106 posts
Posted in Air bending Magic • 5th January 2014, 08:34 PM

It actually worked for me. It took me three times and it worked. Also are you doing these from Avatar?
Maybe but its different then what they do

106 posts
Posted in Air bending Magic • 5th January 2014, 08:19 PM


Airbending is almost all defence, with only a few defensive moves. For defence an airbender could project a shield of air, then for offence an airbender could shoot air at an opponent. Air is the most dynamic of the four bending arts, as airbenders often jump around to dodge attacks. Airbenders can overwhelm many opponents at once, with air barriers, shields, swipes, and blasts. Air is the easiest element to bend, but it does have a few weaknesses.

Unlike elements like Water and Earth, airbenders are hard to seperate from their element. That is good, but if an airbender is enclosed in a small space, they cannot dodge attacks, and they will most likely loose the battle. Airbending might have a few offensive moves, but they do not have any final, fatal moves. It is hard to win a battle using airbending. Now, onto techniques?

Wind Summon:

Airbending is the easiest element to bend, as air is the most dynamic element. The Wind Summon is very easy, even for beginners. All you need to do is fuse your chi with the wind. Now visualize a white, moon-like substance, your chi, bubbling up from your stomach, flowing through your chest, into your arms, and out your fingers. Visualize the chi moving along with the wind, and then move your hands, and the chi, up. You should feel a bit of wind on your face. It should take you a few tries to even get a slight breeze. Practice this for a few days before going on to the next technique.

Wind Gust:

Coming soon...

Air Shield:

Coming soon...

Air Barrier:

Coming soon...

Air Blast:

Coming soon...

Air Punch/Kick:

Coming soon...

Air Scooter:

Coming soon...

Air Suction:

Coming soon...

Enhanced Speed:

Coming soon...

Air Wake:

Coming soon...

Air Conussor:

Coming soon...

Air Sphere:

Coming soon...

Mini Tornado:

Coming soon...


Coming soon...

106 posts
Posted in Earth bending • 5th January 2014, 08:16 PM

At first this was playing around but now it's starting to creep me out.
what do you mean?

106 posts
Posted in Earth bending • 5th January 2014, 08:16 PM

can you please stop with all this witch craft! Witch craft can bring demons!
1. this the thing about bending is not witch craft its using ur chi and chi is like magic
2. witchcraft if I post and I say its witchcraft then its witchcraft this is not witchcraft

106 posts
Posted in A Simple Teleportation But Won • 4th January 2014, 03:03 PM

Ahh, those words are hard to memorise.

I just kept saying them again and again until I know them by heart

106 posts
Posted in A Simple Teleportation But Won • 4th January 2014, 02:57 PM

Sounds cool! I might try it.

its a very hard spell so keep trying it I have not even fully mastered it

106 posts
Posted in A Simple Teleportation But Won • 4th January 2014, 11:53 AM

A Simple Teleportation, But Won't Get You Far

You will need the following items for this spell:


• I highly suggest daytime, but nighttime is fine too.


• In your house, any room.


• No ingrediants are needed for the following spell.

This spell will get you to rooms and such in your house. It's simple, nothing needed for it to work, but you can't just suddenly go to Asia. Now, read on.

Casting Instructions for 'A Simple Teleportation, But Won't Get You Far Spell'

Close your eyes. Think of the room you're in now. Collect all details; wall colors, objects within the room, anything near you. Now imagine either of the two:

1. The room is twisting and turns faster and faster.

2. You suddenly fall into blackness.

After thinking of those two, think of the room you'd like to be in. Also include all objects, wall colors, etc. in that room. It should look like the room has suddenly changed to that room. Replay this as many times as you can in your head, and say the following spell:

"Walking is a burden.
Now the walls are turning.
Twist and change,
This room is a pain.
Go to (room name here) in time,
Faster than when I flip a dime.
Be there now,
Be there yet.
Teleport me there,
Now I can go anywhere."

Repeat as many times possible. You may or may not feel the room change. But be very calm when doing this, be relaxed and settle. This may take a while, a few minutes maybe, but after time to time and with practice, you can teleport even faster. Next time, try teleporting in school; that'll get some ohhhs and ahhhs, but make sure nobody sees you... yeah...

Also, when doing this spell, make sure to include WHERE you'd like to be when you enter the room. You don't want to teleport and find that your lower body has turned into a couch! But that's RARE, I highly doubt it'll happen. In fact, I doubt it'll happen at all. Also, remember, make sure you include EXTREME detail! You may just think of the word living room, and find yourself at the next door neighbor's house! Be careful!

P.S don't comment and say the spell did not work cuz I'm still working on teleporting but when I did this spell I almost got it I felt my body somewhere else my bed sheets turning hard like the floor of my living room and I was there for a moment and I opened my eye's and I was in my living room but then I closed my eye's and the felt it happen in reverse and then I was back where I started

106 posts
Posted in Thank you and gracious wishes • 2nd January 2014, 11:48 PM


Hey guys,


I want to prepare a really nice post for you guys. Let's just start by saying, you're the best. You guys are so loyal to my games and so nice to them and me. You're dedicated, self-sacrificing, loyal, caring, forgiving, happy bunch of smashing people.


You never abandoned me when oldcp went down, you never abandoned me ever.... You are all really kind to have stayed until my next project and hopefully beyond!


So i want to say thank you sooo much for making DamenSpike Games HQ happen because of your loyalty. Thank you for using the forum which I made, I never thought it would be the only thing left, nor something so well used.


I am happy to have such a great userbase, so best wishes and fishes and dishes and pizza to you all!


<img src='' width='400'/>


I cannot wait to start another year, and another game with you all!


Long live the DSGHQ!!!
Nice Post Damen! You have made me happy :) ~Luke

Nice profile picture

106 posts
Posted in Spell to Gain Powers • 2nd January 2014, 04:53 PM

My hands tingeld and nothing else happend this is... I don't know what to say.
you need to imag in what you want to happen start with something small like snowflakes

106 posts
Posted in membership • 31st December 2013, 10:46 PM

Hi guys i was so close in getting a membership but my mom wouldn't because she thought i was too focused on the game so she didn't :( I hope i get it soon

I can help go to my page on the forums and go to my wish granting site if you do what I say ur wish will come true if the wish does not work then there must be a reason

106 posts
Posted in Earth bending • 31st December 2013, 10:33 PM


Earthbending is the second element. Earthbending is about equal in offence and defence, throwing rocks at an enemy, projecting a rock up to act like a shield, then throwing the shield at the opponent. There are some advanced methods of offence and defence for earthbending, such as fissures to knock an opponent off their feet, and fitting rocks around the earthbender's body to act as armor. However, Earthbending does have some weaknesses.

Earthbenders are connected to the earth. If an earthbender is removed from a strip of earth, like inside a wooden or metal box, they lose their ability to bend. If an earthbender's feet are bound, they cannot bend. This is the opposite of waterbending, as waterbenders use their hands to bend. Now onto techniques?

Stone Levitation:

This is the first basic technique to earthbending. It is pretty hard, but, once you get it, it should be easy. Get a pebble or small stone, and take it out in front of you. Now, close your eyes and visualize a white, moon-like substance, your chi, bubbling up from your stomach. Imagine it going up your chest, through your arms, out your fingers, and into the pebble. Slowly raise your hand and imagine the strand of chi connecting your fingers to the pebble, and raising it up, like a puppet string. Open your eyes, and the rock should be floating in the air.

Stone Throw:

Coming soon...

Stone Split:

Coming soon...

Greater Stone Levitation:

Coming soon...

Splitting Stones from the Ground:

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Rock Shield:

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Earth Sinking:

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Earth Blocks:

Coming soon...

Earth Gaunlet:

Coming soon...

Rock Slide:

Coming soon...

Earth Column:

Coming soon...

Earth Wall:

Coming soon...

Earth Line:

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Earth Launch:

Coming soon...

Earth Compression:

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Earth Armor:

Coming soon...

Earth Tunneling:

Coming soon...

Seismic Sense:

Coming soon...

Earth Wave:

Coming soon...

Earth Bomb:

Coming soon...

Compressed Rock Bullets:

Coming soon...

106 posts
Posted in Spell to Gain Powers • 31st December 2013, 10:13 PM

Well that's really cool! I mean you can't make a palace out of it (not to spoil anything about the movie) but at least you can make snowflakes!

I'm getting better at it now I can do everthing that Elsa can do ecept make a castle and make marshmellow I can make a snowman

106 posts
Posted in master your chi Airbending • 31st December 2013, 10:01 PM

Oh, and it worked! Wow!

good I thought I did not explain it enough

106 posts
Posted in Talk about my picture • 31st December 2013, 09:59 PM

Ok you lied, you said you committed suicide and i'm happy you didn't so don't lie like that it got me really worried!!

I did not write the post saying I was going to kill myself someone got in to my account

106 posts
Posted in master your chi Airbending • 31st December 2013, 09:58 PM

This is cool! I mean I even felt coldness! I do have a lot of training to do but hopefully it will work a lot better as I continue. I am also sorry if you get any negitave comments, ignore those people. I have been on your side ever since you taught me how to cure a sore throat. I think you deserve more respect than what you've been getting by other people.

Thank you its kinda hard to explain the this post do you understand it?