Posted in
My Moderator Application
31st July 2014, 12:57 AM
To begin with, Thank you for viewing my application and I hope you like it. I have seen a lot of people applying for something and so here it is. I would like to be a Moderator for the following reasons...
I am a moderator or used to be a moderator in cloudCPPS, and I had a lot of fun during the process. When I was on cloudCPPS I was promoted to Staff Leader the next day. Unfortunately the website shut down due to money. Sad I really want to become something here. I was always lunch moderator in Elementary.
Reasons Why:
I love to help people and let them know what they did wrong. Helping is something I love to do. I also really want some variety in my time of being a kid, I want something to remember me by, I want to take it step by step and I believe this would be the first step. Throughout my time that I was not on, I have gotten more mature and I will not goof around with my work. I am trusted and nice. I know the rules and what I should be doing the rules are:3 kicks=1 ban 3 bans= 1 IpBan.
Name and Age:
My name is Jillian as my name on the forums is and I am 13 and I am a very good person. I love to help people out from Babysitting to Community Service
What Will I Do?:
As Mod I will not Disrespect it. I will do the following....
~Follow The Rules
~Make Sure Others Follow The Rules
~Help Others With Anything
~Have Fun And Be Safe
~Follow The Rules
~Make Sure Others Follow The Rules
~Help Others With Anything
~Have Fun And Be Safe
Thank You:
Thank you for looking at this application and I hoped you liked it and I become moderator. See you around. Bye!
Posted in
Quote of the Day
30th July 2014, 01:41 PM
The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were Yesterday
Thank you I hope you like it
Posted in
Bullying Speech
11th July 2014, 03:38 PM
Wow that was amazing and very thoughtful to take your time and do that. Very good. +1
Posted in
Quote of the Day
11th July 2014, 02:51 PM
Happiness is a Journey, not a Destination...
Thank you, I hoped you liked it
Jillian6009 AKA Oldcpgirl
Jillian6009 AKA Oldcpgirl
Posted in
Quote of the Day
2nd July 2014, 10:28 PM
great insperation and i like youre post great job
Thank you so much and I'm so glad you liked it! +1 for you!!!
Posted in
Quote of the Day
2nd July 2014, 10:26 PM
A bad attitude is like a Flat Tire, if you don't change it, You'll never go anywhere.
Thank you hope you like it,
Jillian6009 AKA Oldcpgirl
Jillian6009 AKA Oldcpgirl
Posted in
Quote of the Day
1st July 2014, 06:39 PM
Everyone has been doing these, but not everyday. Nice quote btw. +1
I know but I am the one who originally started these quotes and thanks for the like +1.
Posted in
Quote of the Day
1st July 2014, 06:35 PM
Be yourself because an Original is much more than a Copy
Thank you I hoped you like it,
Jillian6009 AKA Oldcpgirl
Jillian6009 AKA Oldcpgirl
Posted in
Who Noticed?
1st July 2014, 06:31 PM
They quit for attention. Nothing else. The only real quitters are people who don't come on after they go.
Most of you just come back, attention.
Most of you just come back, attention.
Thats very true Damen they make such a big commotion
Posted in
Knight Application ~iKaitlyn~
20th June 2014, 12:30 AM
I hope you get it iKaitlyn! Amazing application +1
Posted in
Who Noticed?
20th June 2014, 12:28 AM
I understand with you but others are for not very good reasons! You had something to do with your Mom and a rule!
Posted in
/popular not working
20th June 2014, 12:22 AM
Nothing happened here on my commuter maybe it was a glitch or something.
Posted in
Who Noticed?
20th June 2014, 12:20 AM
Has anyone noticed how a lot of penguins are leaving old cp! Obviously this is a bad thing because club penguin is so awesome and it is so sad to see people leaving oldcp! I hope other know this so we can at least try and stop people from going! So far I have only seen 4 people go and 2 people deciding if they wanted to go and I tried to stop them and I think I did. Anyway for those of you leaving I will miss you and thanks for at least applying but remember If you were really meant to leave you would not have joined this website.
Thank you,
Jillian6009 AKA Oldcpgirl
Jillian6009 AKA Oldcpgirl