23 posts
Posted in Mature Section Suggestion/Rank • 23rd December 2013, 09:46 AM

Hello penguins! Last night I was thinking about how a lot of penguins on this forum are young, and how many rules have been made to restrict them from seeing things they shouldn't like evidence of penguins saying bad words. This is why I thought of having a rank called: Mature.

Mature would be after Master, and would have the color of dark green. Mature is also so that penguins can say evidence and things like that, in the Mature section, which would also be only for Mature and up.

This is how it would work:

When you get Master or if you have been Master, you will be able to take the Maturity test.

The maturity test would ask things like: "What is your age?" and "How did you earn Master?"

If you fail, you are a Master still, and if you pass, you are now a newly made Mature.

You would be able to post in the Mature section, and post things that little kids are not supposed to hear like telling who you like, along with you are still not able to cuss, only show proof.
I would love this idea to happen, for kids would still be safe, while we can still show evidence, and act like the big kids we are :) Comment below on what you think about this, and tell me why or why not this should be a new section and rank. Have a nice day!


23 posts
Posted in Imposter! • 22nd December 2013, 06:53 PM

I am sure Damen would only go on his profile that is Administrator, and he would not use a regular snail's, and he has all badges and clothing. I see you have nice proof, and that would go well with this post! But, I am 99.9% sure Damen is not on SnailsChat. Good job for getting proof, and next time make a little bigger post about it, but other than that you did well!

23 posts
Posted in I have been made Member • 22nd December 2013, 06:50 PM

Hello penguins! Last night, I was made a Member by Chelsey, and she told me what I have been doing right. Here is what she said:
It seems all of your posts are very helpful and you've a good reputation, as well. Keep it up and you'll become master in no time.

I would like to thank you all for supporting me, a new penguin to the forums, for all of you gave me a nice, warm welcome the first time I made a post. I have only been here for 4 days, but I have found my true Forum.

I want to keep this up by helping penguins of what I have been taught, follow all rules, abide by Moderators/Administrators, make helpful posts, use my knowledge for good, work to be trust-worthy, and to be active every week except for vacations.

Once again, thank you all for your support, and I will see you around the forum!

"Just keep swimming"

23 posts
Posted in Moods "Show more" • 22nd December 2013, 06:42 PM

I would like that very much! There are some posts that are too long to read, and they are good and all, but some take up half the mood page. There are also some moods that rack up about 20 sub-posts on it, and they go all the way to the bottom. This is a great idea, for it can solve both of these! (Except for the second one, where we could have a character amount of something like 20 characters.)

23 posts
Posted in quotes when you feel down • 21st December 2013, 10:54 PM

I love quotes like this! They make you feel upright again when you are down, when you are alone it makes you feel accompanied. My personal favorite one is:

"When life gets tough, and the weak gets thrown, don't run like a dog, but chew on your bone."

23 posts
Posted in STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! • 21st December 2013, 09:49 PM

Fashionista, drama is not going to make you feel better, nor will it solve any problem. But you cannot be angry because of this. You can live life the way it was before, happy and cheery, or you can keep stressing out on this. I would suggest that you be happy and let it go, and start fresh :)

23 posts
Posted in SnailsChat Trade • 21st December 2013, 07:17 PM

Hi penguins! I have some ideas for SnailChat, and it would kind of be something that you would use with your currency, and it would be a "Trade".
SnailsChat Trade- My suggestion is that we should be able to trade with other Snails, and here is how it would go:

You would ask someone to trade on their profile.

If they accept, there would be a Trade showing with your on one side, and the other Snail's on the other.

You would be able to trade say Crown [2] for 1400 coins, or whatever you want to deal them.

This would be a fun thing to try out, and you can sell to Snails, or buy from Snails.
I was thinking about another idea for SnailsChat: More items. If my idea for Trading came alive, we would need more items, rarer items, so Snails can trade things that are not in stock anymore. There would be like weekly items, or Daily items, and you would not be able to get them anywhere else other than Trading for one with another snail.

Thank you for listening, and I would like if you commented on what you think about my SnailsChat Ideas! Good-bye now!

23 posts
Posted in SnailsChat TV tryouts! • 21st December 2013, 07:08 PM

Hey guys, im making a tv show for snailschat, i need about 3 actors. Comment if u want in! We will film whenever we can and post to youtube and stuff and I will link it here! It will be comedy and really cool!

Hello Tennis! I would like to try-out, for I am on every day, about a few hours too. I am a trusty friend, and I would go with whatever you want to do. I would love doing this "Acting" job, for I would like experience in this type, and it would be much fun to have with you Tennis!

And also, would this be for SnailsChat, Penguin Chat 4, the forums, or another place?

Thank you for hosting this!

23 posts
Posted in New section • 21st December 2013, 07:04 PM

This is very nice of you for doing these "What you can put in the new sections" post, and we all appreciate it, but you can just wave your mouse over a category, wait for a second, keep it there, and it will show up with something like: "Minecraft stuff and pictures...". But great job summing this up and telling others what they can put in this section!

23 posts
Posted in When you log off, • 21st December 2013, 02:36 PM

Yes it didn't happen to me either.Though at least it doesn't cause an issue or problem to you?

It seems at Damen has fixed it after I said it this morning. Thank you for your concern though!

23 posts
Posted in No rank? • 21st December 2013, 02:33 PM

I looked into this a little more, and the rank "Banned" is now considered Blank. I am not sure why, but that is what it is so far. Maybe Damen forgot to add it, or it is a glitch, or maybe that is the new way it is, but Banned is blank now. Thank you for telling us!

23 posts
Posted in Welcome to the Damenspike Games HQ • 21st December 2013, 02:22 PM

Nice job! Although, I would be a little more descriptive, such as:

"Welcome! As you can see, Damen has gave the Forum and other Damen Games a new "Re-birth", and they have new links. If it was, it is now If it was, it would be

The "Series" has multiple games such as:
  • SnailsChat (A newly remake of it)
  • Penguin Isles (A game that will probably come out next year)
  • This here forum (The DamenSpike Community for DamenSpike Games HQ)
  • Penguin Chat 4

There is much more to them such as rules, and you can look those up in "Search". Have a nice day!"

That is only a little of what it would look like with more description, but you did a great job!

23 posts
Posted in New Section • 21st December 2013, 01:55 PM

Ogwan people! CPBiter here!

If you haven't noticed there is a new category. It is the snailschat category. This is what you should do in there:

1. Only post about things going on in snailschat

2. Report players for snailschat.

3. Tell about new people.

4. Tell about what items your snail has.

5. Say how much coins you have.

Give loads of detail though.

Thank you very much for telling us, but I think you would report a snail on SnailsChat on "Reports" for that should be used for any of Damen's games. Great job though!

23 posts
Posted in Keyboard Techniques • 21st December 2013, 01:10 PM

Hello penguins! I wanted to share with you some keyboard techniques I have learned since I have gotten here that might help you :D

The first one is a whole line across.

First, you type on the - button.
Second, you will keep typing that for about a half whole line.
It shall come up like this:
The second technique is Smileys.

The first one, a happy face, is : and )
The second one, the happier face is : and D
The third one, the sad face, is : and (
The fourth one, the suprised one, is : and O
The fifth one, The mustached one, is : and 3
The sixth one, the Cool one, is B and )
The seventh one, the silly face, is : and P
The eighth one, the awkward face, is : and /
The ninth one, the second silly face, is : and s
The tenth and final one, the winking one, is ; and )
The third technique is Preview. This technique helps you when you are finished with your discussion or post, you will click on the Preview when you are done. This helps you when you have a picture or commands, and want to know if they all work when you Post your discussion/post.
If you need any other help, you can Private Message me, or you can ask me right here, and I can tell you most that I know. Thank you for reading!


23 posts
Posted in When you log off, • 21st December 2013, 12:26 PM

Hello penguins of DamenSpike Games HQ! I am informing you that whenever I log-out, I notice it leads me to a screen that says "The page you are looking for cannot be found". This only happens when you log-out, and I notice since the change of the website url from:

It has been changing when you log-out, and leading you to a blank screen. I am sure this is Because of the new link, but I would love for this to be fixed. Thank you for listening!