize all they're going to be doing with the position is banning Frogs

5,463 posts
Posted in Best Musicians/Bands of All Time? • 24th April 2020, 07:15 AM

I'm mainly into pop, rap and reggaeton.

My favorite pop artist is Jeremy Zucker - I've never heard a bad song from him. His voice is so dreamy and I appreciate the fact that he writes and produces all of his own music. He's also extremely underrated.

As for rap music, I don't really have any specific favorites as I listen to so many rappers.

My two favorite reggaeton artists are Anuel AA and Bad Bunny. These two are the ones that got me into reggaeton music and it has now become one of my favorite and most listened to genres.

5,463 posts
Posted in The Return • 20th April 2020, 02:28 PM

RobertoLT wrote on 20th April 2020, 02:19 PM:
I feel sorry for you that Damen hasn't given you your daily dose of attention today, don't worry I'll be the substitute if you're feeling that lonely. How old am I? I'm Damen's age, what are you going to ask for next my address? You wanna come and visit for dinner?

You're the one coming on here begging for Damen's attention not me. If you're Damen's age, don't you have work to be getting on with from home? Or do you consider running a Club Penguin army at your big age your job?

5,463 posts
Posted in The Return • 20th April 2020, 02:12 PM

RobertoLT wrote on 20th April 2020, 01:49 PM:
You still fangirling over me?

I feel sorry for you if the only way you gain thrill is from spamming snowballs and emotes on a kids game. Giving the current situation with the ongoing coronavius pandemic I'm pretty sure all mental health institutions are closed but when they reopen, please consider getting yourself checked out. There's clearly something seriously wrong with you if you think Club Penguin armies should still exist. How old are you again?

5,463 posts
Posted in The Return • 20th April 2020, 01:46 PM


5,463 posts
Posted in Apply to be a LeoRPG 2 Beta Tester • 19th April 2020, 05:55 PM

Do all former LeoRPG 2 beta testers have to reapply?

Edit: Just read the vacancy. It seems as though there is only four sought after beta testers so I'm assuming that all former LeoRPG 2 beta testers will have to reapply.

5,463 posts
Posted in stuff lex says • 16th April 2020, 06:51 PM

isn't lex just adorable

5,463 posts
Posted in Win a create request ($15 USD) • 16th April 2020, 07:57 AM

how about you just paypal me $15 instead

5,463 posts
Posted in Goodbye -Lloyd • 12th April 2020, 06:33 AM

You're an amazing friend and an outstanding moderator despite what those people said about you. You're fair and professional, well spoken and wise beyond your years. I'll always remember the long hours we put into playing LeoRPG together and the countless hours we spent making little websites that nobody cared about besides us, yet we still loved them. I'm glad this isn't goodbye for good because this community would never be the same without you.

5,463 posts
Posted in ban appeal • 11th April 2020, 01:52 PM

looks like only the goths can reply to this

5,463 posts
Posted in My Perspective • 10th April 2020, 07:53 AM

I've witnessed the same thing happen in multiple other communities - this is far from uncommon. Places like community forums and online games give people a platform to be whatever and whoever they want. A lot of people do lie about their age, gender, etc online to create a whole new identity for themselves, allowing them to create a false reality that is also quite comforting for the person at the same time because they no longer have to stick to whatever gender or age they were assigned to in real life. At this point, the internet becomes an escape for that person. They've created a whole new identity for themselves that only exists online.

Now that this brand new persona has been created, it seems very hard to escape from judging from the experiences I've viewed from others. It's not as if you can just decide to switch up again and create a whole new identity because at this point you're in too deep. A lot of people that fake their identity online don't realize that there will become a point where you're in too deep and it's usually at the point when you start making friends and other connections. You're now stuck as this fake persona that you have created and there's no way of escaping it without facing backlash and the constant worry of losing the people that you generally care for - the reason I believe Scott hid this for so long.

I do understand why the majority of the community is mad at Scott, it's expected. A lot of people may feel lied to or cheated, but we've got to understand the reasoning behind this and the lessons that can be learned from it. If anything positive has came out of this situation, be it the lessons that we have all learned about the severity of developing a fake persona online and letting it take over your virtual life. It's important that we take this seriously and also listen to both sides to form an overall opinion on this situation rather than simply attacking Scott when we have no idea what it's like to be in his situation.

Overall, I think we just need to learn to forgive and forget. Other people have been in a similar predicament on here before, take Sled for example. Sled had also hidden her gender online, for many years as far as I'm aware back when the Rile5 forum was a thing which I believe was possibly out of safety. I don't know if she carried out this lie into the DSGHQ community, but just know that this has happened before somewhat in this community, maybe not at this level of severity because Scott did also hide behind pictures of someone else alongside do some other questionable things under his Sadie persona, but this isn't anything new. This isn't a dig at Sled by the way, I'm glad she has found a community where she can finally be herself & I'm glad Scott has started to feel a sense of relief after withholding this lie for all of these years.

From this point on, following Tennis' recent post, things like this will no longer slide. Letting a fake persona take over your life is extremely unhealthy and harmful for many parties which is why a new set of rules have been put in place to combat against this. Failure to comply will result in consequence.

For more information regarding the new rules around this issue, here's a link to Tennis' post:

Stay true to yourself. That's all I have to say regarding what has occurred and I no longer wish to speak upon this after this point. What's done is done. The past is irreversible, so let's all move forward from this and make sure that things like this no longer arise from this point onwards.

5,463 posts
Posted in DSGHQ Addons • 6th April 2020, 01:20 PM

Damen wrote on 6th April 2020, 12:42 PM:
Nice. The only problem is with name color since I don't want people faking rank colors.
Would it be possible to block people from entering specific hex codes like #FF0000 and #0099FF for name colors? Also maybe warn or punish those that violate this and try to use other hex codes that look very similar to rank colors.

5,463 posts
Posted in DSGHQ Addons • 6th April 2020, 10:52 AM

It's been a while since the forum has had any significant updates and I think it's about due time so I thought I'd suggest bringing back a few former store addons that were removed just before the reopening of the forum.

1.) Namecolor

Namecolor was a classic forum addon that allowed individuals that purchased this addon to stand out. It created uniqueness and made the forum more colorful and could be changed to any color you desired.

2.) Nameglow

Nameglow is similar to to namecolor except it adds a glow around your username. This applied in all the same places namecolor did and this too was customizeable.

The CSS code:
text-shadow: #FF0000 0px 0px 0.2rem, #FF0000 0px 0px 0.2rem, #FF0000 0px 0px 0.2rem;
(Hex code would be replaced each time by the hex code assigned by the user)
I'd also like to add that this isn't the original nameglow CSS. After looking at the old glow it seemed more faded and less bold so I decided to change it up a bit.

3.) Rainbow nameglow

Rainbow nameglow was once again another old addon but a one loved by many. It was similar to regular nameglow, but instead combined multiple colors to create a rainbow glow effect.

CSS code:
text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #FF0000, 1px 1px 2px #FF3C00, 2px 2px 2px #FFFF00, 3px 3px 2px #00FF00, 3px 3px 2px #0000FF, 4px 4px 2px #9900FF;

These 3 addons really did add a whole other level to customization on the forum - something that is currently lacking at the moment. I'd really love to see these addons added back, and I'm sure others would too.

What's your opinion on these 3 addons? Is there any other former addons you'd like to see added back to the store, or is there any new additional addons you'd like to see added? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.

5,463 posts
Posted in MY REP WENT UP TOO? • 6th April 2020, 10:21 AM

that's awesome bro

5,463 posts
Posted in give me reputation • 6th April 2020, 09:08 AM

people have been gaining a lot of reputation recently and i wanna reach 10k after 7 years so help me out pls