56 posts
Posted in Diamond Spongebob!!! • 24th December 2013, 04:27 PM

Hey guys!! Hope/Freedom here!!! My Minecraft name is Tiger366. Well my brother and I were playing Minecraft. We made ladders to a little piece of land on the sky. We got bored so we decided to make a slide all the way to the water. It took FOREVER!!! We put diamonds in the middle and yellow blocks on the slide. I named it Diamond SpongeBob. LOL!!! Sorry I didn't put a picture!! There was some errors on my computer!!! It was really cool. I plan to make another slide the 26th because I think it would be rude for my relatives to think I just don't want to see them ignoring them by playing. It would be called Christmas Spirit. Remember try to see me on Minecraft!!!

56 posts
Posted in Meet Gary The Zombie • 24th December 2013, 04:14 PM

Hello Mr. Gary. I would like to get to get a horse for Christmas. If you don't let my Minecraft wolves eat you!!!

56 posts
Posted in R.I.P. Nala 12/13/13 • 24th December 2013, 04:07 PM

I had a guinea pig and 2 dogs that died. And turtle. R.I.P Taco, Jock, Daisy, and Fluffy.

56 posts
Posted in Party! • 24th December 2013, 01:36 PM

Party at Club Penguin right now!!!

Server: Rainbow

My Name: Baller1205

Time: NOW!!

Place : Dock

Please put your name below! Sorry so short!

Hope To Catch Your Freedom!! - Hope/ Freedom

56 posts
Posted in ~Time with May~ Minecraft Mishaps! • 24th December 2013, 12:44 PM

I play Minecraft but not that much survival just creative. So I was glad I was in creative. I am on this little piece of land on the sky. And I decide to make a diamond slide. Some of it was yellow. I named it Diamond SpongeBob. LOL! Well when I was done I tried it and fell into lava. I was trying to fall into water. But lava is what I got. Btw Do any of you play Minecraft Hunger Games??

56 posts
Posted in Guess The Logo • 24th December 2013, 12:17 PM

1 : Windows 2: Jordan 3: Sherlock Holmes 4: Boomerang from cartoon network

baller your the winner!


56 posts
Posted in Guess The Logo • 24th December 2013, 11:33 AM

1 : Windows 2: Jordan 3: Sherlock Holmes 4: Boomerang from cartoon network

56 posts
Posted in Chapter 2 Let It Snow! • 24th December 2013, 11:28 AM

Before you read this please see chapter 1!! Its called Chapter 1 Of Freedom!

''Its snowing!'' Valerie yelled. She ran to John's house and knocked on the door. His dad came out asking, '' Yes Valerie?'' '' John. Can you bring out John?'' Valerie asked. John came from downstairs. '' Did you see any awesome snowflakes?'' John asked. Valerie nodded no. Yes Valerie was smart but also a bit childish. John was too but less. Valerie still played battles of ice powers but John didn't care. He still loved her but Valerie just saw it as friends. Valerie was 13 and her ice princess talk was pretty cool. She got a snowball and threw it at John's face. She whistled and her little sister Alexis came out. Alexis was only 7 but she was like Valerie. Skillful, Blonde, and all the features. They all got that from there father. Alexis ran up to John about to tackle him. Before you knew it John was laying down on the floor being picked up by Valerie. ''Ouch.'' John murmured. Alexis ran out inside to the house. ''This is the best day ever!'' John yelled. It was Christmas break. ''I can't wait for Christmas.'' Valerie said. Valerie got up and whispered,'' I am going to New York tomorrow for one day.'' John was shocked.

Figure out what happens next in chapter 3!!

Hope To Catch Your Freedom - Hope / Freedom

56 posts
Posted in Chapter 1 Of Freedom • 23rd December 2013, 11:43 PM

Sorry I didn't finish the Herdmans story!! I was just so busy!

''Go ahead.'' Valerie said letting the wind push her blonde hair. Valerie waited with patience. 14 year old John trembled with fear. Every Saturday they went to the cliff next to their Public Park. Valerie mumbled, '' I gave you that quarter for you to jump off the cliff to the water.'' John gave her the quarter saying,'' Keep your shiny quarter. I am sure you don't want your precious quarter to get wet.'' He put it next to a bush and jumped. ''Toss me a quarter. I will do it.'' I asked. Valerie took off her sweater. She jumped in with her pajamas and slippers. ''Hey! You need to take off your slippers like me!'' John yelled. He grabbed for Valerie. She swam to a rock and climbed to land. She ran saying,'' Can't catch me!'' That girl DID have skill. She jumped off logs to the house. She leaned against the door complaining, '' Its locked!'' John grabbed her laughing. Valerie pushed John off the porch stairs laughing. She blasted into the house leaving John figuring out that she lied about the locked door. That moment John knew he liked Valerie.

To Be Continued...

56 posts
Posted in The Sadie Show! • 23rd December 2013, 11:24 PM

What the hell is this?
Please don't cuss. Sadie is trying her best. I thought this was really good! Love the weather part!!

Hope To Catch Your Freedom - Hope/ Freedom

56 posts
Posted in Happy bday me :D • 23rd December 2013, 11:16 PM

I am so old. Turning 14 on March 12. LOL SO OLD!!

56 posts
Posted in My Demotion. • 23rd December 2013, 09:44 PM

You may be demoted but your still our mod. This will be easy for you to get back. Two words and you have both. Faith Positive

Hope To Catch Your Freedom!- Hope/ Freedom

56 posts
Posted in What are you getting people? • 23rd December 2013, 09:38 PM

I am getting clothes.
This really cool necklace with a little boy with diamonds. All silver Pink arm.
My 6th bike.
And more!!!
P.S Tell you half the gifts I got tomorrow!

56 posts
Posted in A party • 23rd December 2013, 12:15 PM

He was M R G O L D. I was going crazy. He Is A HACKER!!!!! I thought MiMe said that was going to be his name.

56 posts
Posted in Would you Rather? • 23rd December 2013, 12:12 PM

Moderator on Forums

Would you rather be a vampire or werewolf?