DarkyDarky's Posts
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Caught Cursing Me :(
23rd February 2014, 07:59 AM
Oh no! Thats really mean why did they do that?! poor nero
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Terry demoted?
23rd February 2014, 07:16 AM
Ummm NOOOOOO its gone out of my head!!! we nearly solved the hacker problem
Posted in
Terry demoted?
23rd February 2014, 07:06 AM
Awww I hate hackers... WAIT A SECOND I saw someone say something like Terrys gonna get demoted when he was a moderator and he said they're was gonna be a hacker and terry will do something bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No lie!
Posted in
OldCP Isnt Working3
23rd February 2014, 07:03 AM
I dont know about that because I was working okay anyway you needed to have no play
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500th Reputiton!
23rd February 2014, 06:59 AM
Well done Declan and good luck for 1000 posts!
Posted in
23rd February 2014, 06:53 AM
Ummm... All I know is that: I got hacked before OldCP was temporellily shut down (sorry spelling) I'm not hacked now and I am NOT the hacker and Dice and Mike are not hackers either good luck the investigation!
- Darky
- Darky
Posted in
Terry demoted?
23rd February 2014, 06:42 AM
I came on today and found that Terry was demoted!!! Yes one of my favourite moderators is demoted! I'm so upset I hope he becomes a moderator again!
P.S Please explain why hes demoted
P.S Please explain why hes demoted