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Posted in Bullying and Strike • 30th July 2014, 11:31 AM

Okay, fine fine fine. You do have a point Damen, infact a good one. I was just upset; you said something to my friend and it hurt me to. I was just seeking an apoligie. I wanted to be on your good side, Damen and I never wanted to upset you or offend you in anyway. Now I'm being sent to death? Damen that PM was how I truly felt. I'm sorry. I just didn't know what to do, I was fed up. All I seeked was an apoligie, and now all I seek is your forgiveness. I'm not sure if your upset because I talked about you on mirai...? but I admit, yes, me and a few friends talked about you on mirai. Damen we're kinda even, you give me the badge of poop and I'm a tratior. Once again I ask for another chance and forgiveness, I know you'll probably won't but I just want you to understand I stood up for a friend. That's what I do, that's my personallity. If I'm still talking 'poop' then that's just fine with me, atleast I'm making sense to myself and probably everyone else, and Damen if you read the PM again I said nothing that shows hate. I just wanted you to understand you have a harsh way of handling things. I'm sorry I let you down, Sunset. And I'm sorry Damen.